Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 104 Technology Needs To Be Rigorous, Remy's New Mobile Phone

Today, the exoskeleton company is also on the right track and began to study the first product, which is also an epoch-making product.

The news about neural circuit access technology and neural electrical signal recognition technology has not yet spread, but one can imagine how much repercussions it will bring once it is spread out.

It can be said that as long as these two technologies are mature, in addition, a reverse recognition technology needs to be added, that is, the electrical signal transmitted by the circuit is converted into a neural signal that can be recognized by the nerve through the chip, thereby simulating various feelings. At that time, the metaverse concept can be realized within a year!

Connect the neural electrical signal to the computer through the identification chip, and the computer converts the picture into an electrical signal, and then transmits it to the nervous system through the circuit. In the end, you can see your two-dimensional wife standing in front of you without passing through the visual nerve cells.

Then the brain directs your hand to stretch out and touch the face of the second-dimensional wife. When the computer detects your movement, it simulates the touch of the second-dimensional wife’s face as an electrical signal and sends it to your mind again, so that you can understand what it is. I haven't even touched it, but I can feel as if I really touched it.

This is just the simplest action.

You can also perform more complex movements on your own two-dimensional wife, including... hehehe...

Of course, it depends on whether people are willing to operate on their own bodies, and moreover, on their own heads.

With the current technology, it is necessary to connect the circuit with your own brain nerves, and it is useless to connect other nerves, because only the brain nerves can handle so many different signals.

Therefore, any technology cannot be realized casually, it must be thoughtful and rigorous.

As for these two technologies, it is only known to Xiehe Hospital at present. When Xiehe learned that Zhiqi wanted to cooperate with them, of course it accepted it immediately without saying a word, and the confidentiality was also done very well. I know There were not many people, only a few senior officials from Union Medical College Hospital and a few doctors from the Department of Neurology.

It is also necessary to cooperate with hospitals, and the clinical trials must be qualified in second-level hospitals.

Ye Cheng doesn't even have a hospital under his name, let alone a second-class hospital.

Any medical technology involving the human body basically requires the use of a knife on the human body. In China, apart from forensic medicine, only doctors are qualified to do so.

This is also inevitable. A new technology needs to be verified first. As Gu Ge said, monkeys should be used for experiments, because both monkeys and humans belong to primates.

After the experiment on the monkey is successful, the relevant institution can approve it before conducting the clinical experiment. The clinical trial is divided into several phases. Only after the experiment is successful can it officially become an officially certified medical technology.

Just like Zhiqi's lithium-air battery, it is still undergoing various certifications such as environmental protection, fire protection, CQC, and 3C.

Of course, there must be no problem in terms of technology, and the system is produced, which is worthy of trust.

The neurology department of Xiehe Hospital is also the best in the country, and that doctor is also called a national player by Guge, so I believe it will be no problem.

Therefore, the most important thing now is the tape-out of the neural electrical signal recognition chip. As long as the tape-out is successful, everything is ready and only the east wind is owed.

Ye Cheng estimated that by August at the latest, clinical trials should be carried out. Before the end of the year, disabled people who lack limbs will be able to obtain a mechanical prosthesis that is almost indistinguishable from their own limbs.

The price of domestic prosthetics has always been very expensive, generally above 10,000 yuan. This is because domestic prosthetics are basically imported from abroad.

For such medical devices that are almost necessary for related patients, those companies will of course find ways to sell them more expensively, just like Glenin's prototype "Gleevec" in "I'm Not the God of Medicine".

Of course, to say something crooked, the development cost of this kind of thing is not cheap. Gleevec’s company has invested tens of billions of dollars and spent more than 50 years, resulting in the birth of an unknown number of top scientists. Even the achievements that can win the Nobel Prize were finally developed at the end of the last century, and the patent protection period of Huaguo is 20 to 25 years.

Therefore, in order to earn huge profits during the patent protection period, these companies will inevitably set high prices, so as to continue to spend money on the development of new drugs.

However, Ye Cheng has no such worries.

Because his development cost is almost zero.

So he can sell these things at a price close to the cost price.

Of course, the money that should be earned still has to be earned.

If he doesn't make money all the time and repays the tens of billions of loans from the bank, even if the bank doesn't urge him to repay the money, he probably won't be willing to use it as his cash machine.

So he has a clear boundary for himself, all the medical technologies he has obtained, earn the money he should earn, and not earn the money of the poor.

However, having said that, even if it doesn’t make money for the poor, Ye Cheng also believes that this technology can bring great profits, and the exoskeleton company will also become Zhiqi’s third carriage.

As for whether there will be more carriages in the future, it depends on whether the system is strong enough.

Just when he had infinite longing for the future in his heart, the phone rang suddenly.

Picking up the phone and looking at it, he couldn't help being taken aback.

A call from Rebs.

After answering the phone, he said with a smile, "Boss Lei, how can you call me when you are so busy?"

Rebus' voice came: "Mr. Ye is joking, I should not be as busy as Mr. Ye."

"Haha, everyone is busy." Ye Cheng laughed.

Rebs didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "Mr. Ye, our new mobile phone is about to be released. The press conference next week, if you are free, we welcome you."

Ye Cheng came to a sudden, it turned out that the matter of Remy's new mobile phone

Remy's new mobile phone, also a new series, Remy X.

This mobile phone will be equipped with the Taichu 1 chip and become the world's first mobile phone equipped with a 3nm process chip. Now it can be said to have attracted countless attentions.

"Haha, that's not necessary." Ye Cheng laughed, he didn't have time to attend any press conference.

Rebus was not surprised, and said: "That would be a pity, but we have already sent you a customized new Remy X, and it should be in your hands tomorrow."

"Oh? Then I can thank Mr. Lei."

Ye Cheng laughed.

The press conference is still a week away, but he has already got the new model, and it is still customized. This is the face.

"Haha, Mr. Ye is being polite, and we also look forward to continuing to cooperate with Mr. Ye in the future."

"I am looking forward too."

After speaking, both of them hung up the phone.

Ye Cheng is somewhat looking forward to what kind of excellent qualities Tai Chu 1 will show.

At the same time, he also expressed emotion that Remy launched this mobile phone before Warwick.

This is also something that Remy can't help. After all, Huawei's next mobile phone will be the world's first mobile phone equipped with a lithium-air battery. The 3nm chip is not very competitive against lithium-air batteries.

Therefore, Remy can only reach a cooperation with Zhiqi as soon as possible, and name the first 3nm chip to seize the heat.

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