
Soon, Zhiqi's meeting to decide the change of directors was known to those who had been paying attention to Zhiqi.

Everyone was a little surprised. Unexpectedly, when Zhiqi just released a new technology that shocked the world, the top manager suddenly changed.

No one knew what Ye Cheng was thinking, except for those who knew about the incident a few days ago had a vague guess.

And Xu Xin also didn't have a concept of what he was about to face in the future.

That would be like the transposition of the lord of an empire.

Today's semiconductor empire, the future battery empire.

And the neurotech empire of the future.

All stakeholders will wonder how her new master of the empire will treat her collaborators, and whether she will maintain the same attitude as Ye Cheng.

As a result, information about her soon appeared on the desks of many important people.

However, although Ye Cheng knew about these things, he would not tell Xu Xin. It was still the same sentence, she needed to grow up.


Ye Cheng, who unloaded his heavy work, did not start to rest, but immediately turned around and devoted himself to what he said.

That is, Pao Research Institute.

What he told Xu Xin that he would come up with a new technology within three months was not a lie.

Just kidding, the system rewarded him for his scientific proficiency at the beginning, but now he feels more and more powerful about this reward.

Any knowledge can be mastered quickly, and new knowledge can be deduced based on this knowledge. For example, the neural electrical signal recognition technology, he already has the concept of how to realize this technology in reverse in his mind.

That is, how to realize, transform the electrical signal in the circuit into a technology that can be recognized by human nerves.

Once this technology is realized, their mechanical exoskeleton can make people feel the sense of touch!

The sense of touch is an extremely important function.

Without a sense of touch, people have to rely on their eyes to know whether their robotic hand has picked up something.

And when it comes to the eyes, I also have to mention that through this reverse technology, people who have lost their vision can see things!

It only needs to be replaced with an electronic eye, which is connected with the optic nerve, and the pictures of the outside world can be transmitted to the mind through the camera of the electronic eye.

The only flaw is the battery life of this electronic eye.

The volume of an eyeball is about 6.5 cubic centimeters, and the volume of an electronic eye is about the same. Except for the volume of the camera, chip, and casing, even if the rest is for lithium-air batteries, the battery life will be greatly limited.

After all, as an electronic eye, it is equivalent to a camera that is always on. Anyone who often uses a mobile phone to take pictures will know how much power the camera consumes.

Therefore, the battery life of the electronic eye will be very short, which may cause the user to replace the battery several times a day. Of course, compared to restoring the light, this cumbersome task seems to be less of a problem.

In addition to this function, it is the virtual reality mentioned before.

As long as this technology is realized, the world of virtual reality will really be realized.

Therefore, at this time, Ye Cheng could not wait to enter the research institute and planned to start researching this technology.


Zhong Xin's chip research institute.

Ye Cheng looked at his design on the EDA software and asked, "How is the recent research?"

Zhong Xin said: "There have been breakthroughs in DRAM."

"Oh? DRAM?" Ye Cheng frowned.

DRAM, in layman's terms, is used as a computer memory stick, and its full name is called dynamic random access memory.

Remove your own memory stick and look at the black blocky things on it, that is DRAM, which can also be called memory particles.

There are not many manufacturers that can produce memory chips, and there is only one in China, while there are only Sansang, Hynix, and Micron abroad, and the latter three are also the three major supply giants in the market.

For memory sticks like the famous Kingston, in fact, you have to buy the memory particles of these three giants to form their own memory sticks. Of course, they also have their own related technologies, such as the shell they put on the outside of the memory stick. To cool the memory sticks, each has its own patent.

As for DRAM technology, as a chip, its technical difficulty lies not only in the process, but also in the processing of its internal structure.

How to make DRAM and CPU consistent, and make DRAM respond faster, all test its internal structure.

Zhong Xin said: "Because all memory sticks basically comply with the DDR protocol, I developed a DDR5 memory particle based on this protocol. Eight-channel technology."

"Eight channels?" Ye Cheng had a 'fucking' expression on his face.

Seeing Zhong Xin's plain look, Ye Cheng almost wanted to ask, can you give me some feedback?

More memory channels means it can do more different things at the same time.

Two 4GB memory sticks must perform better than one 8GB single-channel memory stick.

Due to its particularity, a channel can only be read or written at the same time.

So an 8GB single-channel memory stick can only read at the same time, but two 4GB memory sticks can read and write at the same time, doubling the bandwidth.

For example, if the memory stick is single-channel, the computer only needs 2GB of memory space when reading, and 3GB is required for writing, but because it is single-channel, it can only be read, and the other 6GB can be read. It is equivalent to not being used, and it can not be written until the next refresh.

And if it is a dual channel, you need 2GB for reading and 3GB for writing, and you can do it at the same time.

For comparison, when playing games, the performance of a dual-channel memory stick is much higher than that of a single-channel memory stick. The result is that the game speed will respond quickly.

On the DDR4 memory stick, only single channel can be realized, so the best way is to choose to buy two memory sticks.

But now DDR5 has been realized, and the single-root dual-channel technology has been realized, so the performance of DDR5 will definitely be better than DDR4.

As a result, Ye Cheng now heard Zhong Xin say that he had developed a single eight-channel technology, which shocked Ye Cheng so much.

The starting point of DDR5 memory is 8GB, eight channels, which means 1GB per channel, which gives more free reading and writing space.

When reading is required, 5GB is allocated for reading, and 3GB is allocated for writing. When writing is required, 5GB is allocated for writing, and 3GB is allocated for reading.

Thus, the function of the memory stick can be fully utilized.

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