"What? Which wanted criminal dares to be so arrogant? Take hostages?"

General Zhao frowned suddenly.

As a general, he was of course jealous, so he immediately said, "Since the police asked us for help, then we must help. Do you have any snipers here?"

"Yes..." the officer responded immediately.

However, just as he was about to call out the snipers present, Ye Cheng next to him suddenly said, "General Zhao, why don't we let our drones try?"

General Zhao was taken aback, and looked at the seventeen drones still flying in the sky.

What Ye Cheng said was a reminder to him that they had two drones here that could rival the best snipers.

It's just that General Zhao hesitated. This drone is still in the experimental stage. Who knows if there will be problems during the mission?

If there is a problem, he, the approver, must bear a lot of responsibility. As for Zhiqi, there may be no problem, but it will definitely affect Zhiqi.

However, after many tests just now, the two sniper drones also showed extremely strong stability and accuracy, and there were no mistakes at all. Coupled with their freedom and concealment, they are absolutely perfect for carrying out this task. The best choice for this task.

In the end, General Zhao decided to hand over the option to Ye Cheng.

"Mr. Ye, are you sure? If something goes wrong, you Zhiqi will bear a large part of the responsibility."

Ye Cheng just said seriously: "I believe in our technology."

General Zhao looked at him with such certainty, and finally nodded.

"Okay, I also believe in your technology, so I will hand it over to your drone."

Success, Zhiqi's UAV system will attract worldwide attention and attract everyone's attention.

There is no need to hide this kind of technology. After all, it is a relatively practical technology. Once it is mature, it will definitely be equipped on a large scale immediately.

Since it will be known to the outside world sooner or later, it is better to publicize it earlier. If it succeeds this time, it will undoubtedly show its powerful ability and bring great help to Zhiqi.

However, if it fails, it will deal a great blow to Zhiqi's reputation.

Of course Ye Cheng is well aware of this, this is clearly a gamble.

However, he believed in the algorithm given by Xiaobai, so he didn't worry about losing the bet at all.

Must win!

So soon, they took the core drone and a sniper drone to Liang County in a car.


Liang County.

The gate of the county primary school.

The cordon has been pulled up here, and the pedestrians passing by are all looking at a corner of the school gate at this time, with angry expressions on their faces.

Just now, in a nearby street, a few police officers found a fugitive murderer when they were off duty, a very dangerous one.

So they immediately tried to get close to the murderer, trying to catch him while he was not paying attention.

But what they didn't expect was that the murderer was still very vigilant, and soon realized that they were approaching him.

Of course, the main factor that made him discover that these people were policemen was because one of the policemen had an iron ring protruding from his pocket, which looked a lot like handcuffs.

So he ran away immediately, and the few policemen realized that they had been exposed, so they hurriedly chased him.

Some of the policemen were good runners, and they quickly caught up with the fugitive, but the fugitive couldn't run away, so he immediately grabbed an elementary school student next to him who had just finished school, took him hostage, and threatened the policemen.

Seeing this scene, several policemen were helpless immediately, but they had already informed the bureau during the pursuit, so the police quickly rushed over, surrounded the fugitive, and then the negotiators began to persuade him Release the hostages.

But this fugitive was a murderer after all, and he had killed two people before. He knew that if he surrendered, he might face the death penalty, so he never let go of the elementary school student, but chose to threaten the police.

However, he obviously encountered this kind of thing temporarily, and he didn't have much experience in dealing with it, so the time was slowly delayed.

And the situation became more and more tense.

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