Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 163 Arriving In Liang County, The Drone Is Ready To Dispatch

"Wang Qiang, you quickly let go of that student. You already have two lives in your hands. Are you going to hurt an innocent child now? Think about your conscience, your relatives and friends, and The child's family!"

"You killed people for revenge before, and the law may let you go as appropriate, but once you hurt a child now, it is a real heinous crime! You have to think about the consequences!"

The person in charge of the negotiation was constantly persuading the murderer, not only to delay the time, but also to stabilize the murderer's mood.

They already knew that the military was sending snipers to help, so since they didn't see a chance to persuade the murderer to let go of the hostages, the main purpose now was to get the military's support.

The fugitive Wang Qiang held an extremely sharp dagger in his hand and pressed it against the student's neck, his expression agitated and flustered.

"You let me go! I'll let him go! Otherwise I'll kill him!"

At this time, a man ran over suddenly, knelt down in front of Wang Qiang, and begged: "You let my child go, I'll be your hostage, okay? Don't hurt my child!"

When the people around saw this man who suddenly ran up, they were a little angry at first, aren't you adding to the trouble?

But seeing his actions and the identity he revealed, the others couldn't help being silent again. It turned out that he was the father of the child.

Seeing this scene, countless people around were moved by the greatness of the father's love, and at the same time, they became even more angry at the fugitive who hijacked the child.

"Go away! Don't come here!"

It is naturally impossible for Wang Qiang to agree to this father.

He roared loudly, the blade was very sharp, and traces of grinding could be seen on it.

He used this knife to kill two people at the beginning, and then he kept it on his body, and he never let it go after running so far. He felt that this knife gave him a great sense of security.

However, looking at the policemen who surrounded him, although the policemen didn't point their guns at him to avoid frightening him, he also had the fear of death in his heart.

In any case, he was just an ordinary person before the murder, and even after the murder, at most he only had the title of murderer and fugitive.

After the murder, he escaped for more than half a month, and finally couldn't help it, and wanted to go to the city to buy some things, but he didn't expect it, because the police in many nearby cities and counties had seen his photos, so they gave his appearance to Remember, even if he ran to this small county town more than 200 kilometers away from the crime site, he would still be recognized by the police.

If he hadn't become particularly vigilant after entering the county, he might have been caught long ago.

Looking at the people around him, as well as the passers-by who were pointing at him, his nerves were high, and he squeezed against the wall again, so that most of his body was blocked by the student.

He didn't know if a sniper had set his sights on him, but keeping the students in front of him would surely make the police look at him.

The situation is in a state of anxiety.

And on the student's neck, a bloodstain had already appeared from the inadvertent friction of the blade.

However, the male student, who was probably only in the sixth grade, didn't cry or fuss, and even said: "Hey, don't push so hard, I can hardly breathe."

Wang Qiang loosened subconsciously, but he quickly reacted, tightened his strength again, and said viciously: "Be honest with me, don't f---ing move around, or I will stab you, believe it or not?"

"Okay, okay, you are awesome, I won't say anything." The male student had no choice but to give up, and instead said to his father, "Dad, don't kneel down, get up, the police Uncle is here, I'm fine."

The courage shown by the boy at this time is admirable.

The negotiator also said to the boy's father: "Sir, you should step back first, we are here, don't worry."

Several policemen behind also quickly persuaded the father.

The boy's father had no choice but to nod, and begged the gangster again, and was finally taken out of the crowd by the police next to him.

In the distance, next to the police car, the chief stood here, watching the situation at the school gate.

With a heavy expression on his face, he glared at the subordinates beside him, who were the policemen who had failed in chasing the fugitive just now.

"So careless, people can actually notice it. Are you excited when you see a first-class gong? It's worthless. I'll deal with you when I go back."

Several policemen looked annoyed and felt very remorseful for letting a good student fall into such a crisis.

The boy's mother squeezed over from the crowd, her eyes were red, and she begged the chief: "Comrade policeman, save my child, he is the only child I have!"

The director comforted: "Don't worry, we will do our best to rescue the child, which is also our duty."

The child's father was also brought over at this time. Seeing this scene, he held back his wife, knowing that this was not the time to disturb others, "Comrade police, everything is up to you, we will not delay your work. "

"It's good for you to understand, we will definitely not let you down."

The director nodded gratefully, and then asked the person next to him, "Has anyone from the military come?"

"It's coming soon, they said that they have already left the county expressway."

"Okay, let them speed up." The director nodded, and said angrily: "I will have to trouble the people of the armed police team later, but the chain is temporarily lost, and the sniper is still sick. Is the body so weak?"

There is only one sniper in the armed police team in their county. When he was sick, his condition was unstable, and he did not dare to let him perform sniper missions.

So today's hope can only be placed on the people from the military.


The entrance to Liang County.

A military off-road vehicle was speeding on the road and was already in a state of speeding, but the driver was very skilled and there were no collisions along the way.

Inside the car, Ye Cheng sat inside and said, "Now, let's start the drone."

"Huh? Do you want to start it now? There is still a distance." General Zhao was also in the car and asked.

"There are a lot of cars in the county. If you really want to go there, I'm afraid it will take more time, but the drone can fly there directly."

Everyone thought about it, then nodded.

That's true, they don't know what's going on there, so it's best to let the drone arrive as soon as possible.

"Do you need to stop?" the driver asked immediately.

"No, just slow down and drive steadily."

"Okay." The driver immediately slowed down the speed of the car, and Ye Cheng stood up slightly at this time, and opened the roof sunroof

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