J-35 crossed the sky and flew towards the target.

The height has dropped from the original height of more than 15,000 meters to 50 meters.

Zuo Ning was driving the fighter jet, flying almost close to the sea, the sea level was shaken by strong air currents, and after a while, the fighter plane climbed rapidly again.

Due to the greatly improved structural strength of this fighter, it can make more extreme actions.

He couldn't help exclaiming that he was refreshed, which was much more refreshing than when he was driving the J-15.

For their pilots, during this return journey, they can freely play various tricks and show off their flying skills. As one of the best pilots, he once flew J-Yao Wu over Tiananmen Square during the military parade Of course, I also like to fly freely in the air like this.

Obviously, though, there wasn't that much time left for him to continue playing.

The order from the aircraft carrier headquarters of the Liaoning ship was conveyed.

"Hailong No. 1, you are only 50 kilometers away from the Liaoning ship. Please adjust the attitude of the fuselage as soon as possible. The aircraft carrier's runway and arresting wires have been adjusted in direction, waiting for your landing!"

Zuo Ning responded quickly: "Yes!"

Then he stabilized the fuselage, quickly adjusted his attitude, and adjusted his altitude, about 30 meters high. When the aircraft carrier appeared in his field of vision, he was ready to descend to the height of the aircraft carrier's runway.

Fifty kilometers passed in a flash, and his speed was maintained at about 200 kilometers per hour.

Almost sixty to seventy meters per second speed.

A fighter jet that can intercept this speed and weighs about 20 tons also has great requirements for the arresting cable. The only countries in the world that can build an aircraft carrier arresting cable are the four countries of Hua, Mi, Ying, and Xiong, all of which belong to the Wuchang countries. Except for a certain Gaul country.

At this time, Zuo Ning had already seen the huge monster that appeared in his field of vision, surrounded by warships and lifeboats, all of which were to meet him.

Either Qiqi cheered for him, or the lifeboat came to pick him up.

But he just took a deep breath. As a soldier of China, his only purpose is to perform all tasks well and live up to the mission of the motherland.

What's more, he also believed that the motherland would not let him drive an immature thing to perform such a dangerous task.

A sense of honor rose in my heart.

He stroked the joystick.

He's been flying this Sea Dragon 1 since it came out, for several years.

"Good brother, it's up to you!"

He muttered something in his heart, looking at the aircraft carrier with less than five kilometers left, he said to the communicator: "Hailong 1 is ready to land!"

"Received by the headquarters, Hailong No. 1, please rest assured to land!"

In addition to the formal response, Zuo Ning also heard a voice from the communicator: "Zuo Ning, please calm down for me, if something goes wrong, I will ask you to try the gravity overload of 11 G!"

Zuo Ning laughed, it was his superior's voice.

He responded loudly: "It's the officer! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

"Okay, after coming down, let's go to the sea to catch some crabs to eat in the afternoon!"


Zuo Ning agreed.

Afterwards, the communication was shut down, and the rest was up to him.

He stared at the long and narrow runway of the aircraft carrier, and landed on the aircraft carrier from the boundless sky. It was extremely difficult, and only the best pilots could do it.

Just like that, getting closer and closer.

5 km.

4 km.

3 km.


The people on the aircraft carrier, or the people watching here through the aircraft carrier's camera, have already seen the green-skinned fighter jet flying from the distant sky, and the landing gear has also been put down.

The aircraft carrier tower command has already obtained relevant data.

"Hailong-1 is expected to land at a speed of 124 knots, and its current altitude is 27 meters."

"The Liaoning ship is sailing in the same direction as Hailong No. 1 at a speed of 30 knots."

"The heading wind condition is headwind, the wind speed is 3 knots."

"The arresting wire is in good condition and has been cleared by deck personnel."

"All conditions are good."

"Get ready for the landing of Sea Dragon One."

Because the purpose of this landing is for testing, it is necessary to maintain the best conditions in terms of weather.

The headwind can ensure that the fighter plane has a rising force when it descends, so that the force on the landing gear is slightly smaller. Similarly, the headwind can also bring a resistance to the carrier-based aircraft, making its speed decrease faster and reducing obstruction. the burden of claiming.

The aircraft carrier should also keep sailing in the same direction as the carrier-based aircraft, and maintain full speed, thereby reducing the relative speed difference.

As long as it succeeds this time, technicians can collect relevant data to continue to determine where the limit of J-35 is.

Everything was ready, and everyone just watched the fighter plane getting closer and lower, and the altitude was getting lower and lower.

until the last kilometer.

For a fighter jet, the distance of one kilometer is only ten seconds.

Hailong No. 1 is already approaching the deck.

Everyone stood up and watched this scene.

In the air force base, Ye Cheng also watched this scene from the big screen.

And Xiaobai had already calculated the success rate of this landing based on detailed data.

At least ninety percent.

Although he was very tall, he couldn't help but calm down, waiting for the arrival of the last moment.



Finally, in the eyes of everyone, Hailong No. 1 landed on the runway precisely.

The wheels rolled violently on the deck runway, making a loud friction sound.

This is the first step to success!

Then, the hook protruding from the tail of the aircraft was also successfully hooked by the arresting wire.

This is the second step to success!

The speed of Hailong No. 1 began to drop rapidly, and the arresting cable was also continuously stretched under the strong pulling force.

Until the end, Hailong No. 1 stopped steadily!

stopped on deck.

Seeing this scene, everyone cheered and applauded.


"it is good!"

People hugged and celebrated, excited and excited for this scene.

This is their own stealth carrier-based fighter!

Although there are still various tests in the future, it cannot be said that it can be used to perform combat missions now, but such performance has undoubtedly proved that it is not far from success!

The support personnel on the aircraft carrier rushed up to help their heroes and fighters off the runway.

And on the aircraft carrier, almost all the leaders have left the tower and rushed to the fighter jets to welcome their soldiers back safely.

Professional technicians also quickly checked the condition of the fuselage to see if there was a problem and whether the second take-off and landing mission could be performed immediately.

Everyone has a division of labor, but everyone is equally proud of it.

Today, the Chinese army has accomplished two feats.

It flew over the head of the US aircraft carrier!

The J-35 stealth carrier-based aircraft landed perfectly on the aircraft carrier!

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