In the air force base.

In addition to welcoming the return of the two J-20s, they are also celebrating the successful landing of the J-35.

"Hahaha, well done!"

Seeing the scene of J-35 parked on the aircraft carrier, Tao Zhenzhe also felt extremely excited.

The only pity is that the aircraft carrier belongs to the navy, and the carrier-based aircraft also belong to the navy.

However, it would be nice if the J-20 belonged to the Air Force.

Ye Cheng also smiled slightly.

"It seems that the strength of our army can be even stronger."

"Hehe, this also has a lot to do with Zhiqi." Tao Zhenzhe said: "Your alloys, your coatings, and your lithium-air batteries in the future."

"In the three armies of the sea, land and air, I am afraid that there will be nothing that will not be inspired by your wisdom in the future."

Ye Cheng said with a hearty smile: "That is also our Zhiqi's honor."

"I'm looking forward to what new things you can come up with."

When Tao Zhenzhe said this, he couldn't help but lower his voice a little, and then whispered: "Tell me the truth, what new technology do you plan to come up with?"

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "Does the automatic aiming system count?"

Tao Zhenzhe didn't react at first, he just let out an "oh".

But soon he froze for a moment.

"What? Automatic aiming system?!"

He was very surprised and said that the sound accidentally attracted the attention of the people around him.

However, he was not in the mood to care about others anymore, but fell into surprise because of what Ye Cheng revealed.

Isn't this thing the same new technology that their military is vigorously developing?

With the deepening of the development of the smart industry today, the military has long begun to explore the direction of automatic targeting.

For example, automatic aiming and sniping, even if you are not a sharpshooter, you can kill the devil's sniper with a single shot from 800 meters away.

Of course, the cost of using self-sighting on individual weapons is too expensive, and a gun costs hundreds of thousands. Unless it is only used by special teams alone, I am afraid that no country can afford that expensive overhead.

Therefore, the self-aiming system is best used on those large weapons, such as fighter jets or helicopters.

Directly equip the cannon with an intelligent aiming system, and then point and shoot.

Even more awesome, direct beyond-the-horizon strikes.

Tao Zhenzhe knew how important the automatic aiming system was, so he quickly pulled Ye Cheng aside, and then continued to ask in a low voice, "How powerful is your automatic aiming system?"

"It's not a question of whether it's powerful or not." Ye Cheng thought for a while and said, "It's the kind of... well, it can directly track and aim based on optical imaging, including the analysis of thermal imaging layers to achieve precise strikes. In addition, According to the resolution of the most advanced military cameras in the current military, generally speaking, it can accurately distinguish every meter from more than 30 to 40 kilometers away, and the success rate is 95% or higher."

"In addition to this, there is an automatic enemy search function, which can distinguish between enemies and our own people."

"Like drones, you don't need to aim yourself. This automatic aiming system can judge the enemy and the environment, and then directly strike the enemy without worrying about accidental injury."

"What you said is true?" Tao Zhenzhe was even more shocked.

"Of course it's true, we've done a number of tests and it's basically fine."

Of course, this is still thanks to Xiaobai, who relies on the powerful computing power of the supercomputer, and its avatar that has almost covered half of Huaguo now, plus the program it wrote based on its own bottom layer, to achieve this kind of The automatic aiming system is really not too simple.

Xiaobai did not forget to brush up his sense of presence: "Xiaobai is super powerful!"

Ye Cheng smiled, let's praise it when we go back.

As for Tao Zhenzhe, he was so shocked by this technology that he was speechless.

He didn't get into the future purely by his qualifications and family background. He was a technical soldier before, so he knew what these technologies meant.

Tracking and aiming based on optical imaging? Could it even be aimed based on thermal imaging? Accurate to every meter more than three or forty kilometers away?

It's just unbelievable.

Self-aiming in reality is completely different from self-aiming in games.

The self-aiming in the game is based on the program, knowing the code of the enemy representative, and then you can lock your head and chest.

In reality, self-aiming is not so easy to achieve.

After a photo is taken, can the smartphone tell what is being photographed?

Distinguishing is only one aspect. Whether the distinction is accurate or not is still a problem.

For example, Huawei mobile phones have made a fuss about distinguishing the light bulb as the moon.

This is completely related to the algorithm.

As long as the algorithm is good enough, it is not a problem to use a military camera to distinguish the enemy tens of kilometers away. Even if a satellite camera or an astronomical telescope with billions of pixels is used, it will be directly from the earth to the moon. It is not impossible to achieve an interstellar level strike on the Internet.

Therefore, this was also the thing that shocked Tao Zhenzhe the most.

Zhiqi actually has such artificial intelligence technology.

I have never heard of Zhiqi's development in artificial intelligence before.

Suddenly, Tao Zhenzhe narrowed his eyes, no.

Artificial intelligence is obviously also a computer programming technology.

Think about the human experiment incident that they have been wondering about in the United States for a long time, and its relationship with Zhiqi.

Zhiqi, there must be extremely powerful computer experts!

He became more and more emotional.

Zhiqi, it is too deep and unfathomable.

The only pity is that it does not belong to the country.

However, fortunately, it is a company belonging to Huaguo.

At this time, Ye Cheng saw that Tao Zhenzhe hadn't spoken for a while, so he said, "Commander Tao?"

Tao Zhenzhe came back to his senses, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, when you get old, you tend to lose concentration."

Then he asked: "By the way, is the technology you mentioned mature? Can our military use it directly?"

Ye Cheng: "Of course it can be carried. Of course, after carrying it, you have to modify your equipment."

Tao Zhenzhe waved his hand immediately: "Then change it, it can greatly enhance our strength, and worry about what to do with the money."

"If you have any other technologies, tell me now, the last thing we are afraid of is spending money."

Ye Cheng laughed, and then said: "Aircraft autopilot technology, do you think about it? There is also a swarm drone combat system, or a lethal autonomous weapon system?"

"Oh, yes! There are also individual exoskeleton bionic mechs."

"These are the technologies that we...well, are researching, and can reach in-depth cooperation with the military."

Tao Zhenzhe was a little overwhelmed by Ye Cheng's casually reported skills.

"Slow down, what are these things? Autopilot? What's the use? And swarm drones? I've heard of this. Don't we have such technology now? And..."

Ye Cheng laughed and began to sell these brand new technologies to Tao Zhenzhe.

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