"What new material have you not mastered?"

"Yes." Cai Liao nodded: "My major is to optimize the industrial preparation process."

Ye Cheng was a little disappointed, he had expected Cai Liao to bring him several new materials.

But thinking about it, this is probably the difference between an expert and a master. This material expert only specializes in one technology in the material.

However, having said that, Cai Liao's role is still very powerful.

Industrial process optimization has always been an important part of industrial production.

A well-optimized industrial process can bring more than a little bit of economic benefits.

Ye Cheng narrowed his eyes and asked, "Can you also optimize the industrial process of semiconductor materials?"

Cai Liao said: "As long as I know the principle, I can optimize to a certain extent. Of course, my optimization also has a certain limit. After reaching a certain level, I can no longer optimize."

"Well, that's fine." Satisfied, Ye Cheng said, "At that time, I will send you the current industrial process of semiconductor materials, and you can see if you can make certain optimizations."

"Okay." Cai Liao nodded.

Then Ye Cheng told him about the arrangement for Cai Liao, that is, to work in the exoskeleton company, and at the same time gave him Guge's contact information.

Then Ye Cheng called Guge, intending to tell him about it.

Soon the phone was connected.

But to Ye Cheng's surprise, before he could speak, Gu Ge spoke first: "Boss, I was just about to call you."

"Huh? What's the matter." Ye Cheng asked.

"We have now contacted Union Medical College Hospital and are ready to conduct experiments with them to confirm the feasibility."

"Oh? Have you decided to conduct the experiment?"

"Yes, they have a neurologist who actively contacted us and is willing to cooperate. That doctor is quite well-known in China, and he can be regarded as a national player in neurology. We plan to try it on monkeys first, so I just want to ask first, when will our nerve electrical signal recognition chip be manufactured?"

"Wait a minute."

Ye Cheng then said: "Xiaobai, ask Zhong Xin."

"Okay, let's get in touch right away," Xiao Bai said.

Taking advantage of this free time, Ye Cheng introduced Cai Liao to Gu Ge, and asked him to arrange a work place for Cai Liao at that time, as for the rest place.

None of them are needed.

"In addition, there are two new material technologies, which will be sent to you later. You can try laboratory preparation and test performance first."

"Okay." Guge responded.

At this time, Xiaobai's voice also sounded: "Master, Zhong Xin said that tape-out will be available at the end of the month, and the 7nm process is used."

Ye Cheng nodded, 7nm process, tape-out, another nearly 100 million will be spent.

However, the prospect of this thing is unimaginable. The money spent now will definitely be able to earn back tens of thousands of times in the future.

"Ask him again, about how long the filming will take, and whether it will be successful once."

Soon Xiaobai replied: "It still takes half a month, and it should be successful once. He said that the information you gave me, Master, is more detailed."

"That's fine." Ye Cheng nodded, and then said to the phone: "You heard me, it should be ready in the middle of May, and you can start at the end of May."

"Uh, the doctor at Xiehe can't wait. He wants to see our nerve access circuit technology soon."

"Can't wait?" Ye Cheng was taken aback.

"Yes, the doctor is a sci-fi fan. He wants to see how we achieve the connection of nerves and circuits."

Ye Cheng felt amused, "Then what does he mean?"

"If the chip cannot be produced as soon as possible, he wants to start the neural access circuit experiment at the end of this month, and he is willing to bear the cost of this experiment."

Ye Cheng couldn't help being surprised, this doctor is still willing to make such a choice?

He thought for a while and said: "Of course, this kind of thing can't be costly, and it's just the cost of doing one more experiment. Then you can start at the end of the month. In addition, when the time comes, you can tell the doctor and ask him if he wants to join the experiment." our company."

"Just say that there are still many technologies that can be developed for neural recognition chips, such as human body access chip technology, and the brain-computer interface technology that Musk said before, and even in the future we can allow people with broken spines to regain control of their bodies. , as long as the doctor is willing to stay, he can participate in these future studies."

"Okay, I'll try it when the time comes." Guge responded.


Ye Cheng smiled and said no more.

A neurologist at the national level can be regarded as a top scientist in neurology. If recruited to the company, it will definitely be very helpful to the company.

Since that national player happens to be interested in science fiction, let's hurry to the bowl.

And what Ye Cheng said is not false, those technologies may be realized because of neural signal recognition technology.

For example, if the spine is broken, it will lead to paralysis. This is because the central nervous system is difficult to heal itself. In this case, as long as the nerve electrical signal is used to identify the nerves on both sides of the broken part of the chip, and then reconnect the spine, the patient will be able to recover as before. up.

Of course, there are also many difficulties that need to be overcome later, but at least, the nerve electrical signal recognition technology has taken the most important step.

Raising his head, Ye Cheng looked at Cai Liao again, "Go to the exoskeleton company now, and Gu Ge will arrange it for you."

"Okay boss." Cai Liao nodded and left the company without stopping.

Only Ye Cheng was left in the office again.

After sitting for an indeterminate amount of time, he stood up and came to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looking out at the Huangpu River rolling towards the estuary.

In his heart, he began to think about the current situation of the company.

The company now has two carriages. The first one is Zhiqi Technology Co., Ltd., whose main business is the industrial chain related to semiconductors. It covers almost all links from upstream to downstream. This is the foundation of Zhiqi. As time goes by, Zhiqi has become more and more deeply rooted in this, and will become an unshakable part of the world's semiconductor industry.

Then there is another carriage, which is a new energy technology company responsible for lithium-air batteries. This is the most important part of Zhiqi in the future, and it is also the most competitive part. If you control the lithium-air battery, you can control the key link of new energy in the future.

As for the exoskeleton, as I said just now, a company has been established called Zhiqi Exoskeleton Technology Company.

He has already allocated 500 million yuan for this to recruit troops and horses to buy venues. Anyway, the exoskeleton is purely mechanical and does not need to spend too much money to develop it. It mainly depends on the designer's design.

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