The monitoring room of the hospital.

Ye Cheng, Gu Ge, and several senior officials of Union Medical College Hospital were all paying attention to the operation inside.

Seeing that Sun Taian was ready to install the last part, the director of Xiehe Hospital said: "If it is really stable in the end, Zhiqi can be said to have created a new milestone in the medical field, and the people of the world must thank you."

Everyone else nodded.

The restoration of the stump, and being able to command it like an arm, was definitely something that no one could have imagined before.

Ye Cheng smiled lightly: "Technology is always making breakthroughs, and our Zhiqi is only a little bit ahead of schedule."

Concorde's high-level: "..."

You call that a little bit?

Your 'one' is probably not a fake word.

The dean coughed twice, and then said: "In general, we also hope that Zhiqi can continue to surprise us."

"of course."

Ye Cheng thought that Sun Tai'an had basically agreed to come to their company, and wondered if this was a surprise for Xiehe?

He analyzed it carefully, maybe it was a shock or maybe?

I hope the dean will not be angry with them when the time comes.

"If the technology is more mature in the future and the surgical method is more mature, we can directly imitate the human shoulder joint and fix the exoskeleton on it."

"Hehe, that is indeed a very challenging goal." The dean nodded: "The current artificial joints still have some limitations, and they cannot be completely comparable to human shoulder joints."

"However, this kind of technology has been realized now, maybe in the future, such an artificial shoulder joint can also be realized?"

Ye Cheng laughed: "I hope that day will come soon."

"I'm afraid it will have to fall on your Zhiqi's head." The dean shook his head: "I think you are the only ones with such technical potential."

Ye Cheng shrugged, hope.

Artificial joints are limited by materials.

The price of good artificial joint materials remains high, and poor artificial joints can easily damage the human body. After all, joints are often subject to friction. Friction causes damage to artificial joints, and some small particles fall into the body, which may induce infection.

Therefore, their exoskeleton prosthetics have not been directly replaced from the joints for the time being. Of course, if future patients request it, they can also be customized.

If there is a breakthrough in materials in the future, they will naturally replace them with better materials.

Several people no longer paid attention to this issue, and in the picture, Sun Taian had already attached the final part to Zhao Guoping, the right arm of the exoskeleton.

Then, wait for the end of the anesthesia to see if the new right arm can move.

As for the left arm, you need to wait until the half-month observation period is over, and then perform the operation after confirming that there is no problem.

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Everyone stared at Zhao Guoping's right hand.

The metallic prosthesis was lying quietly on the hospital bed at this time, and the circuit switch inside had been turned on. As long as the nerve anesthesia effect ended and the nerve conduction returned to normal, Zhao Guoping's nerve current could be transmitted to the exoskeleton prosthesis. .

Whether it can be controlled depends on the next situation.

Zhao Guoping lay quietly on the bed.

He gradually felt pain in his arm, and the trauma left by the operation just now inevitably stimulated his pain-sensing nerves.

But this also means that the anesthetic effect has passed.

It's not quite over, though.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a soft touch from his hand, which made him unable to bear it.

No, your own hands?

Is there a sense of touch?

He looked down, but saw his metal fingers moving around on the bed, pressing the sheets, and that soft feeling came from there.

Although this kind of tactile sensation is a bit strange, he can't say where it is strange. He just feels that when he exerts his strength, the pressure he feels does not gradually increase, but suddenly increases.

But compared to this matter, what he cares more about is that his fingers can move!

His brain controlled his fingers in a familiar and unfamiliar way.

The brain felt it and conveyed it. I don't know how many years have passed. This former 'subordinate' has returned again.

Zhao Guoping had expected this situation a long time ago, and couldn't help feeling excited at this moment.

And it wasn't just him who saw this scene.

So those who followed him saw all of them.

In the operating room, Sun Tai'an's eyes flickered, suppressing his excitement, and the assistants couldn't help opening their mouths. Looking at this scene, they wanted to cheer, but they couldn't cheer because the operation hadn't officially ended yet.

In the monitoring room, everyone also stood up and stared at the scene closely.

Of course, just moving your fingers is only the first step to success.

Whether it can be controlled perfectly is the most important sign.

Sun Taian said: "You try to move your wrist, and other joints."

Hearing his voice, Zhao Guoping recovered from the surprise of feeling the touch of his hand.


What is the sense of touch.

The most important thing is to get a novice yourself!

Then, he moved his wrist again, and the movement was perfect. Thanks to the excellent joint connection designed by Guge, it was like a real wrist, and it was almost the same as the original wrist in terms of resistance and flexibility. No two.

Next is the elbow joint.

Also, able to perform activities flawlessly.

Then, Zhao Guoping supported the sheet with his metal palm. As the pressure he felt increased, it also meant that the weight of his upper body was gradually supported by the new metal prosthesis.

Then, he sat up like this.

When the people around saw his perfect movements, they all confirmed one point.

This arm can be used normally.

Sun Taian applauded, and everyone else in the operating room also applauded.

In the monitoring room, everyone also applauded, as well as those who watched the live broadcast.

Everyone applauds the scene.

The residual limbs reappeared, and a technology that no one used to think could be realized now has been realized in front of them.

Although this reproduced limb still has shortcomings, in any case, the ability of the hand has been fully realized!

"Thank you Zhiqi for your contribution! You have brought hope to the disabled!"

The dean stretched out his hand to Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng smiled slightly, stretched out his hand as well, and shook hands with the dean: "I also want to thank Xiehe for her help."

"In the future, we at Zhiqi are willing to strengthen cooperation with Xiehe."

"Then thank you even more!"

The dean looked excited.

Zhiqi has mastered the key technology, which means that any hospital that wants to develop such a technology in the future must be supplied by Zhiqi.

And the huge potential of this technology is completely visible.

Zhiqi is willing to strengthen cooperation with Xiehe, which will inevitably bring considerable benefits to Xiehe.

"Okay, let's go and see our subjects now." Ye Cheng said with a smile at this time.

"Indeed." The dean smiled and nodded, then waved his hand, "Let's go, let's go and see together!"

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