Hearing Xiaobai's voice, Ye Cheng couldn't help being taken aback.


Isn't that a carrier aircraft?

Moreover, isn't it only unveiled at the end of October 2021?

Are you going to use it to perform tasks now?

However, since it was an arrangement by the military, he would go and have a look for now.

They stopped talking, and Ye Cheng got into the military vehicle to see what the J-35 carrier-based aircraft looked like.

Soon, they came to the airport.

I saw three fighter planes parked on the runway.

Two of them were the familiar J-20, with a gray-black surface, showing a little bit of silver under the sun's rays, while the other was a green leather machine.

It was the J-35 carrier-based aircraft that was unveiled last year.

Carrier-based aircraft refers to fighter jets that can take off and land on an aircraft carrier.

Due to the special take-off and landing environment, carrier-based fighters must adapt to short-distance catapult take-off and arresting cable landing. The body structure must be strong, and the landing gear must be able to withstand the huge impact of take-off and landing.

According to the current J-20 design, its overall structural strength cannot achieve safe take-off and landing on an aircraft carrier.

The J-35 is a stealth fighter that assumes the duties of a carrier-based aircraft.

Seeing the fighter jet in front of his eyes, I believe that no boy can resist its temptation.

Ye Cheng had the feeling of going up and sitting, or even driving.

Of course, this is only limited to thinking about it, and then he expressed his doubts: "Isn't J-35 from the navy? Why did it stop here?"

Tao Zhenzhe said with a smile: "J-35 has never boarded an aircraft carrier. We have been testing its structural stability before, and now we are sure, so we decided to let it officially board an aircraft carrier today. In addition, it also needs to Carry out a special mission with our two J-20s."

"Special mission?" Ye Cheng knew what the mission was from Xiaobai, but he still pretended to be puzzled on the surface: "Is it necessary to carry out the mission and also conduct a test?"

Tao Zhenzhe nodded and shook his head, and said with a smile, "Actually, strictly speaking, they are all test tasks."

"The radar absorbing coating of your Zhiqi has been used on these three fighters. Today we just want to use it to test the performance."

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows: "I heard that the US aircraft carrier battle group came to the South China Sea again today?"

Tao Zhenzhe was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "I didn't expect Mr. Ye to guess it. I wanted to keep it a secret."

Then with a serious face, he said solemnly: "That's right, today we are going to let our fighter jets go to their aircraft carrier for a turn."

"Let them know what it means to be afraid."

Ye Cheng asked: "What if it is discovered?"

"So what if they are discovered, do they still dare to fire?"

As a general, Tao Zhenzhe is over sixty years old, but although he is old, his military spirit is still there.

"Tell them to drive the aircraft carrier over and over again, do you really think our fighter jets are not flying fast?"

"Their F35 is powerful, and our J-35 is their J-35!"

Tao Zhenzhe's face was already full of murderous intent.

The long-term forbearance has caused every soldier in the army to feel aggrieved in his heart.

Now, the country's science and technology has become stronger, especially breaking through the limitations of Western semiconductors. In addition, there are powerful lithium-air batteries. The reform of energy has all made the overall national strength significantly improved. Now, in In the military, it is time to shine the sword.

Mi Jian is sharp, but Hua Jian is not bad.

Ye Cheng was silent for a moment, and then only said one word: "Okay."

As long as he doesn't continue to treat Zhiqi as easy to bully, he is of course willing to make a strong country his number one goal.

The atmosphere was solemn for a while, and the blood boiled for a while.

Tao Zhenzhe laughed heartily again, then patted Ye Cheng on the shoulder, and said: "Of course, Mr. Ye, you also have to trust your radar absorbing coating, we dare to do this today, and it has something to do with you Zhiqi. "

Ye Cheng smiled slightly: "Then we'll wait and see. For the time being, I can only say that it's not a big problem."

"Okay, then I will borrow your good words from Mr. Ye."

Tao Zhenzhe nodded, then looked at the deputy commander, and said, "Old Su, let our soldiers prepare for the mission."

"Yes!" The deputy commander responded immediately, then took out a communicator and issued an order.

Then, I saw three soldiers running out from the side, two wearing air force uniforms and one wearing navy uniforms.

The three soldiers lined up in front and back, and their movements were uniform, showing the effectiveness of the training.

They ran in front of Tao Zhenzhe, stood still, turned around, and saluted.

"Report! The fighter jet test mission team, Lin Dong, Xiao Heng, Zuo Ning, are ready to carry out the mission, please give the order to the commander!"

With a solemn expression, Tao Zhenzhe stood at attention and saluted the three soldiers, and then said in a deep voice, "You guys are going to fly our fighter planes over the US aircraft carrier battle group. If they're angry, or inattentive, or accidentally press the fire button, they're going to put you in jeopardy."

"The Americans are very powerful, they are the world's superpower, and their military technology is better than ours."

"In this mission, you are very likely to bleed and die."

"Then tell me, are you afraid of bloodshed! Are you afraid of sacrifice?!"

"Don't be afraid!"

The three soldiers shouted loudly.

"Are you really not afraid? If you don't want to go, take a step back, I won't blame you!"

"I'm really not afraid!"

"Speak up!" Tao Zhenzhe shouted in a voice no less than theirs.

"Don't be afraid!"

The three soldiers roared again.

It can be seen that the blue veins on their foreheads are popping out, their faces are even redder, and their blood is already boiling.

"very good!"

Tao Zhenzhe nodded gratifiedly, "The motherland looks forward to your performance, and you should also believe that the motherland is your best backing, and we will fight to protect you at any time!"

"Now, it's ten o'clock in the morning. The mission execution time is two and a half hours. You should all know the mission details. Get close to the US aircraft carrier battle group, try to fly over them, and test our improved stealth performance! Mission execution After the completion, the two J-20s will return here to report. Zuo Ning, you will fly the J-35 and land on our aircraft carrier. Our aircraft carrier has been dispatched. You will perform the last task to test our J-35 , whether you can successfully land, your task is the most difficult, I hope you can successfully complete the task."


"Okay, permission to carry out the task!" Tao Zhenzhe gave the final order.

The three fighter pilots saluted again, and then ran to the three fighter planes on the airport.

They are the most elite pilots. This time they will carry the hope of the Republic and test whether their new fighter can draw the beautiful figure of the Republic fighter under the eyes of the Americans.

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