Every drone it controls is located in this three-dimensional coordinate system, and everything around it will also be included in this coordinate system.

Whether it is the environment or the enemy.

By analyzing everything in the coordinate system, and relying on the cameras carried on each drone, these drones can fly freely in the air without worrying about collisions with each other, and can perfectly avoid them during the flight All environmental obstacles, such as between jungles, or among buildings, and so on, these narrow combat locations.

At the same time, this coordinate system is also the main basis for finding the enemy and then attacking the enemy.

Once it is determined who is the enemy, the coordinates of the enemy can be obtained, and then the core drone will immediately command the drone that is responsible for attacking among the other fourteen drones, and then according to the distance from the enemy, the enemy For possible threats and the number of enemies, choose different drones to attack. If the distance is too far, then get closer. If the distance is short, then shoot with machine guns. .

These are offensive, in addition to cover, support and other aspects of the function.

Of course, in addition to Xiaobai's algorithm, the lithium-air battery is also the main reason why these functions can be realized.

When Zhiqi took out these materials and showed them to the military, their eyes were straightened.

If it is really so strong, then the threat it brings in the war is unimaginable.

Just imagine a small battle.

After approaching the enemy, thousands of swarm drones were released, among which the drones carrying heavy fire weapons bombed the enemy's military facilities.

The other drones go straight to the decapitation and can then take over control.

Of course, these are fantasies.

After all, drones are still being tested right now.

Everyone in the playground saw that these drones were all activated and quickly climbed to an altitude of more than 100 meters.

At this point, the drones have basically become very small. In addition, they frequently move irregularly in the air. If they want to hit, even a strictly trained gunner may not be able to succeed.

The core drone is located at the highest place, and it may be 150 meters high by visual inspection.

The five drones equipped with machine guns are located at the bottom because they are the heaviest and largest.

It carries a lot of bullets, up to a thousand rounds, and is relatively heavy. In addition, in order to overcome the recoil of shooting, focusing can also reduce the recoil.

Other drones are also distributed according to the arrangement of five, four, three, two, and one from low to high.

Machine guns, rockets, grenades, missiles, cores.

In the pyramid array, each layer performs its own duties and has its own responsibilities.

After the formation was completed, the cameras on all drones began to rotate automatically.

The core drone has established a three-dimensional coordinate system in a virtual space invisible to everyone, and fifteen cameras are all called by it.

Soon, its camera found the target on the shooting range, and found not one, but many.

However, there is only one target for the reservation, so it needs to figure out which target it is.

Then, it analyzes all the targets and the surrounding environment, and compares it with the surrounding environment of the target in the picture.

In less than a second, the analysis was successful.

'Determine the target, the threat level is low, the straight-line distance is about 200-240 meters, the No. 1 machine gunner, attack the target. '

The invisible commands were turned into electromagnetic waves and transmitted into all drones.

Afterwards, only fifteen drones were seen moving forward at the same time, and one of the machine gun drones flew the fastest. The automatic aiming system controlled the rotation of the light machine gun mounted on it, and the muzzle was aimed at the top of the target. According to the Judging by the coordinate system and wind conditions, the distance of the bullet falling has been calculated.

"Da da da……"

The muzzle was on fire, and the 5.8mm bullets were fired at high speed.

The intelligence hidden in the drone starts to automatically analyze whether the bullet hits, and at the same time, it starts to correct the ballistic according to the recoil of the machine gun. There is a shock absorbing device at the connection between the tail of the gun and the bottom of the drone, which can avoid muzzle movement as much as possible.

In this way, fifteen bullets were fired, and seven of them successfully hit the target. Although blank bullets were used, their kinetic energy was the same, and the target was fired with a bang bang sound, and finally fell to the ground.

'The task is completed, all climb to 300 meters, and enter the alert state. '

After confirming that the target was hit, the core drone conveyed the order again, and all the drones immediately increased their power output and quickly climbed to 300 meters.

This height makes them more difficult to hit.

Outside the playground, everyone watching this scene couldn't help applauding.


They didn't see anyone manually controlling the drone at all. The drone was really controlled autonomously by intelligence. People only gave the mission goals, and then there was no other intervention at all.

The military technicians were already stunned.

"It's unbelievable."

"Is this intelligent control?"

"This should be called a lethal autonomous weapon, right?"

"Or, killer robots?"

At this time, Wu Hui took the mobile phone and said to the General Zhao: "General Zhao, look, the attack target has been completed now, and the intelligence carried on the drone will send back the news of the completion of the mission."

"At this time, you can continue to choose whether to implement other goals, or return, or stand by on the spot."

General Zhao showed excitement, and then asked: "If this thing is used in anti-terrorism operations, can it distinguish between civilians and hostages?"

"Of course, our intelligence has a behavior analysis system that can analyze whether the target is an enemy or an innocent person based on the behavior of the target. Of course, if it is a terrorist, they usually have guns in their hands, which makes it easier to distinguish."

"Then... can you develop a drone that is specially used to kill terrorists who have taken hostages?"

"Of course, no problem, but because the military didn't approve us to use sniper rifles, we didn't add such a drone to it."

Wu replied.

These guns modified on the drones are naturally provided by the military. After all, this is considered legal. As for the drones, they are Dajiang drones bought by the military and provided to them for modification.


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