Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 100 What Is An International Enterprise?

At this time, Ye Cheng said: "In addition, Mr. Chu Ke, according to our government's requirements, before the US sanctions are stopped, even if we provide batteries for your company, you can only supply the mobile phones in China. .”

"So, Mr. Chu Ke, you don't have to be so anxious. Maybe you will think about it more in the future, so you may agree?"

Chu Ke frowned, looking at Ye Cheng's smile.

Why is this young Chinese man so difficult to deal with?

A 20% increase in the price of a single battery is definitely more profitable than selling a chip for every ten batteries, because a chip has a cost!

For fruit, a 20% price increase is not unacceptable. Even if it increases by 20%, a battery will cost less than 10 soft coins at most, which is less than 2 dollars. When they sell mobile phones, they will send people to privately publicize the news It is said that Zhiqi deliberately deceived the fruit, so that the fruit must be purchased at a higher price to buy lithium-air batteries. At that time, the price will be increased by two to three hundred soft coins, and consumers will definitely accept it.

But if it is a chip, they have no reason to increase the price.

After a long while, Chu Ke could only choose to open the skylight and speak bluntly: "Mr. Ye, what exactly do you want to accept? In business, I respect you and your Zhiqi Technology Company, but there must be one condition." ? You can just mention a condition you want now, and we can discuss it later, can you?"

Ye Cheng looked at Chu Ke's wrinkled face, and finally smiled slightly: "Just mention it?"

"Go ahead." Chu Ke nodded.

Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes. Obviously, for Chu Ke, he would not pay more than 20% of the price for a single battery.

And he is so embarrassing, of course, he doesn't really just want to make money.

Everyone has a price.

After a while, he said: "I hope the fruit company will use your influence to put pressure on your government."

"Let your government accept the conditions proposed by us in the Modu negotiations."

Cook was stunned.

He didn't expect that Ye Cheng actually proposed this condition.

Just now he said that he was talking about business, but Ye Cheng made a request for state affairs?

Chu Ke remembered what he had said before.

Populists, that's really scary.

This guy doesn't care about profit at all.

Xu Xin next to him didn't expect that Ye Cheng had been stuck with the fruit company all this time because of this matter.

She originally thought that Ye Cheng would take this opportunity to ask Chu Ke to agree to some conditions, such as letting Zhiqi OEM more fruit chips, or letting the fruit company fully adopt their structure, etc., to make money for the company.

However, he chose this condition.

Unexpected, but also reasonable.

Xu Xin was moved by Ye Cheng's righteousness in his heart, and at the same time quietly looked at Chu Ke, he should agree now, right?

After the initial accident, Chu Ke quickly recovered his calm. After thinking for a while, he said, "I can agree to this condition."

A smile appeared on Ye Cheng's face: "Mr. Chu Ke really deserves to be the helm of the fruit company. The shareholders behind you believe that they will support you to continue working for a few more years."

Chu Ke shook his head, didn't pay attention to Ye Cheng's words, but said: "Mr. Ye, now that I agree to your terms, can we continue what we just talked about?"

Ye Cheng shook his head: "Mr. Chu Ke, this is a deal, so we have to see your sincerity before I can deliver the goods, right?"

Chu Ke frowned: "What do you mean?"

"When the United States agrees to our conditions, it is when we design batteries for the fruit company."


On the Bund, in a nearby barbecue restaurant.

Ye Cheng was eating supper with Xu Xin.

Xu Xin complained a little about this guy, she worked overtime with him until it was almost ten o'clock, and it turned out that the supper he invited himself to eat was this kind of barbecue restaurant?

It was even a pity for Ye Cheng that there are no barbecue stalls with tables and chairs outside near the Bund. Xu Xin rolled his eyes even more when he said that it would be better to eat outside.

However, after a few bites, she was also attracted by the smell of this barbecue restaurant.

After all, it was opened in a place where every inch of land is so expensive near the Bund. If it didn't have two brushes, it might have closed down a long time ago.

Looking around, there are quite a lot of people, and I think they are all attracted by the smell of this store.

Ye Cheng held two skewers of mutton in his hands, and with one bite, he tore off all the meat on the two skewers.

"Phew, I haven't eaten at this place for a long time."

After swallowing the mutton, he couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Xu Xin didn't eat like him. He used chopsticks to scrape off the top of the meat, and then picked it up to eat. The meat was quite big, and of course it was quite expensive.

Hearing Ye Cheng's words, Xu Xin said, "Did you often eat at this kind of place before?"

Ye Cheng's family is so good, would he eat this kind of food?

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "That was also in the past, almost many years."

He was referring to the previous life, and even in the previous life, he hadn't eaten for more than ten years.

Now, after traveling for more than seven months, I finally feel it again.

The only regret is that this place is inside the store, there is no feeling of the wind blowing outside, and there is also no beer, because he has to drive.

He suddenly felt that it was time for him to hire a driver.

Xu Xin didn't know the emotion in his heart, and said with a smile: "If you want to eat, come and eat, you are the big boss."

Ye Cheng shrugged: "Eating this kind of food requires a few good friends to eat together to have that feeling."

Xu Xin rolled her eyes: "You still dislike me eating with you, don't you?"

Ye Cheng laughed and said, "No, no, it's a great honor for me to eat with Miss Xu."

Xu Xin pursed her lips, finally let out a soft snort, stopped talking, and ate the grilled eggplant.

Ye Cheng also grabbed the grilled oyster next to it, which was full of garlic vermicelli and the tender meat inside, it was a refreshing bite.

After eating for a while, Xu Xin asked again: "Do you think the fruit company can make the US government agree?"

Ye Cheng shook his head: "I don't care if they succeed or not. Anyway, if they succeed, I will sell fruit lithium-air batteries unless he accepts my previous price."

"Chu Ke will be mad at you."

Ye Cheng said helplessly: "Then I really sinned, I didn't respect the old and love the young."

Xu Xin felt amused, this guy obviously didn't have any sinful look on his face.

"Then if the United States accepts our conditions, are you going to build a lithography machine?"

Ye Cheng chuckled, and made a fool of himself: "Guess."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes at him angrily: "Not to mention pulling down."

At this time, her cell phone rang suddenly, and when she picked it up, she was a little puzzled: "The person from the HR department, why are you calling now?"

As a result, after she connected and said a few words, her eyes widened. She looked at Ye Cheng and said, "A top chip architect from ARM, named Yu Guoping, plans to switch to our company."

"It seems... It's still the same person who asked you at the press conference today."

Ye Cheng couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then laughed.

"What is an international enterprise?"

He leaned back tactically, as if he could see that there would be countless talents in the future who would invest in Zhiqi.

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