
[The first pot of gold: one billion]

[Second step to success: becoming famous]

The first achievement rewarded him with the production technology of all raw materials for chips.

The second achievement rewarded him with an artificial intelligence.

Looking at the technology rewarded by the first achievement, Ye Cheng felt a little helpless.

He now has a chip production line, but chip production requires raw materials, but these raw material production technologies are still almost completely monopolized by foreign countries, such as wafers, photoresists, special gases, and so on.

So if you want to produce chips, you still have to buy these raw materials from foreign companies.

"Is this to make me prepare earlier to face the blockade from all over the world?"

Want to let his company complete the closed loop of the chip industry chain?

What a big joke.

Chips are known as the pearl of human science and technology. From upstream to downstream, there is such a huge market that it is almost impossible for a company to include them all.

What's more, no matter how shameless foreign countries are, it's impossible to suppress his company to the point where they can't buy any raw materials, right?

At that time, Huaguo will simply stop exporting rare earths, and everyone should stop engaging in high-tech.

After that, he stopped thinking about these things, and this reward was temporarily stored in the system, so he didn't receive it anymore, and used it when he could use it later.

Then, he turned his attention to the second reward.

"Artificial intelligence? How intelligent is it?"

He was very curious, after all, this was rewarded to him by the system.

After receiving the reward soon, a USB flash drive appeared in his hand.

System: "Insert the USB flash drive into any host computer to install artificial intelligence."

"Any host?" Without thinking too much, Ye Cheng directly turned on the computer in his office, and inserted the USB flash drive into it.

After the USB flash drive was inserted, a progress loading window appeared on the computer screen.

The loading progress was a bit slow, so he could only wait slowly.

And just like that, an hour passed in a flash.

Seeing that the progress on the window had finally reached 99%, he stared at it closely, and after a while, the loading was complete.

The next moment, the original window disappeared, and a window popped up again with two lines of words on it.

『Master, hello, I am your artificial intelligence, please give me a name! 』

Then an input box appears.

"give a name to?"

Ye Cheng thought for a while, and typed two words: Xiaoye.

"No, no, this feels kind of weird."

It's like calling yourself.

After thinking for a while, he typed in two more words: Xiaobai.

"I'm sorry, I'm a bad namer, so I can only give you this name."

Shaking his head, he hit the enter key.

Soon, the window changed, and a line of words appeared on it again.

"Thank you Master for giving me the name! I love so much! From now on I will be a noob. 』

Ye Cheng smiled.

nice! You love it.

However, he had a strange feeling in his heart, as if this intelligence was alive, talking to him through the computer in front of him.

Did the system directly give him an intelligent life?

However, intelligent life should have many functions, right?

He thought for a while, and when he saw a typing box appeared on the window, he continued typing: "What function do you have?" 』

"I still can't understand Master's words, please give me a little time to study!" 』

Ye Cheng, who was looking forward to it, suddenly became speechless.

Can't understand?

Still need to learn?

He thought it was an intelligent life, but now it seems that it is completely an artificial intelligence!

No, artificial mental retardation is almost the same.

For a moment, he had the urge to shut down and leave, but in the end, he still typed and asked, "How do you want to study?" 』

"Keep the computer turned on, and I will learn from the content stored in the computer. 』

"All right. 』

Ye Cheng is too lazy to care, this is equivalent to hanging up.

Then hang up, I don't know how far this artificial intelligence can learn.

Don't worry about it anymore, turn off the computer screen. Anyway, this artificial intelligence is stored in the host computer, and it doesn't affect it when the screen is turned off.

Afterwards, he left the company and went to the workshop to see how Zhong Xin trained the labor force.

Those laborers have eaten his two meals, and it's time to play their role.

However, just as he was about to open the door, there was another knock on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

He opened the door in doubt, and standing outside was Hu Qiaoen, the director of the operation department.

Hu Qiaoen was taken aback when he saw that the door opened just after he knocked on it, but soon, he saw Ye Cheng standing inside, and immediately said, "Boss Ye!"

"What's wrong?"

"Boss Ye, our company is already popular on the Internet!" Hu Qiaoen had a look of surprise on his face.

Ye Cheng couldn't help being taken aback: "Is it on fire?"

"Yes! It's hot!" Hu Qiaoen said, then picked up the phone and handed it to Ye Cheng, "Look!"

Ye Cheng looked at the phone, and there was a blog post about the bib on it. The blogger was a big V in the digital world.

In this blog post, their company is mentioned.

[Hi fans, last time I posted a blog post about Huawei getting a 5G radio frequency chip from a domestic company. 】

[It's just that after I posted that blog post, many fans still expressed their disbelief, and said that I was trying to cheat traffic or something. 】

[However, regardless of whether you cancel or not, what I want to say is that in our country, there is really a technology company that has developed a 100% domestic 5G radio frequency chip, and not only Huawei has placed an order with this company, Now almost all mobile phone manufacturers in China, including Remy, Lanlu Factory, iku, Zhenwo, Noble, etc., have placed orders with this company. 】

[Everyone may wonder, where did I get the news. But what I want to say here is that I am a blogger with 7 million fans. It is really not difficult to get to know the staff of these mobile phone manufacturers. If you want to know these situations, you can ask a few questions at most. 】

[I won't say much, let's go straight to the evidence. 】

【Click to view the picture】

【Click to view the picture】

[This company is called Zhiqi Technology Co., Ltd. These two pictures are their business. They are a company specializing in the chip business. In the 4G era, they had sold 4G radio frequency chips. 】


[This is the company's patent application for 5G radio frequency chips. I haven't cut it here, but what is certain is that they do have the ability to produce 5G radio frequency chips, and if you check their company's official website, you can see it Their business includes 5G radio frequency chips. 】

[In addition, I need to emphasize again that none of their 5G radio frequency chip technology is Western. In other words, they have indeed developed this technology completely independently. Otherwise, they would not be able to provide Huawei chip. 】

[Up to now, I can say that we in China finally have a technology on a chip that can completely get rid of the influence of the West and completely realize 100% self-research. This is something that all of us in China can be proud of. matter. 】

[So, we must always believe in our people. In this era, our country is full of talented people. Sooner or later, we will no longer be controlled by others and realize a true technological power! 】

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