Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 168 News Of Zhiqi's New Chip, Exoskeleton Prosthetics Are Ready To Go On The Market

Just before the second negotiation of Huami was about to start, Zhiqi officially announced that they have started to produce a new DRAM chip based on the DDR5 protocol, that is, memory particles, which are specially used for use on computers.

This new memory granule has powerful overclocking capability and stronger compatibility, which is more powerful than the memory granules of Sansang on the market.

In addition, this memory stick also uses Zhiqi's unique design, which can realize eight-channel operation under a single stick.

As soon as this news came out, all companies in the DRAM industry were shocked.

No company can underestimate Zhiqi, especially Zhiqi's scientific research capabilities.

Other technologies have said that they can get it done, and now they suddenly declare that they can produce memory particles, which seems not surprising at all.

Moreover, Zhiqi also has its own production lines. In addition to the three production lines handed over to the military for production, the other twelve production lines have not yet reached the output limit and can be used to produce DRAM chips.

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the largest semiconductor industry chain in the world is basically in Huaguo. After eight months of development, Huaguo already has foreign exports. At this moment, it has demonstrated its oppressive force on Japan and other semiconductor material production places.

As the leader of Huaguo's semiconductor industry chain, Zhiqi can completely rely on this positional advantage to suppress other competitors in the upstream market.

All of a sudden, the DRAM industry was almost in turmoil. The original three memory chip manufacturers, Sansang, Hynix, and Micron, all began to panic, and began to stare at Zhiqi, whether they would rob them on this The market, or even directly suppressed them based on their status.

In this way, they can only buy more expensive semiconductor raw materials in Japan.

As for Zhiqi, he didn't care about the mood of these competitors at all. Not long after he announced the official start of production of memory chips, he officially announced again that the Taichu 2 chip designed based on the Taibai architecture has been successfully taped and will be officially put into production. Sales.

As soon as this news came out, it caused a lot of fluctuations in the world.

This strong young company has brought their new chip to the world.

Ever since, many people began to inquire about the news from Zhiqi, how is the situation of their new chips.

However, the real situation surprised everyone.

A well-informed digital blogger immediately started posting complaints after getting relevant information.

[Brothers, family members, I have brought you something that may be of great interest to you, that is, about the Zhiqi Taichu 2 chip.

Let me tell you, when I got the news, I was shocked.

Guess how shocked you are?

First of all, in terms of manufacturing process, it is not a 3nm chip!

But 4nm!

Good guy, Chu Ke's knife skills are not as good as Ye Cheng's, and Zhi Cheng can cut back.

Is this still the Zhiqi company that was two steps ahead of the times when it made a move?

Let’s just say that Fruit’s A16 chip is out now, and Snapdragon 898 from Snapdragon is also out, both of which are made with 4nm process.

Well, that's fine too.

Although your Taichu 2 is 4nm, you can just make it bigger and use more transistors. The main difference in the process lies in the number of transistors that can be accommodated.

The previous Taichu 1 chip has 21.8 billion transistors, and the area of ​​a single chip is very small, about 20% smaller than the A15 of Fruit.

As a result, your Taichu 2 chip is not only not larger in size, but also about 5% smaller than the Taichu 1 chip, and the number of transistors is only 16 billion.

16 billion!

A15, 5nm chips are at this level, brothers, I was shocked for a year.

In addition, there is also the main frequency, which is lower than that of Taichu 1, only 3.48Ghz.

The core is still two big cores and four small cores, but I feel like that.

Well, all the complaints are over.

The only thing worth looking forward to is that Taichu 2 uses the Taibai architecture.

Everyone should be clear that different architectures will also bring different performance gaps. Therefore, you can look forward to it for the time being. The bonus brought by this Taibai architecture to Taichu 2 can make it comparable to the 4nm process, and even More than 1 chip in the beginning.

After all, Zhiqi is the most honest technology company we have seen so far! 】

When the blog post was sent out, it immediately aroused many people's discussions, and there were more than 2,000 comments.

Everyone was amazed by the specifications of Taichu 2, Zhiqi actually went from 3nm to 4nm?

This kind of operation is simply unheard of and unseen.

Can the Taibai architecture be so powerful?

So the first hot comment is: "4nm? Zhiqi is talking nonsense, how awesome is the Taibai structure? 』

Under this hot comment, there are also hundreds of replies.

Many fans of Zhiqi were speaking for Zhiqi, and then the two sides quarreled.

In the end, the author of this hot comment said: "If the performance of Taichu 2 is 10% higher than that of Taichu 1, I will live broadcast soy sauce shampoo!" 』

So everyone took a screenshot of the picture, and when the time came, it was really realized, so let this guy fulfill his promise.

Of course, this is just a small episode, and it is impossible for Zhiqi to pay attention to it.

In addition to these two chips, there is another thing that has attracted a lot of attention, that is, Zhiqi's exoskeleton prosthesis has passed the third phase of clinical trials, is officially ready to pass the approval, and plans to go on the market.

Therefore, the preparations for this product before it goes on the market have also become the main focus of Zhiqi's current discussion.

Headquarters of Zhiqi Machinery Technology Co., Ltd.

It is also located in Ruifeng International Building, but it is not on the same floor as Zhiqi Semiconductor.

The exoskeleton technology is managed by the mechanical technology company, so the preparations for the launch of the exoskeleton are naturally discussed here.

The mechanical technology company didn't have a headquarters in the past, or rather, it was in the villa in Guge, but now that the exoskeleton is also profitable, and there are CNC machine tools that will be released soon, a management team was also established by the way.

There are not many people, only nine people, who are mainly responsible for the company's future operations, contacting hospitals, parts processing factories, etc., of course, the top manager is Xu Xin.

In the meeting room, Xu Xin said: "Everyone, tell us, give us the pricing strategy for the exoskeleton."

The director of operations immediately showed his full preparation: "I have already done a market research."

Then, he turned on the multimedia projection screen to show everyone the research results.

"Please see, in the market research, 60% of people think that less than 20,000 yuan is acceptable, and 30% of people think that less than 10,000 yuan is acceptable."

"So I think that the price can be set between 20,000 and 30,000. Those who find it acceptable under 20,000 yuan should also be willing to pay more for the purchase. As for a more accurate price, we can Find some accounting firms and ask them to do a pricing study for us."

"and also……

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