Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 145 Entering The Radar Detection Range Of The United States, The Blind Uss Washington

The three pilots boarded the fighter jet through the airstairs, and the support staff removed the airstairs and saluted the three pilots.

The three pilots who sat on the fighter plane also saluted the support staff, then took a deep breath and began to prepare.

Seat belts, respirators, communicators, glasses...

Wait for all kinds of equipment and put them on together.

Then they reported to the control tower that they were ready and requested to take off.

At this time, Ye Cheng and Tao Zhenzhe had returned to the ground command center.

The command center conveyed the requests of the pilots, and Tao Zhenzhe said, "Permission to take off!"

"Permission to take off!"

The tower staff immediately conveyed the order to the three pilots.


At the airport, the engines of the three fighter jets simultaneously heard the sound of energy brewing.

The wheels start to roll, and the powerful turbo brings strong power, which also brings strong acceleration.

The runway of the airport was once again crushed by the wheels of fighter jets.

In the end, the three fighter planes climbed into the sky one by one, the sound of piercing the air sounded, and finally disappeared into the sky quickly.

The ground command center immediately started the command task.

According to the code names of the three fighter planes, the commanders began to let the pilots enter Nanhai. Of course, they would not forget to fly over a certain island first.

Ye Cheng and Tao Zhenzhe stood together, he could feel the air force commander's feelings, this position can see all kinds of information, so as to grasp the overall situation.

Except he can't call the shots.

He looked at the radar and satellite images on the big screen. Their fighter planes were three small dots, their aircraft carrier was another dot, and there was another big dot, which was located in Nanhuayang.

Several dots form a triangle, and three smaller dots are approaching the larger dot.

Will this mission be successful?

He knows all the data of the US aircraft carrier through Xiaobai, and he is very clear.

Must win!


South China Sea.

The USS Washington aircraft carrier battle group once again stepped into the waters of this foreign country.

The United States has not signed the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea because they have a strong navy and can walk on the sea unscrupulously and show off their power.

Of course, they are not willing to let people use the law of the sea to restrict their actions at sea, although they often use the law of the sea to refer to China.

As for why the United States often comes to Nanhuayang, it is because there are many islands and reefs in Nanhuayang. If they do not come to Nanhuayang to harass them from time to time, the Celestial Dynasty will definitely be able to control all these islands and reefs with their own military strength, and then rely on The world's leading sand blowing and reclamation technology has turned those islands and reefs that were not even exposed to the sea into islands that can be stationed in military bases and build airports.

At that time, these islands will be like a wall, safeguarding the interests of the Celestial Dynasty in the far sea, and will have an extremely important strategic position.

And this is something that the United States cannot agree to, so they come here often, thereby obstructing the actions of the Chinese government in South China Ocean.

This time, the USS Washington aircraft carrier battle group came here with the same purpose.

These problems in the semiconductor industry can be regarded as economic and technological problems.

These people are slowly playing games and exchanging interests, and the United States can also succumb to Zhiqi.

It's just a strategic issue, the United States naturally cannot be subdued, and military issues are more important than anything else.

So what should be done for them is still to be done.

The control tower of the USS Washington.

Admiral Tremmere of the U.S. Navy stood in his position, listening to the information conveyed by others.

"What? The aircraft carrier of the Celestial Dynasty people moved? It even came towards us?"

There was surprise on his face.

Do the people of the Celestial Dynasty dare to do this?

I don’t know how many times Trommere has come to Nanhuayang. The Chinese government wants to expel them, and at most they will send a few intelligence gathering ships and air defense ships.

This time they actually went directly to the aircraft carrier?

"Did their fighters make any moves?"

"The whereabouts of their fighter planes have not been detected for the time being, and it is not ruled out that they are too far away from us to be detected by radar."

"Continue to detect!" Tremmeer frowned and gave instructions, and then he immediately came to the side and began to communicate with the US Navy military base in Japan. "

The reaction of the Celestial Dynasty this time is completely different from the past, and they must face it cautiously.

Especially with the increasingly acute conflict between China and the United States recently, it is hard to guarantee that they will not do anything different this time.

After contacting the naval base, Admiral Tremere got another piece of news that puzzled him.

"The Celestials didn't even send warships? What are they trying to do?!"

In the past, when they entered the South China Ocean, the Celestial Dynasty would inevitably send warships to drive them away. What do you want to do this time?

He frowned tightly, and finally issued an order: "All warships, reduce the speed to five knots, and move forward slowly."

The commanders in the fleet were all puzzled, but they could only follow the orders from the admiral.

Tremmir looked at the horizon far away, his eyes fixed.

"I want to see what you guys want to do."


An altitude of 16,000 meters.

Two J-20s and one J-35 flew across the blue sky with the depth of the universe at a speed exceeding sound.

"Vailong 7, Weilong 8, Hailong 1, this is the ground command. You are still 1,200 kilometers away from the aircraft carrier battle group of the United States. It is expected to enter their air defense in 30 minutes. Within the detection range, please be careful."

The official codename of the J-20 in the military is Veyron, and the J-35 is called Hailong (the author guessed it wildly), after all, it is a carrier-based aircraft.

Hearing the voice from the headquarters, the three pilots responded in unison: "Got it."

They all concentrated their attention.

Whether you can pass over the Americans without being discovered by them is a gamble.

In this way, they gradually approached.

700 kilometers is the maximum horizontal distance of the Washington radar for air detection.

They did not send warships, because sending fighter planes is a tougher response. At the same time, if they can really fly over the heads of the Americans without being noticed by them, for the Americans, this is definitely something that they will fear. thing.

Time passed quickly.

Americans are still entangled in why China did not send warships to expel them.

I was chased away every time before, but I didn't encounter it this time, so I'm not used to it.

In this way, fifteen minutes passed quietly.

Three fighter planes that took off from the territory of China have already broken into the radar detection range of USS Washington.

However, all the radars of the USS Washington aircraft carrier battle group did not detect at all that these three fighter jets entered under their noses.

Otherwise, they will definitely contact the three fighters immediately and ask them to evacuate immediately.

And everyone in the ground command center also knew that their fighter jets had entered the "eyes" of the USS Washington, but they were still calm.

Because their purpose is to fly over the heads of the Americans

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