Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 133 Huawei's New Mobile Phone Released

In this way, professional people may be able to understand what is being said, but they cannot plagiarize. Actions.

Of course, Zhiqi also gave a choice. As long as you join Zhiqi and become a researcher in the neural research project, you can understand the mystery of neural signals.

As for others, because it involves the company's business secrets, don't even want to know.

Zhiqi's statement immediately made those who believed in Zhiqi happy, and their voices completely overwhelmed those who framed Zhiqi.

Anyway, that article is a technical article, and it is basically impossible for ordinary people to understand it, but Zhiqi dared to post it, which shows that they have confidence.

And soon, Xiehe, as well as the Xishi Supercomputing Center, all spoke for Zhiqi.

Xiehe said that Zhiqi did collect data on nerves from their hospital, and the Xishi Supercomputing Center also indicated that Zhiqi had indeed rented the computing power of many nodes of Sunway TaihuLight.

As for whether Zhiqi really has such a supercomputer program?

Of course there is. The information given to Ye Cheng by the system includes such a program that requires supercomputers to perform calculations. The original intention is to help him collect data better.

It's just that because the content in the data is relatively complete, it doesn't need supercomputing for practical application.

As for why he rented Sunway TaihuLight in the first place, after all, Xiaobai was allowed to live in it, which added an unknown amount of electricity bills for no reason. Xiaobai told Ye Cheng several times that everyone in the Xishi Supercomputing Center It's strange, if it's not for the cost, otherwise it would be almost impossible to disassemble the Sunway TaihuLight to check the circuit.

Ye Cheng thought he was kind, so he rented someone else's node and compensated him a bit.

Today, these two institutions with high prestige in the country testify for Zhiqi, which further shows the correctness of Zhiqi's statement.

Since then, those domestic voices who questioned Zhiqi disappeared. Although there are still some sour words about Zhiqi on the Internet, they are either people who call themselves "northern mainland netizens" or people from abroad.

In this way, Zhiqi can be considered to have resolved the crisis of public opinion. Of course, Zhiqi will not let go of those who have vigorously framed Zhiqi.

This matter has come to an end in China. As for the public opinion abroad that has not stopped, Zhiqi doesn't have to care about it. What foreign countries think will not affect Zhiqi's ability to easily expand the market to foreign countries in the future.

Foreigners scolded fiercely, don't you have to buy their things?

The big deal is to print a made-in-PRC. Anyway, foreigners do not lack the spirit of Ah Q. They think that as long as they buy something that is not made-in-China, it will be fine.


Another day passed, and today is August 20th.

Warwick's new product launch event will be held at 7:30 p.m.

In this press conference, the biggest highlight is naturally the new mobile phone equipped with a lithium-air battery—Huawei S.

Everyone can't wait to know how cross-generational this mobile phone is.

At the press conference, all kinds of invited people from the digital industry filled the seats, and the total number of people watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room reached nearly ten million.

No way, this phone has attracted countless attention almost before it was born.

The popularity is getting higher and higher, and related topics have already occupied a place on the hot search list.

The major mobile phone manufacturers are even more panicked. Even Lei Mi, who has just made a fortune from the new mobile phone, can't help but feel worried at this time.

Faced with such a mobile phone that is almost a dimensionality reduction blow, no competitor is not worried.

Especially Sansang and Guoguo, they haven't got the design drawings of lithium-air batteries from Zhiqi yet.

They are even thinking about whether they can mobilize power and ban Huawei from selling within the scope of their influence, but thinking about the strength of Huaguo today, and the Zhiqi who has been targeting them, they still have to be the first Time ruled this option out.

That would be death.

Soon, it was half past seven.

The press conference officially started.

Yu Dazui appeared on the stage, and after giving a brief introduction to the press conference, he stopped talking nonsense and directly entered the first item, which is also the Warwick S that everyone is looking forward to.

The introduction animation of the new mobile phone appeared on the big screen behind him.

It was a dark world, but there was a sound of water from time to time.

People speculate that it is probably the bottom of the water?

But at this moment, in the darkness, there was a ray of light.

Everyone looked at it, and it turned out to be a fish that can glow. The fish looks very beautiful. I don't know what species it is, but it should be fictional.

This luminous fish swims to the front, and the light shines on a plane. Through the reflection, people see the logo of Warwick, the six letters.

People can't help but concentrate, this is the new mobile phone, right?

Then, the glowing fish took the new phone in its mouth and began to swim upwards.

The darkness gradually lit up, and it became clear to people that it should have been the bottom of the sea just now.

And some attentive viewers also found that a LOGO flickered on the glowing fish from time to time, which was the LOGO of Zhiqi Company!

People quickly figured it out.

The dark before means that Huawei is in a dark period, and Zhiqi is the one who leads them back to the light.

This wave paid tribute to Zhiqi at the press conference, and everyone had to sigh with emotion. This wave of Huawei is really daring to do it.

It is unbelievable that one of the top 50 companies in the world paid tribute to other companies at the press conference.

How to describe it?

The answer is given on the barrage.

"It's so licking! I give Warwick full marks for this wave. 』

"Don't forget the well digger when you drink water, Huawei is still affectionate and righteous. 』

"The emergence of Zhiqi has directly revitalized Huawei's consumer business, which is indeed the right thing to do. 』

And Ye Cheng was having dinner with Xu Xin outside at this time, and they were also watching Huawei's press conference at the same time. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but smile at each other.

This release video surprised them, but instead of rejecting it, it is better to accept it calmly. They Zhiqi now also have the confidence to accept the tribute from other companies.

During the press conference, the video continued.

It wasn't until the phone left the water that everyone finally saw what the phone looked like.

One word, thin!

Very thin and light, from the screen point of view, the thickness is almost only half of the previous mobile phone.

Apparently, Huawei did not devote itself to adding more sensors to achieve more functions for mobile phones with lithium-air batteries, but chose to optimize the appearance of the fuselage.

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