The attitude of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can be described as very strong.

Even the words "don't say that you don't predict it" have been said.

Before the twentieth century, several times of "don't say it is unpredictable", basically led to the occurrence of wars.

After the 21st century, although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not said such words, the relevant official media has used them, and every time it is when the interests of China are seriously violated.

As for this time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs once again said this sentence in person, what does it mean, it made all countries flustered for a while.

Could it be that Hua Guo really couldn't bear it anymore?

The rabbit is in a hurry and really wants to bite?

However, the fact is that Hua Guo did not take any action.

Not even military mobilization.

As if it was just talking.

Politicians from all over the world couldn't help but wonder.

Hey, you, Hua Guo, said something cruel, but there is no more text?

Is this sternness?

Or did your diplomat make a slip of the tongue and say that sentence?

As a result, the countries returned to normal, and they should quarrel, and continue to accuse Hua Guo of dangerous behavior by the way.

until five days later.

White House.

"Polls show that our support rate has returned to 50%!"

The Secretary of State took a poll report, ran to the president, and handed him a survey report on approval ratings.

"Oh, not bad!"

The president smiled.

won again.

This time, he advocated pacifism on the issue of China, which won the favor of many people.

It seems that this year's Nobel Peace Prize should also give him more consideration.

"Let me see what our dear voters say about us."

The president accepted the report with a smile.

"Yes, yes, look at this, our Democratic Party has defended peace, and this is the freedom and democracy of the United States."

"And this, to praise our army for being able to endure the crisis and still insist on peace. That guy in Tremmere took a big advantage. That guy was so frightened that he lay on the ground."

The president was envious of the admiral for a while, and then asked: "How is our navy, no one has disclosed the news?"

"No, the Navy on the USS Washington battle group was admonished," the secretary of state said.

"That's fine." The President nodded.

Just then, the landline next to him rang.

The president answered the phone, and the caller was his political adviser, but what he said made him look puzzled.

"Look at trending searches on Twitter? What?"

He had a bad premonition in his heart. It was on social networking sites like Twitter that their human experimentation broke out.

Could it be this time?

He quickly opened Twitter and found the hot search list.

As a result, he ranked first in the hot search list, which made his face change.

[The embarrassing performance of Admiral Tremere on the USS Washington]

The Secretary of State, who didn't know what happened next to him, was a little puzzled when he saw the president's appearance: "What happened?"

The president did not respond, but clicked on this trending search, and a video came into view.

The video hadn't played yet, but just the first picture made his heart start beating.

Isn't this the interior scene of their USS Washington's command module?

How did such a top-secret thing get posted online? !

He then played the video.

Their Admiral Tremmere was standing in the middle, giving the order to retreat.

Suddenly, the sound of a rumbling engine came from the video.

Then everyone inside panicked, and Admiral Tremmere asked if the fighter jets in the sky were fighter jets from the Chinese people.

This sentence obviously proved that they had never discovered that there was a fighter jet in the sky before, let alone whether it was a fighter jet from the Chinese people.

Then the last three loud noises made them feel anxious, they could only think that the fighter planes above launched an air strike on them, and then hurriedly dodged, seeing the state of Tremmir lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment, which was different from the fearlessness they advertised before. , the image of being willing to sacrifice oneself for peace is completely different.

Although lying on the ground is the best choice in the face of air raids, citizens don't care if you do it right or not, citizens will only see you in a panic.

The previously enthusiastic American people fell silent for a while.

People all over the world, especially the people of the United States, know that they have been deceived by their own government.

Their navy didn't even know who the other party was, they were all flown over their heads and haven't found out yet.

And you must know that the Huaguo fighter jets were flying at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters at that time, and the speed of sound was 340 meters per second, which means that they had already flown for about 30 to 40 seconds.

This is a very dangerous thing for an aircraft carrier.

Even the aircraft carrier can't find the fighter, which means that the fighter can approach the aircraft carrier at will and destroy the aircraft carrier at will.

Kill the runway of your aircraft carrier, your fighter jets can't take off, and then kill your tower, it can't receive the signal from the command headquarters, all electronic equipment is useless, and the aircraft carrier becomes an island of scrap iron on the sea.

The United States now only has eleven aircraft carriers, and eleven stealth fighters have the opportunity to turn all these behemoths into moving scrap iron.

The strategic significance of this has shocked the whole world.

As for how this video came about, probably no one will care except the White House.


The news quickly spread to the country, and the fan circle in Huaguo was once again boiling.

This obviously made them more excited than J-35's successful take-off and landing on the aircraft carrier.

It flew over someone's head, and it has not been found yet.

This is simply a super killer.

So military fans began to talk on paper.

Eleven aircraft carriers from the United States were dispatched, and we sent 22 J-35s to respond to the enemy. Anyway, the enemy didn't know where we came from.

Then the US aircraft carrier was abolished, and the naval strength was reduced by half.

Then, bombers were sent to blow up all the military bases in the United States in Southeast Asia, and quickly controlled Japan, Bay Island, and Nanbang to Beibang.

Then let Ba Tie restrain Ah San, wait until Huaguo completes the layout in Southeast Asia, and then help Ba Tie take Ah San.

In addition, Mao Zi will probably directly cut off all the supplies of the military bases in the Middle East, and by the way, immediately take over the Strait of Hormuz and other key arteries. European countries have suffered for a long time, and there may be a few rebounds.


Of course, the military fans' deduction is outrageous. If it reaches that level, the United States may have launched a nuclear bomb long ago.

In fact, what people pay more attention to is that this video exposes the lies that the United States has been spreading these days, and slaps the United States in the face nakedly.

The whole world began to laugh at the United States, including the United States itself, and their various programs also began to mock their admirals.

And everyone also remembered the words that Huaguo's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said.

Don't say it's unpredictable.


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