Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 120 Super Inspiration, Nervous Language

Ye Cheng couldn't help asking: "How did you realize it? One can make eight channels?"

"It's as simple as that, and it's fine. If I talk about it in detail, I changed the relationship between the BL/AA contact area, the thickness of the BL isolation layer and the offset of the mask, as well as the distributed arrangement order, and the control device, and garbage collection mechanism, as well as memory address, addressing mode..."

Listening to Zhong Xin uttering a bunch of proper nouns casually, if Ye Cheng hadn't been proficient in scientific research, he really wouldn't understand what he was talking about.

But all in all, this thing cannot be explained clearly in common words.

On his last thought, he asked Zhong Xin how this is possible, isn't he just asking how the system could exist in the world?

So he had no choice but to say: "Okay, you can do it yourself, by the way, when will you be able to do it?"

"Probably at the end of the month." Zhong Xin said.

"That's fine."

Ye Cheng stopped talking nonsense, he might as well think about how to make the nerves recognize electrical signals.

After regaining consciousness, he returned to his position and looked at a new achievement he had completed.

[Choices in Life (2)], Reward: Super Inspiration.

"It's a choice in life again. Are there so many choices in life?"

Ye Cheng remembers that when he gave up scientific research and started to manage the company, he also got a life choice achievement, which rewarded him for his proficiency in scientific research.

As a result, there is another one now?

"Is it because I give up scientific research and re-manage the company, can I get a new achievement?"

The voice of the system suddenly sounded: "This system does not support any card bug behavior, otherwise all rewards for related achievements will be withdrawn."

Ye Cheng: "..."

She curled her lips: "Pretend I didn't say it."

After recovering, he looked at the reward.

Super inspired.

This means that when he does anything, he can greatly increase his chances of triggering inspiration.

Scientific research, of course, is one of these things.

I don't know how many major scientific research successes in the world come from the inspiration of those scientists.

Inspiration is very important to scientists.

In addition to this effect, this reward can also improve the quality of inspiration.

The quality of inspiration is also very important. An excellent inspiration may bring more advanced technology.

"Then let me try, what effect will this super inspiration, coupled with proficiency in scientific research, have?"

Ye Cheng was certain and began to devote himself to his own research.

After opening the information on nerve electrical signal recognition technology and nerve access circuit technology, he browsed the technology again from beginning to end.

These two technologies, strictly speaking, should be a supporting technology.

The first is the most important point mentioned in the neural electrical signal recognition technology.

That is to say, the human being and the animals are the same set of neural-signal language.

The language of neural signals makes people react differently, just like a computer, any character or symbol represents a series of binary numbers, and through these binary numbers, the computer can display these contents.

Nerve signals are relatively abstract. Although they are all electrical signals to the body, these electrical signals are always somewhat different. Otherwise, the electrical signals are all the same, so how can the same nerve play different roles?

Take the median nerve, for example. The median nerve is a nerve in the arm that controls the flexion and extension of the thumb, index finger, and middle finger. Obviously, people can flex and extend any of these fingers independently. If the nerve signals are the same, then of course it is impossible to achieve independent Control one of the fingers.

And humans and other animals share a set of languages, which means that the nerve signals transmitted in the body when humans perform any behavior are the same as the nerve signals transmitted in the body when animals perform the same behavior!

For example, the nerve signals when humans walk with their legs open are the same as those of animals.

"This is probably... the Creator's laziness?"

Ye Cheng couldn't help but think so.

When the creator entered the code, for convenience, he directly copied and pasted it?

Shaking his head, it doesn't make sense to think about this kind of thing.

And this important knowledge point is of no significance to Ye Cheng. At most, he can publish a paper on "Nature" or "Science".

But posting must not be published. It is impossible for Ye Cheng to disclose such key technical secrets, and he does not know how to disclose them.

People always have to ask about your experimental process, right?

How did you conduct the experiment.

It can't be written in the paper, let's conduct a comparative experiment with living people and animals.

Even now, Xiaobai has discovered on the Internet that some people are guessing that Zhiqi will use living people for experiments, but because Zhiqi has not yet conducted clinical trials, this kind of thing is limited to speculation.

However, Ye Cheng has already figured out how to deal with this matter.

As long as many people question Zhiqi on this issue in the future, then he will come up with that coping method.

"No matter so much, let me first let me know the characteristics of the nerve signal."

Ye Cheng opened the information in the computer and found a document called the language of electrical signals.

The difference in the language of electrical signals, according to this systematic explanation, is determined by the potential difference inside the nerve.

A potential difference is a voltage, and when there is a potential difference, a current will be generated.

The potential difference in the nerve is a kind of biological current, which is extremely weak.

And different potential differences convey different information.

Many scientists have made guesses about this matter. For example, when the heart beats, a voltage of 1 to 2 millivolts is generated, when the eyes are opened and closed, a voltage of 5 to 6 millivolts is generated, and when the brain is reading or thinking about a problem, a voltage of 0.2 to 1 millivolts is generated. millivolt voltage.

Although these phenomena basically prove that different human behaviors are determined by different potential differences in nerves, there is still no conclusive evidence to prove it.

And in this document, the exact answer is given, the size of the potential difference is the code of these things.

The potential difference of some behaviors may be small, but it is absolutely impossible to be equal. As long as the size of this data is displayed to ten or even fifty digits after the decimal point, the difference can be reflected.

What is given in the data is all the behaviors of human beings, the magnitude of the potential difference in the nerves, and the data is extended to fifty decimal places.

Of course, the information also gives a hint, as long as the first ten digits are accurate, even if there is still a gap in the subsequent digits, but it is enough for the nerves, even if there is an error, it is still the same as when a normal human being makes an action. The error is about the same.

This error determines the accuracy of human movements.

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