700 kilometers.

600 kilometers.

500 kilometers.

400 kilometers.


The fighter jets are getting closer.

Up to a hundred kilometers!

Still not found!

"it is good!"

Everyone in the command center cheered.

One hundred kilometers has not been found, which means that the three fighters can easily lock the USS Washington aircraft carrier battle group, and then without them noticing, all the missiles are fired, making the Washington battle group an isolated island in the sea, lost Contact with their headquarters.

When Tao Zhenzhe heard the news, although he didn't have any emotional reaction, it was obvious that his fists were clenched and his eyelashes were trembling, showing how excited he was.

The powerful navy and air force of the United States are the biggest guarantee for the Americans to check and balance the world in addition to economic hegemony, and their anti-stealth capabilities are also very strong. It is still relatively difficult to get close to a hundred kilometers without being discovered. .

Besides, who knows how powerful the radar in the United States is, this is a military secret, and it is impossible for others to announce it.

Therefore, this time, Huaguo tested the stealth capability of the fighter plane, and was already prepared to be discovered.

Of course, if they are discovered, they will be discovered. It is like using warships to drive away the aircraft carriers of the United States. This time, they used fighter jets to frighten their aircraft carriers to express their determination to defend sea power.

However, what surprised them was that the situation was moving in the direction they most hoped for. Their stealth fighter was within 100 kilometers of the American aircraft carrier!

Of course, this is the horizontal distance, but even if calculated using the Pythagorean Theorem, their straight-line distance is actually not that far away.

At this time, as long as the fighter jets are equipped with missiles, they can completely destroy all the combat power of the Washington aircraft carrier.

However, in order to fly so far, none of the three fighters actually carried ammunition, but added several auxiliary fuel tanks.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to fly back and forth for more than 4,000 kilometers without refueling in the air.

The normal combat radius of the J-20 is only about 2,000 kilometers.

Of course, blowing up the aircraft carrier is only a matter of thought. If it is really to be realized, it may be the start of World War III.


While everyone in the ground command was excited about it, the speed of the three fighter jets remained unabated and they were still approaching the US aircraft carrier.

The distance of one hundred kilometers has already been broken.

"Vailong 7, Weilong 8, Hailong 1, you are now 80 kilometers away from the US aircraft carrier... 75 kilometers..."

"After flying over the US aircraft carrier, return immediately, no need to stop, please reply."

"Weilong/Hailong X received!"

The three pilots responded at the same time.

They shuttled at an altitude of more than 16,000 meters, and from time to time they could see warships sailing slowly on the sea level from among the clouds, and the huge steel giant surrounded in the middle was also in their eyes at this time. Just as tiny as ants, they didn't respond to their approach.

There was a sense of pride and excitement in all of them.

Flying a fighter plane over the head of the US aircraft carrier, after they return to the team, I am afraid that they can be blown away with their teammates until they are discharged from the army.

Even after retiring from the army, I'm afraid I can play for the rest of my life.

"Come on, Americans, see if you can spot us!"

Three fighter jets skimmed through the clouds and flew towards the farther ocean, closer to the US aircraft carrier.

aboard the Washington.

Admiral Tremere felt a little uneasy at this moment.

Today, the abnormal behavior of the Chinese made him even more puzzled.

"Is the aircraft carrier of the Hua people still heading towards us?"

"Yes, Admiral."

"Have you detected their fighter planes approaching? Are there no fighter planes taking off from their airport in the South China Sea?"

"Not detected."

"Where's their submarine? Has our submarine found anything?"

"I haven't found anything either. The satellites have already locked on to their airport and port in the South China Sea. Nothing has been found. Only their aircraft carrier is approaching. However, the distance is very far, and it may take a long time to get close."

"Strange." Tremere murmured.

Huaguo, which has always fought back vigorously in the past, has not reacted today. What are they planning?

It is impossible for Huaguo to have deployed satellite laser weapons, right?

But today the clouds in the sky are extraordinarily thick, even if the Hua people have laser weapons, they can't even think about posing a threat to them.

But no matter what, he always had an ominous premonition in his heart, as if he was being targeted by something.

Suddenly, he raised his head and looked into the distance.

He vaguely seemed to see a few black shadows from between the clouds?

"What the hell is that? A seabird?"

But will seabirds fly to such high clouds?

He checked with his eyes, and the clouds today are not only thick, but also very high, probably above 10,000 meters.

Don't seabirds try to catch fish on the sea surface, fly so high and die?

"Could I have read it wrong?"

He couldn't help but think so.

Soon he thought he might be too sensitive.

Facing Hua Guo at this time, he suddenly felt that he was facing an empty city plan.

Of course, he didn't know what an empty city plan was.

After thinking for a long time, he finally issued an order: "The whole army turns around and returns to Yokosuka Naval Base."

The base where the USS Washington is deployed is at the Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan.

Returning now means that they have given up their strategic move to enter the South China Sea.

The commanders on other warships were a little puzzled.

"Admiral, what's the matter? It's not long since we entered the South China Sea of ​​China, and none of their warships came over."

"The Chinese may be scared, let's go around their Nansha Islands!"

"General, let's move on!"


Tremmere said in a calm voice: "Hua is a bit abnormal today. We need to be vigilant. It is best to return now. After finding out what the people of Chu Hua are doing, we can talk about other things."

Hearing what the general said, the others had no choice but to obey the order.

But at this moment.


A powerful engine sound came from above them.

Tremmir's face changed, and he shouted to the people in the command cabin: "What happened!"

"I don't know Admiral! The sound seems to be coming from the clouds, but there are too many clouds in the sky, we can't see what's going on!"

Tremmir's face changed again: "How is that possible! Don't tell me that the Chinese fighter jets flew over our heads!"

The monitoring personnel also looked dignified and puzzled: "There is no response on the radar, and no radar reflective surface has been detected!"

"Impossible! Are Huaguo's stealth fighters so advanced?" Tremmere felt a little scared.

Flying to the top of the head without anyone noticing?

It simply means that their lives are controlled by others.

The opponent will be able to easily destroy their towers and radars, making them a mobile island on the sea, and will not receive help from the command headquarters.

He immediately issued an order: "F18 fighter, start it for me immediately! Go to the sky to check, as well as our reconnaissance plane and early warning plane! Put it on alert!"

"In addition, tell the headquarters immediately that we have encountered an unknown aircraft and appeared above us."

At this moment, three violent explosions came from above them again.

Tremmir's face turned pale, and he shouted: "Everyone hide! Be careful of air strikes!"


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