Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 173 Preparations For Machine Tool Manufacturing

"My feedback measurement system has a resolution of 0.05mm, a maximum feed speed of 15-100m/min, and a positioning accuracy of about 1mm."

"If it is small... if our CNC system is better, it is not impossible to control the positioning accuracy to 0.5mm."

Because Xu Xin is here, Xiaobai can't say it.

Ji Xie continued: "So, the next step is to get the CNC system done, and then I get my feedback measurement system done. The next step is to buy the various parts inside and the overall structure, and then assemble it."

Ye Cheng nodded.

It is essential to buy things from other companies. Some of the necessary advanced parts cannot be made in China, and they need to be bought from foreign companies.

A machine tool is not just the structure on the surface, and the axes one by one, and then let them rotate, it also includes various control components, these things, if you want Zhiqi to build them all, Totally impossible.

Machine tools, mobile phones, automobiles, airplanes, lithography machines...

And so on, it is a final product with various parts in it, and to produce a special one of these parts, it is necessary to build an assembly line, such as a servo motor in a CNC machine tool, or a lithography machine The objective lens in the camera, even the casing of the mobile phone, etc., is a production line.

Unless a company alone wants to create a final product, unless it is crazy, otherwise, this company can completely match one of the top ten economies in the world.

Just like Asmer's lithography machine, there are more than 3,000 component suppliers, which shows the complexity.

Therefore, Ye Cheng never thought that relying on Zhiqi alone, he could manufacture all the CNC machine tools. Some of the parts need to be purchased from other companies, and some of them are very difficult to buy.

Of course, due to the upcoming Double Eleven, Huami’s negotiations have ended. In addition to reaching the liberalization of sales of two key technologies, lithography machine parts and lithium-air batteries, there are also some other conditions that the two parties wanted to reach in the past. Exchange.

Moreover, this is just a deal between the United States and China. There are many countries in Europe that were previously banned by China from exporting lithium-air batteries. Now that the United States has also softened, other countries will naturally contact China immediately. Carry out technology exchange.

Moreover, the technology that lithium-air batteries can be exchanged for is not one or two.

Huaguo does not have your technology, and it has not come here after so many years. If you do not have lithium-air batteries, your people will definitely make trouble.

People in other countries use mobile phones with several times the battery life. Why can we only use the original garbage batteries?

Happiness is based on comparison. If the people are dissatisfied, that would be bad.

The most important thing is that foreign countries basically have a two-party or multi-party system. If you don't want to lose a lot of votes when you change the term, you can only honestly agree to Huaguo's conditions.

Therefore, according to the information obtained by Ye Cheng, some advanced parts in machine tools are on the list of these technology exchanges.

At that time, it will not be a problem to build machine tools.

And even if they know that Zhiqi has built machine tools in the future, they will not dare to stop the supply of key technologies. After all, although Huaguo allows the export of lithium-air batteries, whether Zhiqi wants to sell them depends on Zhiqi, not selling me. , I don't sell you anything either.

"In addition, our super-strength steel has also applied for a patent and has been recognized by the market. Our factory has received many domestic and foreign orders."

Ye Cheng nodded: "After meeting our needs, the rest can be sold."

Their super-strength steel is indeed very strong, and it is also cheaper than the tool materials with the same performance. It can replace many steel processing tools in the past, and even some tungsten steels are incomparable. Steel is easily the first choice for many knife makers.

"Okay, let's build our first machine tool as soon as possible, and give Huaguo a surprise."


A smile appeared on Ye Cheng's face. As long as their machine tools are built, the military will probably be the first to come to them again.

In addition, there are companies that are engaged in aircraft. The C919 already exists, but in the future they may also have the C929.

After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that there was nothing else to do, Ye Cheng looked at Xu Xin who was beside him in a daze, and said, "What are you thinking about?"

Xu Xin came back to his senses and shook his head: "It's nothing, I'm just surprised."

If things go on like this, her father's lifetime of nuclear fusion may have to be rectified by Ye Cheng.

Ye Cheng smiled slightly: "Okay, if there is nothing else, then let's get ready to go and treat you to a meal."

Hearing that Ye Cheng was going to invite him to dinner, Xu Xin came back to his senses, with a smile on his face: "Okay! You have to treat me to a big meal, my forehead is still hurting."

Ye Cheng laughed: "Of course it's no problem."

Without staying any longer, Ye Cheng and Xu Xin left here.

Of course, before he left, he didn't forget to ask Gu Ge to adjust the steel suit again, and he planned to take it with him in the future.

It is called self-defense.

What if when you meet some Xiao Xiaoxiao who want to rob him, a billionaire?

Just like when every man visits Taobao and sees a self-defense stick, key knife, or knuckle, he will suddenly have a paranoid attack, imagining that when he encounters a robber, he will directly take out his weapon to resist.

After leaving the villa, Ye Cheng and Xu Xin each got into their own cars and were going to have a meal at the best seafood restaurant in Shanghai.

The consumption per person here is basically more than 1,000 yuan, and most of the people who eat here are very wealthy.

However, when these people saw Ye Cheng appearing in the restaurant, they naturally greeted him as a sign of friendship, and some wanted Ye Cheng's contact information.

Naturally, Ye Cheng didn't care about these things, and when those people saw his impatient expression, they wisely stopped disturbing him.

In addition, seeing Xu Xin next to Ye Cheng, no matter who knew Xu Xin's identity or not, they would think that he was out on a date for dinner, so they couldn't be bothered.

The waiters eagerly came up to serve them. When ordering food, the lobby manager also came up and said that they were free of charge.

Ye Cheng was not polite to them, and ordered some seafood suitable for November, enough for two people.

The sum is not too expensive. If the restaurant thinks that this is Ye Cheng's favor, it probably can't open it so big.

After ordering the meal, the two sat face to face, looking at the sea view outside the window.

This restaurant is close to the sea, which seems to prove that their seafood is caught from the sea by themselves.

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