The door of the operating room opened.

Ye Cheng waited for a group of people to look at the people who came out.

Zhao Guoping was the first to walk out.

He waved his new arm in surprise, and shook it from time to time, feeling the unobstructed pleasure conveyed by the nerves in his hand.

He raised his head and saw his old parents, almost fifty years old, rushed forward like a child, and used his novice hands to embrace the old father.

"Dad! Mom! Look! I have a hand!"

Seeing this scene, the two old people burst into tears.


Although the new hands do not have the warmth of real hands, and they look scary, but the way they operate freely makes the two old people excited.

The people around looked at the family's happy appearance, and there were smiles on their faces.

For normal parents, even if their children are disabled, they will take care of them without hesitation.

Zhao's father and Zhao's mother, the two old people, have undoubtedly done their best in nurturing them.

Now, seeing that the child is able to recover, of course they should be happy for it.

Some female nurses around couldn't help crying when they saw this scene.

Just like that, Zhao Guoping hugged his parents together, and after celebrating for a while, he finally realized that there were so many people around.

He and his parents came to Sun Taian and expressed their gratitude to him together.

Sun Taian waved his hand with a smile, then pointed to Ye Cheng, and said, "You should thank Zhiqi Company, Zhiqi provided all the expenses and technology."

Zhao Guoping and his parents looked at Ye Cheng and walked up immediately.

Mother Zhao was in tears, she held Ye Cheng's hand, and was about to bend down to bow to him.

"Mr. Ye, thank you very much, thank you Zhiqi, if it weren't for you, we really don't know what to do in the future."

"Guoping's father and I are almost seventy. If there is an accident at any time and Guoping is left behind, we don't know who will take care of him in the future. Now, we can finally rest assured."

Ye Cheng quickly helped Zhao's mother up and said, "Hey, don't do this. This is what we should do as a technology company. Seeing Mr. Zhao like this is also an encouragement for us."

Zhao's mother still couldn't suppress her gratitude, and Zhao's father also praised: "Our Huaguo has a company like Zhiqi, and it will definitely develop better and better in the future!"

Ye Cheng laughed, "Then thank you for your support."

The Zhao family was still very touched, and they pulled Ye Cheng and said a lot of words of thanks.

It was not over until they felt that they had nothing to say, but they also said that they would treat Ye Cheng to a meal, and that their family would be grateful.

After they finished talking, Guge stepped forward and began to emphasize to Zhao Guoping the instructions for using this new arm.

"This is where the battery is installed. Generally speaking, this arm can be used for about a month, as long as you don't have anything to do, use it for activities, or for things like lifting heavy objects."

"The battery charger, as well as spare batteries, will be given to you by the doctor when you are in the hospital."

"You can try to pull the new arm to feel whether it is firm. Of course, try not to use too much force. Exercises such as pull-ups cannot be performed until both arms are replaced."

"As for the left arm, we plan to replace it for you in half a month. Of course, if the condition is good within a week, as long as you want, we can also perform surgery immediately."

Guge emphasized, and Zhao Guoping also nodded from time to time to show that he knew.

Soon, everything will be over.

Sun Tai'an stepped forward and said, "Now let's take you to the ward first. In the near future, you should get familiar with the new arm first. We will have nurses to take care of you."

"Okay." Zhao Guoping nodded.

Afterwards, the group left the operating building and went to the inpatient building.

However, after leaving the operating building, Zhao Guoping was a little dazed by the countless media surrounded below.

"Why are there so many people?"

Ye Cheng next to him smiled and said, "They are all here to interview you."

"Interview me?"

By this time, the reporters had already seen Zhao Guoping.

Noticed the sleeves of his hospital gown.

The left side is empty, without an arm, while the right arm stretches out a metal-colored hand.

Undoubtedly, that is the target of their interview today.

The reporters swarmed like sharks smelling blood.

"Mr. Zhao Guoping, may I ask if your operation went well?"

"Mr. Zhao Guoping, is that your robot arm?"

"Mr. Zhao Guoping, can your exoskeleton prosthesis work normally?"

Zhao Guoping stretched out his new arm subconsciously, trying to push away those who surrounded him.

But his action immediately caused an uproar.

Robot, move!

Immediately, the flash flickered wildly, and the photographers kept pressing the shutter button.

"Mr. Zhao..."

"Mr. Zhao Guoping..."

The voices of the reporters came one after another. In the end, Zhao Guoping answered a few questions, and was finally taken to the ward under the push of the hospital security.

Videos and photos about him quickly spread across the Internet.

"Neural control exoskeleton technology phase I clinical trial success"

The topic jumped to the forefront of the major hot search lists almost instantly.

Netizens excitedly joined the discussion. Compared with the successful experiment on monkeys at the beginning, they are undoubtedly shocked that a human has been replaced with such a device.

Words such as Iron Man, Terminator, RoboCop, etc., frequently appear on the Internet again.

In the video, Zhao Guoping, dressed in hospital clothes, raises the mechanical arm, the joints of the mechanical fingers are distinct, and the metallic luster shines on the back of the hand.

I don't know how many times this video has been viewed.

Not long after, Zhiqi officials also officially released a video showing all aspects, which made Zhao Guoping do various actions, such as punching, using a mobile phone, playing minesweeper, eating and so on.

It's no different from real hands.

This made everyone even more enthusiastic.

People with disabilities, in particular, have been asking when this technology will be available and how much it will cost.

And this video was also posted on the Internet.

Foreigners are even less resistant to this kind of thing.

Foreigners who grew up watching sci-fi blockbusters never imagined that they would suddenly learn that this kind of robot hand appeared in the world.

Seeing the manipulator that can be operated freely in the video, they were all amazed at it, and asked where it was, which hospital, and which company's product it was, and they wanted to change it.

Foreigners are the most daring, especially in order to be different.

Otherwise, there are few foreigners.

They are completely different from the implicit culture of Huaguo.

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