Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 167 The United States Prepares To Negotiate Again

Washington, Whitehouse.

The president was sitting in the office, and several military ministers watched the drones flying randomly in the sky in the video. Each drone seemed to have an operator behind it for remote control, rather than an array of drones. One person can control so much.

But this is obviously impossible. Just talking about these drones, the distance between them may sometimes be less than ten centimeters. If different people are controlling them, and there is no telepathy between these operators, how can they be different? Will there be a collision?

It's impossible to have a dozen twins, right?

It even has the ability to detect being targeted and then dodge quickly.

Finally, think of the independence of the Huaguo people's propaganda. All this shows that the Huaguo people have a brand new conventional weapon of war that they have to be vigilant about.

In addition, we must be vigilant. If these things are loaded with nuclear warheads, they will be deadly killers one after another.

The video ended, and the office fell into a brief silence.

"What do you think?" the President asked.

The others fell silent.

What else can I see?

Stand and watch? Sit and watch?

Lay down and watch?

A minister took out a report from the side at this time and said: "According to relevant research, we estimate that they have made a great breakthrough in the fuzzy control algorithm, which allows these drones to achieve this kind of control. In addition, there are coordination algorithms, they are likely to have great breakthroughs in these areas, but it is still difficult for us to figure it out.”

"Also, on top of that, they have lithium-air batteries, which is the main reason for their drones to have this capability."

"Lithium-air batteries... Huh, Hua people, they really got lucky!" The president snorted coldly. This kind of advanced technology was not first mastered by them in the United States, and even within their sphere of influence internationally. , and there is no key patent for this advanced technology.

"Increase investment in the research of countermeasures, otherwise, once the Hua people carry out large-scale equipment, or even conduct arms sales, this kind of weapon will pose a great threat to our interests."


Others nodded one after another.

They can't research this kind of technology for the time being, so naturally they can only think of ways to counter this kind of technology.

"Okay, let's all go back."

After the president waved his hand to let these people leave, he called the Secretary of State over.

The President pulled out a report: "According to our polls, only forty-five percent of citizens currently support us surrendering to China to buy lithium-air batteries from them, and other devices that contain lithium-air batteries, What should we do? There are still many diehards among our citizens.”

The low poll support rate will not allow Congress to revoke the previous sanctions against China bill.

The secretary of state replied: "Then do a poll of their support."

The president was taken aback: "What?"

The Secretary of State smiled, and then said: "Mr. President, the poll results are controllable, and we can make any poll results at will."

"For example, let me conduct a survey on you now."

"Well... would you envy a country that is hostile to you?"


"If you need to pay a lot of money to get something that you don't completely need at the moment, would you accept it?"


"Would you support your country surrendering to other countries?"


"So, will you support the United States to surrender to Hua at a great price, just to change to a new technology that is not completely necessary?"

"...No." The President was taken aback, and looked at the Secretary of State in surprise.

The Secretary of State smiled: "That's enough."

"And then we'll go the other way, would you like our technology to be more advanced?"


"Do you think it is a good experience that the battery life of electronic devices is longer?"


"Will you support the United States to introduce some advanced foreign technologies? And pay for the equivalent technology?"


"So, do you support the introduction of lithium-air batteries in the United States?"

"Will...?" The president was taken aback.

He barely reacted.

The Secretary of State spread his hands: "That's it."

"As long as 70% of the people support us, we can have a second negotiation with Huaguo."

The president had to give in to his old age, and his head didn't turn around for a while, and he even wanted to doze off a little.

"Okay, then do as you said, we have to introduce lithium-air batteries as soon as possible, otherwise, those citizens will parade every day, and they won't be able to stop!"

The president said angrily: "Our citizens are simply the most stupid citizens. They also want lithium-air batteries and want us not to surrender to China. How can there be such stupid people!"

"More shameless than us politicians!"

"People can be shameless, but they can't be shameless and stupid. Hmph, I really want to stop social security for them when I retire!"

The Secretary of State was shocked: "That will be the end of our civilization!"


Half a month later.

The United States invited Huaguo to negotiate again on related issues. The time for the negotiations will be on November 11.

This negotiation will conduct a more in-depth exchange on the conditions that were not reached in the last Shanghai negotiation.

However, this news has not been spread out, and at the request of the American people, the Huaguo officials have not released the news either.

Because the Americans said that as long as the Huaguo people promise not to spread the word, they are willing to agree to Huaguo's conditions and allow Huaguo to purchase various lithography machine parts. Of course, Huaguo must also agree to let go of the sale of lithium-air batteries.

For this kind of good thing, Huaguo officials naturally have no reason to refuse. The US government did this simply because they did not want to spread the news of them admitting defeat to Huaguo.

Similarly, it is a great victory for Huaguo to subdue Miguo this time.

Liberalizing the sales of lithium-air batteries will be a great boost to Huaguo's export industry.

Lithium-air batteries do not know how much domestic electronic equipment has the ability to surpass foreign companies. Once the market is released, it will definitely bring profits to those domestic companies.

As for whether the export of lithium-air batteries will lead to the development of foreign electronic equipment manufacturers, there is no need to worry about it. Zhiqi will measure market demand and then support domestic enterprises.

Support domestic enterprises, domestic enterprises have money, they will naturally increase investment in research, and then gradually realize domestic industrial upgrading.

This is the invisible benefit that an advanced technology can bring.

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