Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 14 Huaguo Does Not Allow Such A Powerful Company To Exist

After reading this blog post, Ye Cheng frowned: "It's very inspiring."

Hu Qiaoen nodded with a smile: "It's really exciting."

Linking their company to national glory is certainly exciting.

Ye Cheng looked at the comment area at this time. There have been more than 3,000 replies, and the number of retweets and likes is more than the replies, especially the number of likes has reached tens of thousands.

And the replies below are almost all praises.

[The blogger said well, there are many talented people in Huaguo, and one day we will be able to completely get rid of foreign sanctions! 】

[I hope there will be more companies like this in our country! 】

[This Zhiqi technology company is so awesome? 】

【This is the real technology company】


As the comments scrolled down, Hu Qiaoen showed joy on his face: "I have never seen our company be praised by so many people."

Ye Cheng smiled: "Didn't I see you this time?"

At this time, Shen Jie, the director of the customer service department, also ran over. Seeing the boss and Hu Qiaoen standing at the door, he was taken aback for a moment, and came up and asked, "Boss Ye, Lao Chen, what are you talking about? It looks so happy."

Hu Qiaoen smiled: "Guess."

Shen Jie frowned: "I don't guess, you guess, do you know what happened in our customer service department just now?"

"what happened?"

"Hey, you guess first." Shen Jie made a fool of himself.

Hu Qiaoen: "Can you guess or not?"

Shen Jie was stunned for a moment, and said speechlessly, "Be normal, you are in your forties."

Hu Qiaoen laughed out loud. It was purely because he was in a happy mood that he had the time to tell some children's jokes.

Ye Cheng next to him shook his head amusedly, and then said, "Okay, Mr. Shen, let's talk first, what's wrong with the customer service department?"

After the boss spoke, Shen Jie stopped being a joke, and explained: "Suddenly, people called me incessantly just now, asking if we have developed a 5G radio frequency chip, and then the people in our customer service department replied: Yes, guess what happened? Those people started to praise our company. Some people said that our company is the light of Huaguo Chips, a representative of technology companies, and some people said that our company is awesome. What, I don't know what it means, but it sounds good anyway, hahaha."

As he spoke, he couldn't help laughing.

This kind of call that is not about business is a waste of time, but he hopes that there will be more calls of this kind, not to mention that he likes to listen to it, even the operator of the customer service department likes to listen to it.

Hu Qiaoen's eyes lit up, and he also smiled and said, "Then do you know why so many people suddenly called?"


Hu Qiaoen showed Shen Jie the phone again.

Shen Jie browsed briefly, and couldn't help being surprised: "Damn it, does this mean that our company is on the hot search?"

"It's not that popular, but there are quite a lot of people following it."

"This is a good thing." Shen Jie said involuntarily.

Any company wants to be a company with a good reputation, and everyone wants to work for such a company.

The two of them couldn't help but rejoice that they didn't leave the company when it was the most difficult time for the company, and now they have come to the end of their hardships.

Ye Cheng stood by, looked at the two of them like this, and said with a smile: "Okay, please don't patronize the happiness of the two of you, let everyone in our company have fun."

"makes sense."

The two nodded and began to spread joy in the company.

Ye Cheng shook his head.

It now appears that this situation seems to be an incentive for the company, but he is very clear that it also means that his company will be exposed to the spotlight.

Foreign countries will also know that there is an uncontrolled technology company in Huaguo.

Next, it depends on how bad the foreign methods are.

Ye Cheng smiled slightly, but he was looking forward to that moment in his heart.


Weisheng Electronics Co., Ltd.

This is a company that specializes in providing chip products with radio frequency as the core.

To put it simply, this company is making radio frequency chips, and it is also a 5G radio frequency chip.

At the headquarters of Wasion Electronics at this time, Chairman Xu Zhi was sitting at his desk, frowning, listening to his secretary's words.

"The mobile phone manufacturers like Redmi and Blue-Green Factory bought another company's 5G radio frequency chip?"

As if he couldn't believe the news, he stared at his secretary, wanting to confirm the news again.

The female secretary nodded: "It is indeed such Dong Xu, even Warwick bought it."

"It's not right... Let's forget about the blue-green factory. Remy made an agreement at the beginning, and we will come to buy all the 5G radio frequency chips in the future."

When domestic mobile phone manufacturers produce 5G mobile phones, they generally choose domestic companies that can provide 5G RF chips. After all, buying foreign 5G RF chips is somewhat more expensive due to import taxes.

After all, there are only a few companies in China that can provide 5G radio frequency chips. After sharing among several companies, orders can still be filled.

However, why did Cheng Yaojin suddenly appear now?

Even those mobile phone manufacturers are all going to buy this 'Cheng Yaojin' product?

Suddenly, Xu Zhi reacted: "What did you say? Huawei also bought it? Which company is so awesome?"

The female secretary nodded and handed the tablet in front of the boss.

Xu Zhi immediately took it and looked at it.

"Completely self-developed technology? Are you kidding me!"

"The cost is low, and the price is also low. It only sells for forty dollars? It's even thirty-five for Warwick? Shit!" Xu Zhi, who returned from Silicon Valley to start a business, couldn't help cursing in English.

He sells a chip for more than fifty dollars, and his company only earns less than two dollars. Not only can this company cut the price by five dollars, even if it doesn't cut the price, it is so much cheaper than them? !

Seeing the angry look of the boss, the female secretary opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something but was afraid of offending him, but in the end, she said weakly: "By the way, boss, our company's stock price has also started to fall. Almost 5%."

The corners of Xu Zhi's eyes couldn't help twitching.

The stock price fell, which is almost a predictable thing.

Frowning, he thought for a long time, and finally patted the table: "Hua Guo does not allow such a powerful company to exist!"

Then, he picked up the phone and started making calls, and the phone number was from the United States.

The same scene also happened in several other companies that can provide 5G radio frequency chips.

The emergence of Zhiqi Technology Company has touched their interests.

With such a large mobile phone market in Huaguo, nearly 200 million 5G mobile phones are shipped every year, they will not watch such a delicious cake being forcibly taken away by others.

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