Yu Guoping is just an example. In the next few days, Zhiqi received many semiconductor talents from well-known foreign companies.

There are three of them, all of whom belong to the world's top chip architects, including two Chinese and one white.

They all want to see how Zhiqi's new architecture is self-adaptive.

As for whether they are sincere, Ye Cheng is of course not worried. Xiaobai can check the information of them and anyone related to them. Anything suspicious will be directly excluded. For Xiaobai, it is the time to blink.

And those foreign companies faced with the resignation of their architects, what else can they do besides being angry?

I can only watch him rise from a tall building, see him become a leader among the best, and see him getting more and more powerful.


In this way, a week after the Taibai Architecture conference ended.

In April, there were no major events in the company, but small events continued.

But all in all, everything is going on in an orderly manner, and it is getting smoother and smoother.

The Taibai architecture has attracted all the attention of the industry because it has opened up a new technology and realized the coexistence of a simplified instruction set and a complex instruction set.

Many companies have already contacted Zhiqi to purchase the authorization of the new structure, whether it is abroad or domestic.

Even fruit, Snapdragon, Intel and massage parlors are the same.

Even if they don't design chips based on the Taibai architecture, they still have to understand what this new architecture is like.

Huawei, on the other hand, was the first to announce that it will design its next flagship chip based on the Taibai architecture, and will fully adapt the Hongmeng system to the new architecture.

A processor with an architecture must be adapted to a system, otherwise, a chip with this architecture cannot run on this system.

For example, Microsoft and Intel, these two companies formed a camp called the Wintel Alliance as early as the 1980s, that is, the win system is only adapted to Intel's X86 architecture.

For example, when the win11 system first came out, the performance of the AMD processor on the win11 system was greatly reduced. This is the suppression of the poor agricultural enterprises by the two landlords.

Besides, the binding of ARM with Android and IOS has allowed ARM to occupy more than 90% of the mobile market.

Therefore, if the Windows system and Android system are not adapted to the Taibai architecture, this new architecture cannot be used.

But fortunately, Huawei's Hongmeng system is now available.

The installed capacity of Hongmeng system has now exceeded 400 million, and it is still rising.

This installed capacity does not refer to the installed capacity of mobile phones alone, but includes various devices such as mobile phones, tablets, cars, and household appliances.

Now, because Huawei no longer has to worry about the issue of chip sanctions, it is also making continuous efforts to continue to expand the influence of the Hongmeng system.

Now it seems that the Hongmeng system will also form an alliance with the Taibai architecture.

Of course, foreign countries are not monolithic.

Intel doesn't have to think about it for the time being. They will most likely hold their own X86 until the day they can no longer hold on. In addition, the Wintel alliance is not so firm. Microsoft once tried to cooperate with arm, which is one of the manifestations.

If the Taibai architecture really achieves better performance and lower cost than ARM after the implementation, those chip design companies that use the ARM architecture may naturally abandon ARM and switch to the Taibai architecture.

Of course, we still have to be wary of the possibility of bad money driving out good money.

For example, Guoguo himself is a shareholder of ARM. They probably don't want to see ARM fall, so they will give up using the Taibai architecture.

On the other hand, almost all the chips on the Android system are ARM architecture. Whether Google is willing to give up ARM depends on Google's needs. If they are content with the status quo, there is a high probability that they will not adapt to the Taibai architecture. .

All in all, this is a complicated situation. Whether the future of the Taibai architecture can only be tied to the Hongmeng system, or can be expanded to become the future architecture to replace ARM, there are many, many considerations, and political factors cannot be ignored. On the other hand, will foreign governments allow Huaguo's structure to control the world?

Most likely not.

But for Zhiqi, it doesn't matter.

Zhiqi is now a behemoth, and will control the largest supply of the world battery market and half of the global semiconductor material supply in the foreseeable future.

Therefore, Zhiqi does not need to worry too much about the prospects of the Taibai structure.

What's more, even if foreign countries don't accept it, wouldn't it be enough to force them to accept it?


In Ye Cheng's office.

He listened to the sound of the system, and it sounded again.

"Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement [100,000 points], and get the achievement reward: Material Technology Gift Pack."

So much time has passed, relying on selling semiconductor materials, EDA software, chip orders, etc., Ye Cheng's accumulative points finally reached 100,000. Of course, it is still increasing slowly.

However, I believe that when the lithium-air battery is officially launched, he will be able to earn points faster.

Because lithium-air batteries are a technology that truly surpasses this era, it is presumed that they will also get a higher percentage of points by then.

"However, the material technology gift package?"

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows.


This thing is incredible.

Materials are needed everywhere in life, ranging from large buildings to small chips, and even nuclear fusion. One of the most critical issues is materials.

Materials has always been at the forefront of research in the industry.

And a material with strong performance will definitely be favored by many parties.

Ye Cheng couldn't help but be a little curious about what this big gift bag can offer.

There should be a few more rewards in the gift pack, right?

"System, open the material technology spree."

"Opening... Congratulations to the host for obtaining: a new type of magnesium-aluminum alloy and its preparation technology, metal particle-modified nano-silicon carbide coating and its preparation technology, and a material expert."

Ye Cheng couldn't help being taken aback.

Magnesium aluminum alloy?

Metal particle modified nano silicon carbide coating?

And materials experts? Why are experts not masters?

Ignoring this expert for now, relevant information about the two materials quickly emerged in his mind.

The first is magnesium alloy.

First of all, this alloy is extremely light in weight, more than twice as light as titanium alloy, which has a great effect on reducing the weight of equipment.

In addition, it has high strength, excellent rigidity, and excellent toughness.

Most importantly, cheap.

One ton of magnesium alloy is generally between 20,000 and 30,000 yuan, while the average price of titanium alloy is 80,000 yuan per ton.

And you must know that the low density of magnesium-aluminum alloy means that its volume per ton is larger than that of titanium alloy. It can be said that this is an equally popular material research direction.

As for the difference between the new magnesium-aluminum alloy given to him by the system and the existing magnesium-aluminum alloy, Ye Cheng does not know for the time being, but he will find out later.

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