
"We start by stating that this is an act of war and asking whether they want to go to war."

"Then let our allies question the country together."

Someone asked, "What's the point of doing that?"

The Secretary of State replied: "The people of the country cannot be the first to show that their fighter jets flew over our heads! This is a disgrace to Millikin. It must not be known to anyone, especially those poor citizens. God knows they have just stopped for a few days. After this incident, how many more demonstrations will have to be carried out."

Others thought the same thing, the matter of human experimentation has finally stopped for the time being. If this matter breaks out again, those citizens may be full and have to march again.

It's just that someone asked again at this time: "But we have no evidence to prove that the fighter jets flying over our heads are fighter jets of Chinese people."

Secretary of State: "Why do we have to prove it? We say it is what it is, and the Chinese people have no way to prove that we really didn't find them."

"Maybe they will wonder if we really found them."

"Moreover, this can also shape us as a peace-loving person. Think about it, China's fighter jets flew over our heads, and we didn't respond. Isn't this because we would rather risk being hit than trigger a third world war?" A big war? At that time, by the way, let’s discredit the peace-loving image of the Chinese people, they are the potential initiators of the Third World War.”

The president said at this time: "Then... what if Zhiqi threatens us to stop propaganda?"

This question immediately silenced everyone.

After a while, the Secretary of State said hesitantly: "I think, as long as we don't target Zhiqi, Zhiqi should not threaten us."

"After all, since Zhiqi has the information, but has never released it, but only released part of it in the last incident, I don't think they plan to tear themselves apart with us."

The president thought for a moment, and finally nodded: "Then do as you say, but be careful of Zhiqi."

"Yes!" replied the Secretary of State.

"In addition, we must find out how the Chinese escaped our radar detection! If we don't understand this issue, then we will always be under threat."


"Okay, let's all go back, we must not let the people of our country think that they are better than us!"

"Yes, President!" the others echoed again.

The President nodded and said, "The Secretary of State stays."

The others quickly left except the Secretary of State.

The president asked: "What happened to what you arranged?"

The Secretary of State looked solemn: "It has been arranged, and the only question now is whether that person will accept it."

"He should accept it." The president shook his head, and then said, "Is the method secret?"

"Of course it's kept secret. No electronic equipment was used in the whole process, and it was all done verbally. There is no possibility of being monitored or monitored. Even the red queen in Resident Evil would not know about it."

"That's fine. We must complete the task. We can't always be passive."

"Yes, President."


White House, press interview hall.

The seats below were filled with a bunch of impromptu reporters.

Their expressions were a little annoyed.

It's early morning!

What kind of nerves did the White House have to wake them up from their sleep, and then hurried here to attend the press conference.

If it is not a big news, after they go back, they will definitely make the most severe criticism of the White House.

Soon, the reporters were almost here, and those from the major news media were all here, and the Secretary of State appeared on the stage at this time.

The Secretary of State's face was serious, and there was a hint of anger in it, which made the reporters below couldn't help but shudder.

What seems to be the big news?

The big one is coming?

"Hello, friends from the press, it is now, September 10th, Washington time, at 2:23 in the morning."

"Calling everyone temporarily to hold such a temporary press conference disturbed everyone's rest time. I would like to apologize to everyone here."

The secretary of state bowed to the reporters.

Afterwards, he stood up straight, put his hands on the podium, leaned his upper body forward, showed an angry expression, and said in a deep voice: "But! I have to convey a message to everyone."

"Just now, that is, more than 20 minutes ago, our aircraft carrier Washington was performing a normal cruise mission. At that time, our aircraft carrier was ready to return to the base."

"However, three fighter jets from China flew over us just like that."

The reporters below all showed shocked expressions on their faces, and then stood up at the same time, wanting to ask questions first.

"Did the countryman do anything?"

"Did the Chinese launch missiles?"

"What about our Washington?"

"Is the war about to start?"


So many people asked questions at the same time, of course the Secretary of State couldn't hear clearly.

Of course, he will not answer the question for the time being.

"Everyone, please be quiet, please listen to me continue to describe the scene at that time."

"At that time, our radar had locked on to their fighter jets, and we communicated with them, asking them to stay away immediately."

"However, the Chinese fighter jets did not accept our dissuasion and insisted on approaching our USS Washington. In the end, they flew directly over us."

"Although they did not launch an attack on our aircraft carrier battle group, their behavior is tantamount to a warlike provocation."

"Their actions are extremely dangerous. If it wasn't for our Admiral Tremmere who took the risk of being attacked by them and chose to evade, otherwise, they would very likely cause a war between us."

"Here, we would like to thank General Tremmere for his choice. He prevented the war between us and the United States. He has the overall view of an American admiral."

"And China's behavior has nothing to do with the peaceful power they created in the past. They are the most dangerous country in the world, a super nuclear bomb that has not yet detonated and can destroy mankind."

"It's the Axis power in the next three wars!"

"On behalf of the United States, I would like to issue the most serious condemnation and warning to the United States. We have allowed their first provocation, but we will never allow the second."

"The Cuban crisis happened only once in history!"

His tone was passionate, venting his anger, as if everything he said was true.

And none of the media below was not excited about it.

This is simply big news!

So, it didn't take long.

All major media outlets in the United States have published reports.

【Clarion of World War III: Dangerous Land】

[State: Axis power in World War III? 】

[Cuban Crisis in the 21st Century! 】


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