Zhiqi company headquarters downstairs.

Ye Cheng arrived here in his new electric supercar.

"Well, it's been more than 2,000 kilometers, let's recharge it."

After looking at the odometer, Ye Cheng decided to charge the sports car as there was still power left.

His car has an independent garage in the underground parking lot, which was originally used exclusively by the owner of Ruifeng International Building, and later the owner gave the garage to him.

There is a power source on the Curry of the car. After charging the car, he looked at the charging cable and couldn't help thinking.

The integration of room-temperature superconductors will be available next year. Although we don't know the cost price for the time being, it should not be too outrageous, at least not more outrageous than graphene.

At that time, if the country bites its teeth, maybe it will pay for the construction of large-scale transmission lines, especially on those main roads.

Huaguo's annual power consumption of transmission lines is as high as more than 100 billion kilowatt-hours. You must know that the average annual power generation of the Three Gorges Dam is less than 100 billion kilowatt-hours. Once those key circuits are replaced with superconducting wires, the power saved is almost unimaginable. It is enough for Huaguo to close a large number of thermal power plants, and the economic benefits brought are very high.

At the same time, next year, lithium-air batteries should become the mainstream of batteries, and by the year after next, they will probably be able to dominate 95% of the domestic market.

At that time, charging will probably become a big problem again.

The greater the battery content, the electronic equipment using the battery will be updated with the replacement of the battery, and the new electronic equipment will have stronger functions, which also brings more power consumption.

If calculated in this way, the country's annual electricity consumption will increase significantly.

Ye Cheng frowned slightly.

This is some of the problems caused by too fast development.

Originally, the power consumption and power generation would increase steadily every year to maintain a balance, but now the sudden increase in power consumption will naturally cause problems.

Of course, this problem may not necessarily be faced next year. After all, the replacement of new equipment may not be so high. In the next few years, those electronics manufacturers should use longer battery life as their main selling point, and they may not be eager to increase the battery life of electronic equipment. New features increase power consumption.

In this way, the battery life increases, the charging frequency decreases, and the annual power consumption does not necessarily cause too many problems.

The country should also take this into consideration. It seems that relevant policies have been introduced recently to limit the power consumption of electronic equipment that will be listed in the future.

These new electronic devices are generally devices that use lithium-air batteries.

Of course, this is not the main way.

What is more important is to increase power generation.

"Nuclear fusion, nuclear fusion."

Ye Cheng once again fantasized about controllable nuclear fusion.

Of course, this reverie is not impossible.

Now that he has a pre-technology tree, he now wants to develop nuclear fusion and discard those technologies that are not completely necessary. In fact, he only needs 94 million points, and after deducting the 28.2 million for room temperature superconductors, that is 65.8 million points.

If we only rely on lithium-air batteries, we should be able to achieve an annual income of 10 to 20 million credits next year. Of course, this is mainly due to limited production.

As for market demand, there is absolutely no need to worry.

Huaguo produces about tens of billions of batteries every year, supplying the needs of the world. Of course, some of the batteries are disposable batteries. This part of the sales volume is temporarily irreplaceable by lithium-air batteries. Who wants disposable batteries to be cheap? much.

However, even if it only takes up two billion yuan, it will probably be able to supply the national rechargeable battery market, and this is quite simple.

Mobile phones, tablets, computers, earphones, mobile phones, etc., and even sex toys can be used. Wherever rechargeable batteries are used, lithium-air batteries can appear. It is very simple to buy two billion a year.

And room-temperature superconductors, God knows how popular this stuff will be.

However, normal-temperature superconductors are estimated to be a technology that Huaguo absolutely prohibits from exporting, so it will lose a lot of points.

Of course, Ye Cheng would not sell this kind of thing to foreigners for the sake of points, unless Huaguo has a hegemony that can easily sanction the world.

Just talking about its usefulness in nuclear fusion basically goes without saying. In quantum computers, superconductors are also extremely ideal materials.

There is also the Huaguo electromagnetic gun that attracted a lot of attention at the end of October last year. As long as the normal temperature superconductor is installed, the power of the electromagnetic gun can also be increased many times.

Besides that, there are various other aspects.

At that time, I am afraid that the country of the United States will exchange the lithography machine, and the country of China will not agree.

"It's still going too far."

Ye Cheng shook his head, took a last look at the wiring for charging the supercar, and had other thoughts.

It seems that it is possible to invest in charging piles.

The emergence of lithium-air batteries basically predestined that electric vehicles will be fully replaced.

In the future, charging piles will definitely make a lot of money, and it is also a point for enhancing the company's influence.

Anyway, they control the lithium-air battery, and they can add something to it at that time, such as the charging protocol. Only the charging head that complies with their charging protocol can charge their lithium-air battery, so that a new charging standard can be established.

Thereby extending jurisdiction over lithium-air batteries, making it easier to target companies that don't listen to them.

"You can tell Xu Xin about this. I wonder if she has similar thoughts."

Soon, he left the garage and came to the headquarters.

"Hello, Chairman."

"Mr. Ye is good."

"Boss Ye is here."


Walking from the company lobby, along the way, employees greeted Ye Cheng one after another.

He nodded and smiled at them, and opened the office door.

Xu Xin was sitting on his office chair, using his computer, looking so absorbed that he didn't even notice that he came in.

He raised his eyebrows and took a closer look. It turned out that she was concentrating on a lecture.

The title of the lecture is "Thirty-Six Strategies for Love".

This woman still watches this stuff?

Is it possible to fall in love?

Suddenly, he frowned.

He is twenty-eight this year, and Xu Xin is also twenty-nine. Sooner or later, she will get married. If she gets married, there is no guarantee that she will not be distracted by family reasons.

Could it be that the company's management is going to recruit more people?

Or, spend 25,000 to buy another management expert?

Sighing, that's twenty-five thousand.

Then he said, "Hi."

Xu Xin was taken aback, turned his head, saw that it was him, quickly closed the web page, took off the noise canceling earphones he was wearing, and asked, "You...why are you here?"

"My company, why am I here?" Ye Cheng rolled his eyes and patted the table: "Absent from work, your salary will be deducted."

Xu Xin pouted and snorted softly, "Are you going to start exploiting me, a wage earner?"

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