Time passed quickly.

The U.S. government is still in a state of living like a year.

Human experiments broke out before, and this time they were flown over by Huaguo fighter planes, especially since they deceived all citizens.

All these behaviors once again plunged their government into yet another crisis.

Just back to 50 percent support, it plummeted another five percentage points.

This time, how should we divert our attention?

The U.S. government is caught in a tangle.

Finally, a proposal was brought out again.

That is to accept the conditions put forward by Huaguo in the Shanghai negotiations.

As for the results of the discussion, it was kept secret and was not published in the newspapers.

However, if you pay attention, you will be able to find the latest newspapers and start to frequently report how powerful Huaguo's lithium-air batteries are, and how sci-fi exoskeleton prostheses Huaguo has, especially the second phase of exoskeleton prostheses. The clinical experiment has ended, and the second batch of subjects have all obtained new arms and new thighs that can be operated flexibly.

Then, under the guidance of caring people, the citizens of the United States became even more sour, so they added an item to their appeal, and quickly bought lithium-air batteries and exoskeleton prostheses from Huaguo. They also wanted to use mobile phones with longer battery life. , They also want to use a super handsome mechanical exoskeleton.

Of course, not only the United States, but people from other countries, such as China, the European Union, Japan and other countries, have such demands.

At present, the only country in the world that can use lithium-air batteries and exoskeleton prostheses is Huaguo, and countries that are closely related to Huaguo.


Of course, unlike the United States, Huaguo is getting better and better.

The great success of the J-35 has excited the whole military, and the brand-new radar absorbing material that flew over the US aircraft carrier without being detected has given the military more confidence to confront the US head-on.

Similarly, lithium-air batteries have also begun to be used on a large scale in the military and police fields, and various brand-new equipment have also begun to be put into production.

In fact, before military companies reached a cooperation with Zhiqi, they had already designed new equipment that could use lithium-air batteries. Because they only changed a battery, it was easy to design and did not cost much. For a long time, they even planned to replace the assembly line, but because the negotiations were deadlocked, this plan was shelved.

Now that the cooperation with Zhiqi has been officially reached, these assembly lines have started to move immediately.

It is said that the major armies and the police are all fighting for these new equipment.

What infrared searchlights, thermal imaging equipment, explosion-proof flashlights, etc...

These ordinary equipment can be easily replaced with new batteries, and the performance is better, so no public security bureau or army does not want their teams to install these new equipment first.

There are other aspects, needless to say about various applications, and military vehicles are already designing electric vehicles.

This electric car can run nearly ten times longer than a gasoline car, and the cost is cheaper than an internal combustion engine. Those companies can't find a military vehicle that burns oil, which is better than a military vehicle that uses lithium-air batteries.

In particular, the working efficiency of electric motors is much higher than that of internal combustion engines, which goes without saying, and electric cars are much quieter than those cars.

In addition, Zhiqi's cooperation with the military in artificial intelligence has also begun testing.

The swarm drone combat system is the first batch of equipment.

Magic City Armed Forces.

On the playground, there were quite a few people standing, including Ye Cheng.

Beside him stood a general with two gold stars on his shoulders.

In addition, there are several military technical experts.

And in the center around them, there are a bunch of drones, of different sizes, some are big, some are small, and there are about fifteen of them.

"Mr. Ye, can we start now?" the lieutenant general asked.

Ye Cheng nodded: "Okay."

He nodded to the person next to him, "Wu Hui, let's start."

Wu Hui, the labor force he bought from the system for ten points, served as their AI expert.

As for the name, it is randomly generated by the system.

Wu Hui nodded, "Good boss."

Then he took out a mobile phone and asked the lieutenant general: "General Zhao, you mentioned a target, and I will let our drones start to strike."

General Zhao thought for a while, then pointed to a target on the playground and said, "Just hit that target."

"Okay." Wu Hui nodded, took a photo of the target with his mobile phone, and then clicked a few times on the screen of the mobile phone.

Then, fifteen drones on the ground were seen flying up.

Fourteen of these drones each have a weapon, which varies from weapon to weapon.

Some are equipped with a 5.8mm light machine gun with a bulging magazine, while others have a launcher with 6 rounds of small rockets. Of course, if the drone is made bigger, it will naturally be able to Carry more.

Basically, each UAV has different functions. The ideal combat mode in the future is that every group of fifteen UAVs will perform tasks in groups. This inspiration comes from the three-three system tactic in our country. , Offense, cover, support trinity.

Of course, since this is a drone, there is another dimension besides these three.

That is the command and reconnaissance dimension.

This is the core point of realizing UAV tactics.

And the UAV that assumed the most central role was the fifteenth out of the fourteen UAVs, and it was also the most inconspicuous one among them.

Although it's not the smallest, it's not very big either. There are no weapons on it, just a lot of antennas, so it doesn't look threatening.

However, it serves the function of commanding all drones.

It is equipped with a 360-degree non-dead angle military camera, coupled with extremely strong intelligent analysis capabilities, it can use it as the center to establish a virtual three-dimensional coordinate system covering up to 30 kilometers, which can be accurate to Every 1.5 meters.

Of course, this is also limited by the equipment on it, which can achieve an accuracy of 1.5 meters, which is completely based on the powerful algorithm given by Xiaobai, which is completely judged based on the optical imaging on the camera.

If there is a lidar scanning instrument like the one on the fruit phone, it can even reduce 1.5 meters to 1 meter, or even one decimeter or one centimeter.

To the extent of one centimeter, even if a sniper was wearing an auspicious suit and lying motionless in the bushes, he would not be able to hide from its scan.

This three-dimensional coordinate system is why it can command all other drones.

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