Soon, the data of this Warwick S appeared on the PPT.

At the beginning of 1 chip, 12500mah lithium-air battery, 180W fast charge.

The screen is 144hz, 6.5 inches, with a resolution of 3K level, using BOE's latest diamond row screen, 500ppi.

The thickness is 4.95 mm, and the overall weight is only 135 grams!

The 6.5-inch large-screen mobile phone has a thickness of only 4.95 mm and a mass of only 130 grams!

For comparison, Guoguo 13mini has a screen size of 5.4 inches and a thickness of 7.4mm, but its weight is only two grams lower than Huawei S!

Such astonishing data made it impossible for everyone present to take their eyes off it.

It's outrageous.

Is the lithium-air battery really so perverted?

Who doesn't like their mobile phone to be lighter and thinner, so that it is more comfortable to hold and more convenient to carry.

When the time comes to play with the mobile phone at night, if you get hit on the face, you don't have to worry about hurting your nose.

Then, Yu Dazui continued to reveal what everyone is more concerned about, which is the battery life of the mobile phone.

"I believe everyone is more concerned about the battery life of our Huawei S."

"You can now freely guess, how long can the battery life last when the screen is at its maximum brightness and 144hz is turned on, and the video is played continuously?"

The people at the press conference began to shout, some for twenty hours, some for one day, and some for one and a half days.

There are also various speculations on the barrage.

Until the end, Yu Dazui smiled and stretched out four fingers, saying, "Thirty-six hours!"

"According to the data measured in our laboratory, with maximum brightness and 144hz continuous video playback, our Huawei S can last for 36 hours!"

"Of course, this is due to the lithium-air battery provided by Zhiqi, as well as their Taichu 1 chip."

Yu Dazui smiled and said: "To be honest, we have already planned to use the future S-series mobile phones to be equipped with Zhiqi chips."

"Our colleagues in Hayes also said that they hope that Zhiqi Company can produce slower chips, otherwise they will all lose their jobs."

Everyone laughed.

Facing Zhiqi's chip, it didn't seem surprising that Hayes' people said such words.

The ghost knows how powerful Zhiqi's next-generation chip is.

Especially when they have to use the Taibai structure at that time, it is estimated that it is even more outrageous.

I'm afraid that it will be just around the corner to realize the picture quality of computer games on mobile phones. It is said that Yuanshen is considering it, specially adapting higher picture quality for mobile phones equipped with Taichu 1 chips.

Of course, the topic returned to the new mobile phone. The next step is the performance test. Needless to say, the game runs at 60 frames. Other aspects are even stronger. Huawei also boldly mentioned heat dissipation in this press conference. system.

Due to the good power consumption ratio of the Taichu 1 chip and the lower heat generated by the 3nm process, coupled with their ability to tune the chip, the maximum temperature of the mobile phone after playing games for half an hour is only controlled at about 39 degrees. .

This is 3 degrees lower than the original 42 degrees of Remy X.

The people below were even more shocked.

Guys, are you sure you are playing with your phone?

Instead of only one phone screen on?

Everyone present couldn't help but want to try for themselves whether the power of this phone is really that strong.

Next, Warwick continued to introduce other aspects, that is, new functions developed by themselves.

After all, if only relying on Zhiqi's battery and chips, then they are no different from the assembly factory, so of course they have to develop more powerful functions, so that this phone can be called the most powerful phone.

But what happened after that naturally has nothing to do with Zhiqi.

At this time, Ye Cheng and Xu Xin, who were killing time in a coffee shop, no longer paid attention to the press conference, and the phones in their hands were the top-end Huawei S.

Of course, it was sent by Huawei. In the future, every mobile phone manufacturer that uses their lithium-air batteries or chips will most likely send a mobile phone to them, such as Zhiqi executives.

"When do other mobile phone manufacturers expect to release new phones?"

"The earliest one should have to wait until October. The lithium-air battery we gave them won the production license. After they make the mobile phone, they have to go through various safety certifications." Xu Xin scooped up a spoonful of tiramisu. After a cry, eat slowly.

As for the three mobile phone companies that tried to sue Zhiqi at the beginning, they have been listed as banned by Zhiqi, and basically they will not survive for long.

Zhiqi doesn't have to worry about losing profits. Batteries and chips are sold by the total production of equipment, not how many manufacturers there are on the market.

The same amount of mobile phones are sold every year. If those companies go bankrupt, their market will naturally be occupied by other companies.

And Zhiqi's decision also greatly shocked other mobile phone companies.

These mobile phone manufacturers now know a word, don't mess with Zhiqi, or you will die.

"Well, that's fine, hurry up if you can, just try to hurry up, don't let Warwick get too ahead."

Ye Cheng took a sip of coffee, "The next chip is estimated to be available in November, and a different company will make the first release."

"I know." Xu Xin nodded, she was naturally aware of this matter.

If Zhiqi wants to control these mobile phone manufacturers, naturally it cannot give all the good things to one company first, otherwise, it will affect Zhiqi's influence sooner or later.

At this time, a voice came from the side: "I'm going, your mobile phone is Huawei S? Isn't it just the press conference today? You just got it?"

The two people who were chatting were taken aback for a moment, then turned their heads to look.

A young man next to them looked at their mobile phones on the table with a look of surprise.

Obviously this young man also watched Warwick's press conference just now.

The voice of the young man attracted the attention of others.

Warwick S?

Isn't that the new mobile phone that Warwick said before?

Over the past year, because of Zhiqi, the whole country has begun to pay attention to chips, and naturally they have paid attention to Remy and Huawei, so even those who don’t know that today is Huawei’s press conference have basically heard that Huawei is going to release chips. The new phone thing.

So many people turned to Ye Cheng and Xu Xin.

Sure enough, someone recognized Ye Cheng.

"Boss Ye?"

"Damn, Zhiqi's Mr. Ye?"

Although Xu Xin is now managing the company, there are still more people who know Ye Cheng.

So many people heard the sound and came to say hello to Ye Cheng.

Someone else said: "Boss Ye and his girlfriend are out for dinner?"

Ye Cheng was helpless, and Xu Xin also had a big blush.

After chatting casually with these people, Ye Cheng and Xu Xin finally left.

"Will I have to wear a mask to go out in the future?" Ye Cheng touched his nose and said helplessly.

Xu Xin smiled and said, "Look at yourself, you are a star now."

"Star Entrepreneur."

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