After the director finished talking about his plan, he turned his head and glanced at the others. They also thought that what he said was quite comprehensive, so no one raised any objections.

According to their cost price, if the price is more than 20,000 yuan, after taxation, they can earn about 10,000 yuan, and there will be maintenance costs afterwards, which can also bring them considerable profits.

So, the director looked at Xu Xin eagerly, hoping to get the female boss's praise.

However, Xu Xin just said: "It's too expensive, and the price is below 10,000, which is in line with our Zhiqi's values."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, the others were taken aback.

Priced below 10,000 yuan?

In this case, they probably have no money to make, right?

But Xu Xin said again that it must conform to Zhiqi's values, and they couldn't refute this reason.

"The price is less than 10,000 yuan. In addition, the price should be set according to the family situation of the needy. Our new technology is not to make money, but to help people in need."

"Of course, this is a domestic price. Huaguo people don't make money from Huaguo people, but for foreign countries, they can work harder and earn more."

"Foreigners have money, we can set a price of 100,000 or even 200,000. In addition, we can classify foreign people and add some special functions to their prosthetics, which can be sold at a higher price. Of course, the same is true in China. There are different stalls, mainly for poor families who cannot afford it."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, everyone's eyes lit up.

That's right, if you can't make domestic money, then make foreign money.

Why do you say there are few foreigners?

Just look at how many foreigners have disabilities.

Take the United States for example, there are more than 300 million people in the United States, but among these more than 300 million people, there are nearly 60 million disabled people.

However, there are only 80 million people in China with 1.4 billion people.

The proportion of people with disabilities in the United States is directly several times that of China.

Of course, the disabled include physical disabilities, visual disabilities, obesity and other diseases that can be called disabilities.

Zhiqi's artificial limbs can only be used for the physically disabled for the time being.

However, this ratio alone is enough to prove that the foreign market is huge.


Foreigners, what a trap!

But at this time, someone raised another question: "But, Mr. Xu, isn't it that we can't export lithium-air battery version of exoskeleton prostheses to foreign countries?"

Xu Xin smiled and said, "You will know later."

Today is November 10th, and tomorrow is Double Eleven. The negotiation between China and the United States will be held in Shangjing, China.

Why Shangjing instead of other places?

In ancient China, when the enemy surrendered, they wanted to bring it to the capital.

The only pity is that it cannot be brought to Chang'an Street to show the public.

After the negotiation is completed and the conditions are met, Zhiqi will be the first to get the news and can start exporting lithium-air batteries.

Of course, only foreign civilian goods can be exported, and military equipment cannot be supplied. The customs will strictly check the export of lithium-air batteries.

Of course, it doesn't matter if these intelligences are used, they are only intended to be exported to foreign countries for civilian equipment.

Of course, the problem that cannot be ruled out is that after the export of lithium-air batteries in large quantities, some bold people will definitely carry out smuggling activities for use by foreign militaries, and even foreign militaries will purchase large quantities of lithium-air batteries that were originally used for civilian use. The batteries are then transformed into batteries that can be used in military equipment.

For this kind of thing, there is no good solution for the time being. Even if the charging agreement is added, the charging head is restricted, and people directly modify the battery, there is no way.

Because their lithium-air batteries are too safe, after they are disassembled, the core parts inside will basically not be damaged.

Therefore, Zhiqi's current plan is to reduce the battery life of batteries exported to foreign countries.

This is the best way.

Of course, there is another way, only Ye Cheng knows, and that is to use Xiaobai to track and monitor where their lithium-air batteries are shipped. If they are used by foreign military, the buyers of this batch Will be banned from further purchases.

In this way, after coming and going, there are probably very few people who dare to smuggle.

However, this method is a bit useless and requires a relatively large portion of computing power, so it can only be monitored by sampling.

Of course, Xu Xin didn't know Ye Cheng's plan yet.

She continued to discuss the pricing issue with the people in the office, and after the discussion, she left the mechanical technology company.

Instead of returning to the semiconductor company headquarters, she walked downstairs.

"I have to talk to Ye Cheng, I don't know what he thinks."

Ye Cheng told her before that the price of this exoskeleton prosthesis can be cheaper to take care of the disabled.

Of course, she supported Ye Cheng's approach, but she didn't know what Ye Cheng's bottom line price was.

Taking out the phone, she called Ye Cheng and learned that Ye Cheng was in the Guge expert's studio, so she left the building and drove to find Ye Cheng.


In Guge's villa studio.

An 'Iron Man' was walking around the room.

Of course, the shape of this Iron Man is more like Mark One.

The body is relatively large.

The shell is angular and looks full of sci-fi, and the surface is also shiny with metal, which can vaguely reflect the surrounding environment.

There is also a small rocket launcher on the shoulder, and the rocket-propelled grenade inside also looks particularly threatening.

"Yes, very good. It's quite convenient to move around here."

Ye Cheng's voice came from the helmet.

He originally came here just to look at the design drawings of the CNC machine tool produced by Ji Xie, but when he got here, he learned that Gu Ge had already produced a battle suit similar to Iron Man.

Although it was still in the testing stage, it could already be worn, so he couldn't help but try it out.

Because the volume of this suit of armor is large enough, it is also equipped with many functions.

At the same time, it really realized the ability for Xiaobai to control various functions of the mecha.

This is very simple, as long as the internal wiring, sensors and other things are installed, and Xiaobai is an intelligent life, the most difficult algorithm problem is basically solved.

In addition, the battery pack of this whole set of mechs is also a total of 30 yuan, as long as it can be installed, all the battery packs are filled.

Of course, the shell is also very tough, and the whole body is made of titanium alloy, just to achieve the effect of bulletproof.

However, the only problem is-

"But it's too boring."

After staying inside for a while, Ye Cheng reached out and took off the visor.

In order to prevent his hair from being pinched, he also wore a hood similar to a shower cap, which completely covered his head, and the inside of the armor was not ventilated, making it very stuffy.

There is no air conditioning in here.


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