Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 152 The Shock Of The World, How To Deal With It?

The news released by the major media in the United States in the early morning quickly spread all over the world.

All countries in the world were shocked.

Just a few tens of minutes ago, Hua Guo's fighter jets flew over the Mi country's aircraft carrier?

When did the Chinese people become so bold?

The aircraft flew over the US aircraft carrier, and few countries have done it after World War II.

The first country is a Maozi who is not afraid of big troubles, but that was also in 2000. They flew a Su-27 over the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk of the United States, and took a clear picture of the panic performance of the American soldiers.

The second country is Iran, which is fighting against the United States, but they flew drones over the US aircraft carrier.

But now, Hua Guo actually did such a thing.

Hua Guo's fighter jets flew over the US aircraft carrier, which is not the same concept as Iran's flying over the aircraft carrier.

Especially at this moment in time.

This is simply the Cuban crisis in the 21st century, or it should be called the South China Sea crisis.

If the Americans took down the fighter planes of the Chinese, I am afraid that the world war will happen like this.

Fortunately, that kind of thing didn't happen, and the leaders of various countries couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after being shocked.

Really close.

Then, those countries that were called by the United States naturally began to condemn Hua's behavior immediately, claiming that they were putting the whole world above the crisis.

As for the inside of Huaguo, this news also quickly made it to the hot search list, attracting the attention of almost all the people.

"Good guy, really good guy"

"I don't know what to say, let me perform a split for our soldiers to see."

『What the fuck, the Americans are all on top of our South China Sea, and it’s shameless to say that they are sailing normally? I think even if our fighter jets don't bomb them, we have to put a few cannons on the sea. 』

"Good job! That's our sea! It is clearly written on the map, Huaguo South China Sea, their own English is SouthChinaSea, really shameless』

"I've endured it for so long, it's time to stop it"

"Once the war starts, I am willing to go to the battlefield! 』

"Add me one"

"I don't know how our pilot is doing? Nothing wrong? 』

"It must have returned safely"

"If you don't return, a world war will break out."

"Wait for official response"


Just when all Huaguo netizens were getting excited, Huaguo officials did not respond to this matter for the time being, but announced another news.

[my country's J-35 stealth carrier-based aircraft successfully took off and landed on the aircraft carrier]

This news immediately made everyone in the military fan circle excited.

"Damn, this big news keeps coming. Our fighter jets just flew over their aircraft carrier, and now they can successfully take off and land on the aircraft carrier?" 』

"J-35, the fourth-generation stealth carrier-based aircraft! 』

"Is this going to be officially enlisted? The news was only released last year』

"Beautiful! When will we all take off and land vertically?"

"Our aero engine is still a problem. Without high-end machine tools, we can't make more sophisticated parts. There are also problems with engine technology. Vertical take-off and landing is still very difficult."

"Don't worry, it will be done later"

"If you have Wisdom, you don't have to worry at all"


For the Chinese people, they never thought it was a bad thing for a fighter plane to fly over the US aircraft carrier. On the contrary, they felt very relieved.

Of course, there are also some "two devils" who, from the so-called "reasonable and objective" point of view, condemn the government's behavior like the Western media, which is extremely dangerous.

And the comments of these people were naturally blasted by other excited netizens.

The Americans have all come to our waters, and they even said that we will cause war?

Those who want to start a war are clearly Americans.

At the same time, all Chinese people also look forward to the official's strong response to the shameless remarks made by the Western media.


Or the Air Force base.

Ye Cheng and Tao Zhenzhe came to the commander's office.

"The Americans took out their usual tricks to discredit us in the public opinion." Tao Zhenzhe said while holding the computer.

Military bases cannot be connected to the Internet. If they want to access the Internet, they usually use an independent network cable to connect.

Ye Cheng nodded.

Through Xiaobai's notification, he also knew how the Americans reacted.

The more Tao Zhenzhe looked at it, the angrier he became: "They even said that their radar has locked on to us, and they said that they have already dissuaded our pilots. They are really shameless and talking nonsense with their eyes open."

Ye Cheng spread his hands: "Americans, their shamelessness is obvious to all, and they certainly don't want to admit that they didn't find us."

"Mr. Naye, how do you say we should respond now?"

Ye Cheng laughed: "Let's first ask them to produce evidence that our fighter jets did fly over their heads."

Tao Zhenzhe was taken aback: "Why?"

"Anyway, there were clouds all over them at that time, and our fighter jets were also flying on the clouds. It was basically impossible for them to take photos of our fighter jets."

Ye Cheng said: "At that time, if they can't come up with evidence, they will definitely have to keep talking and making up. Let's say that since they talked with our pilots, they should show the communication records to prove it."

"However, there is a good chance they will continue to be stubborn."

"Then they have been stubborn, what should we do?" Tao Zhenzhe asked: "They don't admit that they didn't find us now, so we can't produce any good evidence to prove that they really didn't find us."

Ye Cheng raised his eyebrows, and then said, "Is it convenient for me to use this computer?"

"Of course." Tao Zhenzhe nodded, and then gave the computer to Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng turned off the computer, opened the webpage, and began to enter the URL.

URLs are complex and long.

Of course, he didn't memorize the URL by himself, but Xiaobai was telling him the URL.

Soon, the URL was entered, and a download window popped up.

Start downloading, the network speed is also very fast, and it will be downloaded soon.

Tao Zhenzhe next to him was a little puzzled, what did Ye Cheng play with?

If another person downloads something on his computer, he will definitely not agree, who knows if he will download a virus or something.

Although there is no confidential information stored in this computer, it is just a computer for his daily life.

But since it's Ye Cheng, of course he doesn't have much to say.

Soon, things will be downloaded.

is a video.

"What is this?" Tao Zhenzhe asked.

Ye Cheng gave him the computer, and said with a smile: "You will know it after you open it."

"Oh?" Tao Zhenzhe looked at Ye Cheng's tricky look, and finally nodded: "Okay, I'll just see what it is."

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