Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 156 Preparing To Enter The Artificial Intelligence Market

"What kind of wage earner are you?" Ye Cheng shook his head with a smile.

"Senior wage earners can't do it?" Xu Xin rolled his eyes at him, then got up from his seat, spread his hands and said, "Deduct your salary, just deduct it. According to the company's regulations, if you watch a video at work and find that you have deducted 50 to 1,000 of your salary at a time, you have to deduct it." Am I 1000?"

"Deduct you one million."

"Ah?!" Xu Xin's eyes widened: "One million?"

"I'm the boss and I have the final say." Ye Cheng sat back in his seat unceremoniously, leaning on the back of the chair, acting like a capitalist.

"You!" Xu Xin pointed at Ye Cheng angrily, "It's unreasonable!"

"Have you ever seen the boss being reasonable?" Ye Cheng looked like a rascal, but soon he changed his tone: "Of course, if you tell me what you wanted to do after watching that video, then I will I won't punish you."

Xu Xin froze, then shook her head again and again, "Then you can deduct your salary."

The corners of Ye Cheng's mouth couldn't help twitching. Why does she feel like a certain male defendant when he was asked to check his browser history?

"Why didn't you say it?" Ye Cheng asked, ""Thirty-Six Strategies of Love"? Are you in a relationship?"

Xu Xin blushed: "Why do you care so much, it involves my personal privacy, so I can't tell you."

Ye Cheng rolled his eyes: "Forget it."

"Then you want to deduct my salary?"

Ye Cheng waved his hand: "It's enough to treat me to a meal later, it's not an example."

"Hey, I got it, thank you boss." A smile appeared on Xu Xin's face.

"Okay, how is the company doing recently?"

Ye Cheng asked about something serious.

"It's all good." Xu Xin began to make a simple report.

"In terms of chips, Taichu 1 chips are selling well now. Although due to price reasons, we can't completely take away the entire market of Snapdragon, but the flagship market is basically fine."

"There is also the future Taichu 2 chip, which uses the Taibai architecture. It is expected to start tape-out at the end of October. If the tape-out goes well, it will be officially launched at the end of the year or early next year."

"There is also the issue of batteries. According to your previous request, we will increase the sales of lithium-air batteries, so now we have received orders from 34 domestic companies, and the orders will go until the next year. In addition, battery factories are also working A large number of them have been put into production, and the military side, we have also begun to provide them with three core technologies, and it is estimated that by the end of the year, we will be able to achieve the goal of producing 10 million lithium-air batteries per month."

Ye Cheng nodded. Although the military only needs the three core parts of the battery, the combined points of these three core parts are the same as lithium-air batteries, and the ratio is also 100:1.

"In terms of exoskeletons, the second phase clinical trial will be conducted in the middle of this month. There are five people in the second phase clinical trial. If this time is successful, we will be able to conduct the third phase clinical trial by the end of October. It can be approved and officially launched.”

"According to our market research, regardless of whether they are disabled or not, basically everyone has expressed interest in this technology, and they really want to see this technology officially launched to benefit mankind."

"Of course, more of them also said when we can realize virtual reality technology."

Xu Xin asked Ye Cheng curiously: "I also really want to know when we can realize virtual reality technology?"

"I don't know."

Ye Cheng spread his hands, "This thing has to be non-invasive to get the market, don't even think about invasive ones. Intrusive ones have to open a hole in your skull, are you willing?"

Xu Xin thought about making a hole in his skull, so he shook his head.

"So you have to use brain waves, but it's not that simple," Ye Cheng said.

Xu Xin couldn't help asking: "I checked the news before, didn't it say that there are already results that can use brain waves to recognize words, or operate the mouse?"

Ye Cheng shook his head: "Doesn't the hospital still have EEG monitoring?"

"These things are just brain wave output, the biggest problem is how to input."

"It's impossible to let the nerve cut the magnetic induction line?"

How to input signals to the cerebral cortex nerves from the outside through a layer of scalp, subcutaneous tissue, and a layer of skull more than one centimeter thick is a problem no less difficult than nuclear fusion.

Intrusive can be done easily, but non-intrusive is very difficult.

At that time, it may also be necessary to use room temperature superconductors, because they have no resistance and can receive various electromagnetic signals without damage.

Of course, there are also technologies in the system mall, but the price is 70 million points.

Xu Xin was a little dazed, what is it?

In the end, she still said: "Forget it, don't tell me, just pretend I didn't ask. Sure enough, it was the right choice for me not to apply for the physics department of Princeton University. My dad's path was too difficult."

Ye Cheng couldn't help laughing: "If you applied for the physics department, you probably won't work with me, but with Uncle Xu."

"That's true." Xu Xin snorted, "I think I'm quite lucky."

"It's quite lucky." Ye Cheng nodded.

"Why?" Xu Xin raised her eyebrows lightly.

Ye Cheng spread his hands: "Otherwise, the famous Zhiqi beauty boss will become a slovenly lab dog in the Institute of Nuclear Physics."

Xu Xin raised her brows, glared at Ye Cheng, wanted to say something, but finally held back.

Ye Cheng was taken aback by the change in her expression: "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"No problem!" Xu Xin snorted, and finally picked up some documents next to her, and said, "Is there anything else? If not, I will deal with what you just said."

Ye Cheng didn't know what a woman was thinking, but he was too lazy to understand, and said, "There are two things."

"whats the matter?"

"The first thing, do you plan to invest in charging piles?"

Xu Xin responded: "I have this plan, and I am ready to invest. The combination of this thing and our lithium-air battery will help to further control the market."

Ye Cheng nodded in relief, the number one general under his command really didn't need to worry about himself.

"That's fine. The second thing is that the military will have new cooperation with us recently."

He took out a USB flash drive and handed it to Xu Xin: "Here is our technical information. Then you can discuss the cooperation plan with them."

Xu Xin took it and asked curiously, "What technology is it?"

"Smart technology, oh yes, I will also give you a new artificial intelligence technology recently, which will be introduced to the civilian market in the future."

I agreed to Xiaobai's request back then, so I should have taken it out.

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