Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 174 Double Eleven, Huami Negotiations Reached

Ye Cheng said: "It feels like we can eat anywhere for free in the future."

Xu Xin laughed and said, "The restaurant doesn't make any money."

"Every time we eat in a different restaurant, we can almost get free of charge." Ye Cheng gave another restriction.

Xu Xin rolled her eyes: "Excuse me."

Ye Cheng leaned on the back of the chair: "So, it's more comfortable to order takeaway."

Except for company dinners, outside parties, and meals with Xu Xin, Ye Cheng basically ordered takeaway. As for cooking by himself, of course he didn't have time to cook by himself.

Xu Xin: "Me too, I'm busier than you right now."

Ye Cheng laughed: "Explain what you can do! The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

Xu Xin curled her lips, and suddenly she asked again: "By the way, you haven't told me yet, what do you mean by the emoji you sent me just now?"

Ye Cheng was taken aback: "What emoji?"

"You just sent me the message on WeChat, and you still look very angry." The corners of Xu Xin's mouth curled up, but he said in his mouth, "Are you... dissatisfied with me?"

"When will I give..."

The conscience of heaven and earth, when did Ye Cheng feel dissatisfied with such a capable subordinate.

But as soon as he said it, he realized something.

He took out his phone and glanced at the chat between himself and Xu Xin.


A facial expression that seemed to contain an angry meaning was him, no, it should be the last message his account sent to Xu Xin.

And Xu Xin replied several times below.

"? 』

"What's wrong? (grievance expression)』

"Ye Cheng! 』

The corner of Ye Cheng's mouth twitched.

This noob.

For three days, the house will not be marked with tiles.

It's been a long time since he asked Xiaobai to send messages to Xu Xin instead, just because he was afraid that it would be weird.

In the end, I didn't expect to ask Xiaobai to help me reply because it was inconvenient to wear mecha today, so I was taken advantage of.

"I said I didn't send it, do you believe it?"

I'll talk about it after I teach Xiaobai a lesson, and now I have to explain it to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin just looked at Ye Cheng with an expression of "do you think I'm a fool".

The last message is "Come to open the door soon", and the next message is "o(▼炽▼メ;)o"?

It can't be Gu Ge's hair, right?

Xu Xin knew Guge's personality well, and he would definitely not engage in such a thing. As for the other staff in that house, it was even more impossible to tamper with the boss's mobile phone.

"Okay, I admit it, I just clicked wrong. I was still wearing a mecha at the time. You should have seen that the finger is not easy to operate, so I clicked wrong when I clicked."

Ye Cheng quickly found a plausible excuse.

Xu Xin was dubious. It seemed that this might be the case?

However, is it really possible to send a kaomoji so accurately?

At this time, a dish was brought up, the first clam.

Ye Cheng immediately diverted Xu Xin's attention: "Okay, let's eat, you're hungry too."

Xu Xin didn't think too much about it, and started eating seafood.


Time soon came to the next day, November 11th, Double Eleven.

Huami's new round of negotiations officially started at nine o'clock in the morning.

It's not so much a negotiation, but rather an exchange of opinions between the two parties, and then a final fight for conditions, after making sure that the other party is impossible to make concessions, and then finally reaching an agreement.

In fact, although there is still a certain distance from the bottom line of both parties, it also gives both parties a feeling, "Hahaha, I can let you not think about it", so there is a kind of secret joy of taking advantage .

This is the case in most negotiations where the two parties have equal strengths. When the bottom line is reached, they will feel that they have lost money, so they will naturally insist on reaching negotiations above the bottom line.

Afterwards, all the major companies in Huaguo were notified that most of the restrictions imposed by the United States on Huaguo's economy have officially become history, and normal economic exchanges can be carried out.

Of course, some additional tariffs have not been eliminated.

Still, at least for now, there's good news for most.

It is naturally impossible for such a big event to be truly unknown to the public, and the news still spread.

However, the United States is naturally prepared, claiming that they have reached a good cooperation with Hua Guo in the new negotiations.

On the one hand, they publicized that this was a normal negotiation, and they did not admit defeat and revived it. On the other hand, they publicized that this was in response to the voice of the domestic people.

This is also good news for people in the United States. Huaguo's tariffs on some commodities in the United States have also returned to the previous normal level, reducing their burden.

The most important thing is that the people of the United States can use lithium-air batteries!

And that super cool exoskeleton prosthesis!

Ever since, the support rate of the US government has also increased a lot, which made this government a lot relieved, but it also has a sense of vigilance.

Hua Guo has already had such a deep influence on them.

Of course, the conclusion of this cooperation is a sigh of relief for the world.

The two largest economies have finally stopped their sharpest game.

When big countries fight, small countries suffer.

The previous confrontation between Huami and China can be said to have dealt a huge blow to the GDP of many small countries.

This time the two sides let go, and these small countries can finally take a breather.

Therefore, only cooperation can win-win, and ordinary people can be happy, but politicians will fight against other countries in order to maintain their own ruling power.

In addition, this economic liberalization also means a relief for Huaguo Technology Company.

However, there are also hidden dangers. Some restricted technologies that have been vigorously researched before may now be due to cheaper and more advanced foreign technologies, which will lead to the wastage of previous efforts.

As for this question, we can only look at the entrepreneurs in Huaguo, who can't live up to their expectations.

If foreign countries begin to ban the sale one day, it will deal a great blow to Huaguo Company.

Of course, the only way to solve this problem is that the advanced technology mastered by Huaguo can prevent foreigners from banning their own technology without authorization.

In the past, Huaguo was helpless in the face of technological sanctions because it did not have much advanced technology at its disposal. Even if there was any advanced technology, foreign countries might not care about it because they had other technologies that could replace them, or technologies that were not necessary.

Now, the lithium-air battery is a technology that Huaguo has mastered that cannot be replaced by foreign countries, and this technology has extremely practical functions in civilian use.

Military use is relatively more important than civilian use, after all, it is to protect national security, but once a certain civilian technology can bring a great sense of gap to the public, this civilian technology will be more important than military use.

After all, there is a country with the people, and only in this way can the country protect

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