Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 144 Go To The Head Of The Us Aircraft Carrier?

Originally, the military planned to hold on for a while, but the fact that the United States stopped framing Zhiqi and the sudden outbreak of human experimentation incidents by the US military made many people vaguely speculate that this was probably caused by Zhiqi.

Anyone who is interested in analyzing and analyzing will probably think that this kind of thing is inseparable from Zhiqi.

Just being framed by the United States for human experimentation, the US government also encountered the same crisis of public opinion.

Moreover, if they search carefully, they will find that those whose accounts have been hacked have followed the Western media to discredit Zhiqi, which further confirms Zhiqi's identity as the mastermind behind the scenes.

Even if Zhiqi stood up and declared that it had nothing to do with them, no one would believe it.

As we all know, official denials are true.

Therefore, these interested people are all curious, where did Zhiqi come up with the secrets of the United States, and how did they hack the social accounts of so many American stars or famous people, and then send those pictures?

Do they have such a strong hacker team?

Or do they have information technology that has never been disclosed?

The military also wants to know that information warfare is the main form of modern warfare.

If one can keep abreast of the opponent's military information at all times, the outcome of a non-nuclear war is basically doomed for China, a major military country.

However, if you want to know from Zhiqi whether they have any advanced information technology, you must first restore the relationship with Ye Cheng.

Now when Zhiqi cooperates with them, it is completely in accordance with commercial methods, and there is nothing public or private.

Therefore, they compromised with Zhiqi and reached a cooperation on lithium-air batteries. It is said that the leaders of the relevant military companies also changed a few because of this to avoid Ye Cheng's displeasure.

Inviting Ye Cheng to visit the air force base this time is also an effort by them to restore their relationship.

Soon, Ye Cheng first came to a military area in the urban area, and someone was in charge of responding. After all, it is not so easy to enter the air force base.

The person who responded to him was an air force colonel.

He parked the car in a parking space in the military area and came to the colonel.

Seeing him, the colonel immediately saluted and said, "Colonel Chu Yunlong, Colonel X Team X, Air Force X Base, come to meet Mr. Ye."

Ye Cheng smiled and said, "Hello, Colonel Chu, you don't need to make it so formal."

A smile soon appeared on Chu Yunlong's face: "Military rules, well, Mr. Ye, I will take you to our air force base next."

"Please take the car of our base, otherwise your car cannot drive into our base. I will send you back after your visit is over."

Ye Cheng nodded: "OK."

Without further ado, he returned to his car first, took some things, and then followed Chu Yunlong to the military vehicle at the air force base.

After driving all the way, they chatted briefly, and then they quieted down.

He did not blindfold Ye Cheng to prevent him from seeing the outside scene. Anyway, in his capacity, it is not a big problem to know where a military base is, so it seems that the military is generous.

Along the way, I passed through hills and hills, bypassed roads, and finally entered a place without concrete roads. Military vehicles have strong off-road performance, and it’s okay to have no cement roads. Finally, I came to an open place. On the plain, a military base appeared in front of him.

At this time, in Ye Cheng's ear, there was an ultra-miniature wireless earphone that was hard to find.

Smaller than a fifty-cent coin, it can be easily inserted into the ear hole, and it is difficult to be found.

This is specially designed by Ye Cheng so that he can listen to Xiaobai anytime, anywhere.

And Xiaobai's voice was also coming into his ears from the earphone at this time.

"Master, there are many snipers around, and there are drones specially used for surveillance in the sky."

"Master, I want to play with the drones in the sky."

Ye Cheng curled his lips and shook his head slightly.

It was a military drone. If Xiaobai got hacked into it, he probably wouldn't be able to leave the military area today.

"Hee hee, I'm just talking." Xiao Bai's mischievous voice sounded.

Ye Cheng doesn't talk nonsense with it, and he can't talk now either.

In this way, the car drove to the gate of the military base, and the guards at the gate checked Chu Yunlong's ID and let him go.

The scene inside the military base also made Ye Cheng feel emotional.

There are armed helicopters and transport helicopters. If you go to the airport, you may see fighter jets.

"Senior Colonel Chu, do you know what you are looking for me for today?"

Suddenly, Ye Cheng asked.

Chu Yunlong smiled and said mysteriously: "Today we have a special mission, and we specially invite Mr. Ye to take a look."

"Oh? A special mission? What kind of mission?"

Ye Cheng showed interest on his face.

"Hehe, Mr. Ye, you will know later."

Xiaobai's voice sounded: "They are going to drive the J-35 to go over the head of the US aircraft carrier to see if the US aircraft carrier can find it."

Surprise suddenly appeared on Ye Cheng's face.

Good guy, are you so courageous?

At this time, Chu Yunlong's voice sounded: "Mr. Ye, we're here."

Ye Cheng came back to his senses, looked to the side, and saw several leaders of the military base waiting for him outside the car.

A soldier came up and opened the car door for him.


Ye Cheng temporarily suppressed the doubts in his heart, thanked the soldier, and then looked at the military leaders.

An Air Force general, an Air Force lieutenant general.

Chu Yunlong introduced Ye Cheng: "This is the commander of our base, General Tao Zhenzhe."

"This is the deputy commander, Lieutenant General Su Qiao."

Ye Cheng greeted these generals in turn.

General Tao Zhenzhe said with a smile: "Hehe, Mr. Ye's coming here can be said to make our base flourish."

Ye Cheng shook his head with a smile, and pointed to the surroundings: "General Tao was joking, do you call this Pengpi?"

"Those Wuzhi, I don't know how much they cost, and there should be a few J-20s or H-6s on your airport runway?"

"Let me guess, maybe there are a few Dongfeng buried on the ground."

"I can't compare."

Everyone around laughed.

Tao Zhenzhe smiled and waved his hands: "Hey, Mr. Ye was joking, you can't talk about these things casually."

Ye Cheng smiled and said, "That's true."

People will not tell him whether there are nuclear missiles here.

"Okay, Mr. Ye, let's not talk nonsense today. I invite you to come over today. I also invite you to take a look at one of our new equipment."

"I can't ask for more."

Ye Cheng nodded.

New equipment for the military?

what is that.

Xiaobai's voice sounded again: "Jian Sanwu."

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