Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 656 The essence of traditional craftsmanship

Coming over was the aircraft carrier USS George Washington, which had stopped briefly in Kaidao for supplies, and its six frigates, including two Spur-class guided missile cruisers, three Burke-class guided missile destroyers, and a Luo Pheasant-class nuclear attack submarine.

After receiving the order, they headed west at full speed. Three hours later, they dispatched three batches of six Super Hornet carrier-based fighters to conduct westward reconnaissance.

Combating piracy is the natural mission of all countries around the world. The simulated blue army is actually hesitating whether it is inappropriate to run over and confront the red army at this time. However, they believed that doing so would better temper the Red Army troops, so they basically made the purpose clear.

Anyway, the simulated blue army likes to use some dirty tricks, and the red army has long been used to it. Many times when the Navy and Air Force were in confrontation with their brother forces, the simulated blue army suddenly intervened, which really made everyone a little confused.

The USS George Washington aircraft carrier battle group was heading west at full speed, reaching a speed of thirty knots. As the distance from the Overlord Islands gets closer, the airborne time of the carrier-based fighters taking off from the USS George Washington will continue to be extended. With the strength of the George Washington's more than 40 carrier-based fighters and carrier-based attack aircraft, the Overlord Islands' Air supremacy is in danger of changing hands.

The former commander immediately asked for instructions and reported, and quickly adjusted the combat deployment, mainly to increase the number of troops. The two air force divisions stationed in the southeast received orders and were ready to take off for combat at any time. The remaining ships of the Second Fleet quickly moved closer to the combat sea area, first forming a suppressed state on the periphery.

Although it is a simulated confrontation with the simulated blue army, the number of troops that should be dispatched must not be less at all. On the contrary, because there will not be a contact confrontation, more troops need to be dispatched to form a deterrent. In fact, simulating the Blue Army troops to do this is equivalent to helping the West Pacific pirates contain Li Zhan's troops, which is obviously not a good idea.

Tiger Squadron sent the target parameters, and they successfully found a row of half-buried bunkers. There were actually eight of them. Judging from the security situation, there must be aircraft inside. Yuan Boning confirmed the target and reported the parameters, and then immediately moved to the dock. The plan is to use ships at the dock to infiltrate Island A, which may require close fire support from Gaoxin-P.

Li Zhan quickly entered the attack route, locked the target, and launched all external bombs except aircraft fire. Except for 500-kilogram bombs, it is difficult for other bombs to destroy the semi-buried permanent aircraft fort. Therefore, when setting the aiming point, Li Zhan deliberately chose the location of the entrance to the aircraft fort. Even if the aircraft cannot destroy the aircraft fort, the fighter can Trapping it or causing damage to it can also achieve the purpose of destroying enemy air power.

Temporarily handing over the control of the plane to Guo Beimu, Li Zhan turned around and monitored the ammunition attack with ordnance engineer Yang Shuwen. At the same time, preparations were made for airborne bombardment. The 105mm caliber artillery could cause damage to the semi-buried machine fort.

The photoelectric head on the nose can provide good field of view and visibility at night. The LS-6 rocket-propelled precision-guided bomb goes straight to the target very quickly. When it reaches the target, it will enter a vertical dive state. Increasing the flight speed also increases the Kinetic energy, attacks the top of the target, the effect is very good.

There are many anti-aircraft artillery and some short-range anti-aircraft missiles deployed around the semi-buried machine fort, all of which can rely on their own fire control systems to attack targets. In order to ensure safety, Gaoxin-P always maintained a distance of 20 kilometers from the target, and lowered its altitude slightly after firing the ammunition. Those anti-aircraft artillery and short-range anti-aircraft missiles were temporarily ineffective. The problem was that they were nervous and all In blind shooting.

This made Li Zhan overjoyed - Zhengchou didn't know where you were.

He quickly powered on the aircraft fire launcher, and at the same time, with the cooperation of Yang Shuwen, marked out all the exposed ground anti-aircraft firepower.

"Old battalion commander! You continue to control the aircraft! Point the nose of the aircraft at the aircraft castle! I am responsible for the aircraft fire aiming attack!" Li Zhan said quickly.

Guo Beimu said, "No problem!"

Gaoxin-P turned a corner and came back, while flying at full throttle and still maintaining a relatively low altitude. The aircraft fire launcher pylon mounted on the Hi-tech-P can move up, down, left and right at a certain angle, so even if the aircraft keeps its nose stationary, the shooter can still control the mobile pylon to aim the aircraft fire at the target.

The LS-6 ammunition hit the target one after another, and a thick line of fire suddenly exploded in the middle of the anti-aircraft fire guard. It was the fire that burst out after the ammunition hit the machine fort. At this time, everyone's attention was attracted by the bombed aircraft fort, and Li Zhan seized this rare opportunity.

Guo Beimu's cooperation was very tacit. He suddenly climbed up and pressed the nose of the aircraft roughly towards the direction of the aircraft fort. At this time, Li Zhan quickly locked the air defense position with the brightest fire and decisively pressed the launch button. Two 90mm caliber aircraft fire launchers spit out rockets, firing a straight fire dragon at night, shooting straight towards the air defense position.

The air defense position deployed with four double-barreled anti-aircraft guns was unable to react at all and was overturned under the bombardment of more than a dozen aircraft fires. The double-barreled anti-aircraft cannon that was firing wildly suddenly went silent.

Li Zhan quickly adjusted his aiming point and continued to attack other air defense positions. The aircraft fire continued. The Gaoxin-P was like an aerial monster that could stick out its tongue, constantly harvesting the lives of ground targets with deadly weapons and ammunition.

In just ten seconds, Li Zhan destroyed all the aircraft fire, and all of them hit the target, which impressed Guo Beimu. He knew that Li Zhan was superb at flying airplanes, but he had never seen Li Zhan be so proficient in flying airplanes.

You must know that there are several air defense positions scattered around the aircraft fort, and the Gaoxin-P dived at a small angle from a position of ten kilometers, which means that Li Zhan fired at least from a distance of seven or eight kilometers, so far away To be able to achieve such a hit rate from such a distance can be called an aerial sniper.

"Get away!" Li Zhan shouted after finishing his attack.

Guo Beimu suddenly pulled the lever and pedaled the rudder. The Gaoxin-P climbed and turned at a large angle to the right, quickly disappearing from the sight of the remaining enemies on the ground.

The results were far greater than Li Zhan imagined.

First of all, all eight semi-buried bunkers were destroyed. Three of them collapsed completely, and the fighter planes and maintenance personnel inside were buried. The other five bunkers were damaged to varying degrees. The fighter planes inside were definitely not alive. saved.

The most coincidental thing is that those fighter planes were equipped with live ammunition and were ready to be dispatched at any time. They had to hide in the castle after the runway was destroyed. Under the bombing, all the ammunition mounted on the fighter plane exploded, and the fighter plane was completely torn apart. Even the value of picking up spare parts to use as aviation materials was gone.

What troubled the West Pacific pirates was that when Li Zhan attacked those air defense positions, the largest position with four double-barreled anti-aircraft guns happened to welcome the commander of the main island garrison and his troops. There are also two short-range anti-aircraft missile launch vehicles and related ammunition that have not yet had time to deploy.

Under Li Zhan's aircraft fire attack, the ammunition exploded, and then the entire position was almost leveled. The commander of the main island garrison and his staff were all killed. In other words, the insects on the main island are now leaderless.

Statistics after the event showed that the aircraft fire attack on this main air defense position alone resulted in more than 30 casualties, more than 70 injuries, and the loss of four double-barreled anti-aircraft guns and two short-range anti-aircraft missile launch vehicles to the West Pacific pirates. and the huge loss of associated support vehicles.

The price paid by Gaoxin-P is only dozens of aircraft fires.

Firing aviation rockets is a traditional skill of our army's aviation unit, and Li Zhan has taken it to the extreme. Dozens of extremely cheap aviation rockets have actually achieved combat effects that are difficult to achieve with many air-to-ground missiles and precision-guided munitions. , is undoubtedly the highest level in the aviation fire industry.

Now, the only thing Li Zhan can control is the 730 cannon on the nose of the aircraft. There are only more than 200 rounds of ammunition left. He can still fire twice in a short time without using it. This makes Li Zhan, a super ace, fight The pilot felt unsatisfied.

Gaoxin-P does not have an external auxiliary fuel tank.

Yuan Boning suddenly reported: "High-tech Gang P, our unit has moved to Island A and can destroy the dock! Over!"

"High-tech bar P received, Tiger, you have to speed up! It's over!" Li Zhan reminded Yuan Boning.


Guo Beimu frowned and said, "While the main island was under fierce attack, the garrison on Island A did not move at all. It seems that Tojo Ikki is very calm."

It was originally thought that after the main island was attacked, the garrison troops on Island A would rush to reinforce the main island. The distance between the two islands was only a dozen nautical miles, and it took half an hour for reinforcements to arrive. However, the garrison on Island A did not move at all, thus defeating the purpose of mobilizing the enemy forces on Island A.

Li Zhan had considered this issue. He twitched his lips and said, "I think he is afraid of death, but this way we can at least be sure that Tojo Ichiji is still on Island A. But the Tiger Squadron may have to endure more It’s a lot of pressure.”

Guo Beimu returned the control of the plane to Li Zhan and said in a deep voice, "Yes, the situation in the Tiger Squadron has become more tense, and the appearance of the simulated blue army has put a lot of pressure on the front finger. We don't have two hours." ”

At this time, more than forty minutes had passed since the operation began. Although Qianzhi did not explicitly ask to complete the arrest task in advance, everyone felt the pressure.

"I have to get closer and try to provide more timely support to the Tiger detachment." Li Zhan said, turning the nose of the plane and getting close to Island A, and began to fly counterclockwise around Island A. The muzzles of all the artillery in the weapons bay were aligned. Island A, which is much smaller in area.

A tough battle is imminent.

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