Great Power Fighting Falcon

Chapter 657 The Tiger Unit’s retreat is cut off

There is a small airport on Island A with a runway length of only 1,000 meters. There is no problem for fighter jets to take off and land, but tactical transport aircraft cannot take off and land here. Therefore, in addition to the four F-2 duty aircraft deployed at Island A Airport, there are also four F-4E Phantoms and several helicopters.

Tojo thought it was strange that his opponent bombed the airport on the main island but did not attack the airport on Island A. He initially had several guesses, including that it was possible that the opponent planned to use forced landing to project troops to Island A. . In extreme cases, tactical transport aircraft can land on a 1,000-meter runway.

But the main island was in a state of chaos and no opponent's tactical transport aircraft appeared, which made him have to doubt his judgment. He couldn't figure out his opponent's purpose.

In fact, in the capture action plan, there was only one purpose of retaining Island A - to facilitate Gaoxin-P to directly land on Island A to meet the Tiger detachment in an emergency. The first plan is for the Tiger Team to leave the island by boat after completing the arrest, and then the Great Wall boat will be responsible for picking up.

This is also the reason why the former finger wants the Great Wall boat to approach Island A.

Thanks to the excellent work of the intelligence department, Tiger Squad has a clear location of the target in hand. As long as the target does not escape, he is unlikely to leave the strong underground command fortifications. The underground command fortifications are just below the airport tower and are difficult to destroy unless hit by ground-penetrating missiles.

So Tojo Ichiki is very relieved.

Moreover, he has placed a battalion of garrison troops at the airport. They are all elite troops. The coastal defense line is also very complete, which is better than that of the main island. Therefore, he believes that unless a large-scale troops are dispatched to land, there is basically no danger.

He didn't know that the Tiger Team had infiltrated Island A because his communication system had been destroyed and there were problems with uploading and downloading. The main island pier was attacked by Gaoxin-P artillery, which caused Tojo to misjudge, including his staff team.

They believed that their opponents wanted to trap them on the Overlord Islands, and then slowly mobilize their troops to encircle and suppress them. Their judgment is well-founded - knocking out the main island airport, destroying the island's air defense positions, and destroying the fighter planes in the aircraft forts. These actions are all cutting off their own escape channels.

As for why they did not attack Island A's airport, their judgment was well-founded - because Island A's airport could not take off and land tactical transport aircraft, and the other side was not worried that they would escape on the tactical transport aircraft, so instead of destroying it, it was better to reserve a good landing site for themselves. .

The final conclusion is that Tojo Ikki believes that the Chinese army will use troops to land on the Overlord Islands to encircle and suppress their important armed base of pirates in this area of ​​​​the sea.

Not to mention, their analysis was quite accurate. That was the plan at first. However, considering that combating piracy was not the responsibility of one country, the former finger controlled the size of its troops according to the instructions from its superiors, mainly to eliminate the equipment and personnel of the pirates, and did not dispatch any troops. Marine Corps plan.

The most critical thing is that the previous statement regards this anti-piracy operation as a police operation within the framework of the United Nations and a non-military operation. Under such a general premise, the intensity of using weapons is naturally very low. Otherwise, given China's strength, not to mention its navy, the air force's fighter jets deployed in coastal areas could equalize the Overlord Islands.

After the Tiger Squadron washed up on the beach at a recess on the coastline, they immediately tied up two speedboats, set up corresponding cover, and then quickly moved to the airport on Island A. Bypassing patrols and bypassing defensive positions, they did nothing that would cause exposure.

Li Zhan looked at the comprehensive tactical HUD and saw that a small string of green dots that were always on, representing the Tiger Unit, walked a tortuous penetration route from the coastline of Island A to the airport. Island A has no depth at all, which makes it easy to penetrate and easy for the enemy to deploy defenses, but overall it is easy to attack and difficult to defend.

When the Tiger detachment stopped, Li Zhan received Yuan Boning's signal. He immediately lowered his altitude and approached the coastline. Gaoxin-P entered combat mode.

The anti-aircraft firepower on Island A opened fire, and Gaoxin-P could no longer stay in safe airspace this time. Li Yunxiao commanded the weapons bay to fire at the exposed anti-aircraft fire positions, and at the same time activated the infrared search function to fire at locations with enemy personnel. There are also targets pointed out by the Tiger Team using laser designators.

The entire Gaoxin-P was like an aerial battleship with full firepower. It looked like a plane flying in the night sky with its whole body covered in flames.

Several artillery shells exploded in the surroundings, and some prefabricated fragments hit the fuselage. Fortunately, the Gaoxin-P was a strengthened armed model, and no more damage occurred.

Just when Gaoxin-P braved the enemy's artillery fire to launch a fire strike on Island A, the Flying Shark Squadron completed the task of covering the early warning aircraft squadron. Dai Wenming rushed over with the remaining three J-15s. Although they did not attack Ground weapons and ammunition, but aircraft cannons can be used to shoot at the ground.

Entering from the other direction of Island A, four J-15s entered the attack route continuously and used aircraft cannons to strafe ground targets. The thirty-millimeter-caliber aerial cannon is also an insurmountable existence for ground targets. Except for tanks, no ground equipment can withstand the top attack of a thirty-millimeter aerial cannon.

Han Hongjun aimed at the airport tower, accelerated his dive and beat the tower to pieces with a rapid fire, then suddenly pulled up the fighter jet and roared away from it. The two huge chrysanthemums of the J-15 were particularly eye-catching in the night sky.

The sudden and violent fire strike made Tojo Ichiki in the underground command fortification below the tower tremble. He hurriedly ordered the air defense troops to intercept the enemy planes and at the same time asked the garrison troops to move closer to the airport. He believed that the opponent was preparing firepower to prepare for the forced landing of the next transport plane. The radar warning system has been disabled, and Tojo's aircraft can only rely on blind guesses.

The problem is that Li Zhan's purpose is to attract the attention of the garrison on Island A and create an opportunity for the Tiger Squadron to penetrate into the airport. This is the established battle plan.

At this time, the Tiger Squadron seized the opportunity to quickly infiltrate the airport on Island A, which was already in chaos, and pounced on the underground command fortifications below the tower with lightning speed. They were wearing pirate uniforms, and even when they encountered several groups of pirates on the road, they were thought to be friendly forces, and they passed by them in a frightening and thrilling manner.

After crossing the runway, just a few hundred meters away, the Tiger team took just over a minute to complete the movement and made a brief stop at the bungalow next to the tower. Yuan Boning discovered that the bungalow was the flight briefing room, which was the last place where pirate pilots stayed before taking off.

He made a prompt decision and set this as the first evacuation point, and arranged for two team members to guard the empty flight briefing room. Then he led the other team members to directly armed and run forward, swaggering towards the underground command fortification below the tower, running as he did He also shouted something like "Everyone die, we are the guards" in Japanese.

They actually managed to sneak into the underground command fortifications. In the chaotic airport, those pirates really thought they were the guards of Tojo Ichiki. In addition, Yuan Boning and the others were very high-profile in their movements. When they encountered crowds, they directly Holding the person at gunpoint and pulling him aside adds a bit more credibility.

Who would have thought that the "Guards" with such a high-profile and domineering style were actually enemies who had infiltrated in disguise!

The infiltration was so smooth that even Yuan Boning and the others found it unbelievable. They had never encountered such disorganized armed forces. But they wouldn't be surprised if they knew that the other party's command and communication system was almost paralyzed.

Despite this, the current chaotic situation at Island A airport does not meet the requirements of a professional armed force, which shows that our side has somewhat overestimated their combat effectiveness. Of course, there is nothing wrong with paying attention to your opponent tactically, as long as you don't become overly cautious.

Tojo Ikki obviously realized that the army was in chaos. He decisively sent out most of his staff to contact the commanders of various units and asked them to quickly arrest the troops, and immediately organized to strengthen the defense of the airport and prepare for the battle. There is a possibility of a forced landing of a tactical transport aircraft.

When the staff rushed out, they happened to meet the Tiger Squadron, but no one took a second look at the Tiger Squadron - even though the Tiger Squadron were generally much taller than the pirates.

Yuan Boning immediately determined the specific location of Tojo Ichiki. With a wave of his hand, the team members rushed in and immediately occupied various vantage points. After quickly confirming Tojo Ichiki himself, they shot and killed the remaining pirates without hesitation.

Many pirates in the underground command fortifications were shot without even seeing who was coming clearly, and decisively went to see Amaterasu. A small number of them were shot to death at their posts just as they were about to take out their pistols. In just a few seconds, the only person left in the huge command and control center was Tojo Ikki, who was wearing the pseudo-major general rank.

Yuan Boning strode towards Tojo Ichiki, who had been controlled by the team members, quickly confirmed his identity, and waved the order to evacuate without saying a word.

When they retreated with Tojo's machine, the belated island soldiers finally woke up, but Tojo's erratic shouting prevented them from shooting easily. Tojo almost wet his pants at the first opportunity. Suddenly a group of people rushed in and killed the rest in a few seconds. He was captured alive before he could recover. At that moment he understood that they were trying to catch him alive.

He naturally knows that his crime is serious. Based on what he has done, he will definitely be sent to an international court for a public trial, and the death penalty is certain. He was afraid of death, and even more afraid of a public trial in front of people all over the world. As he was being carried away and ran away, he quickly entered a state of hesitation - should he commit suicide or order his own soldiers to beat him to death?

But in the end it was his survival instinct that prompted him to shout not to shoot.

His choice allowed the Tiger unit to retreat to the flight briefing room without any danger, quickly regrouped and then spent more than ten seconds regrouping. This step is very important. Many special operations operations fail due to unclear organization and unreasonable distribution of firepower.

The most critical step was to inject Tojo Ikki with a medicine to make him unconscious, so that the evacuation would be even easier.

However, when the Tiger Squadron quickly evacuated towards the moored speedboat with Tojo Kazuki's machine in hand, the garrison on Island A began to pursue the Tiger Squadron under the strict orders of Tojo Kazuki's auxiliary deputy Nobuichi Shimaka. Shinichi moved to the Central Plains and ordered the troops not to consider the safety of Tojo Ichiki but to annihilate the Tiger Unit on the island.

A large number of troops began to blockade the coastline, and the Tiger unit's retreat was cut off.

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