Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 175 Zhiqi's 'Ugly Face'

Therefore, Zhiqi's phone calls have been blown up in the past few days.

Countless foreign companies flocked like crazy, wanting to buy lithium-air batteries from Zhiqi that can be sold abroad.

Because of Hua Guo's policy before, even if they bought lithium-air batteries, they could only sell them in China.

Although the Huaguo market is huge, there are so many local companies here. In addition, foreign companies will always have different regions, different cultures, and inconvenient management. Therefore, most foreign companies hope to import lithium-air batteries. Their products become better in performance, and then seize major markets such as Europe and the United States.

Now, whoever can get Zhiqi's battery first will stand out quickly.

Xu Xin, as the current leader of Zhiqi, will naturally make good use of this opportunity to expand Zhiqi's profits and influence in the world.

Zhiqi has been waiting for this day to come.

For example, if you reach a cooperation with a few companies in a certain product field, you will only sell lithium-air batteries to them and not to others. In this way, these companies can quickly occupy most of the market for this product.

Of course, this is also conditional, either accepting Zhiqi’s shareholding, or accepting a higher battery unit price.

If you don't accept the conditions, don't even think about buying batteries. If other companies accept it, your company will go bankrupt sooner or later.

Xu Xin's move was extremely ruthless.

And Zhiqi's ugly face has also begun to show to these foreign companies.

However, they still had to accept it.

Then, these companies rolled up. Whoever is the most obedient and willing to bring more profits to Zhiqi will be the first to get orders from Zhiqi.

So in the future, lithium-air batteries will gradually have a new name: Zhiqi Tax.

There will be no one in the world who hates Zhiqi tax, but has to accept Zhiqi tax.

Moreover, even if it is the anti-monopoly law, don't even think about targeting Zhiqi.

This kind of monopoly that relies entirely on its own technology is a legal monopoly.

Other battery companies cannot produce lithium-air batteries, so how can you fight against monopoly.

At most, it is to intervene through administrative means.

But even if he intervenes through administrative means, Zhiqi is not afraid, and there are many choices.

Either pay a fine, dare to monopolize or monopolize, or flip the table, you fine me, and I will not sell lithium-air batteries to your area, let’s see who can’t stand it first.

In the future, when people can't do without lithium-air batteries, this will be a big killer move.

It can give Zhiqi the confidence to talk directly with governments around the world.

Of course, this method should be used sparingly, otherwise, it would be bad if Zhiqi became the target of public criticism.

In the same way, because Huami's negotiations were passed, all battery manufacturers around the world finally felt that the end was coming.

Facing lithium-air batteries, they have nothing to do at all, and they all hate Zhi Qi deeply, but there is nothing they can do.

This bunch of battery manufacturers are either disheartened and ready to dispose of all their assets and factories and turn to other production, or they are desperately begging Zhiqi to reach a cooperation with Zhiqi, even if it is just Help Zhiqi sell lithium-air batteries, or buy the three core materials of lithium-air batteries from Zhiqi, and then produce lithium-air batteries by yourself.

In this way, they can also survive.

However, in the face of these requests, Zhiqi did not respond, and of course he did not refuse.

Zhiqi Headquarters.

Xu Xin was on the phone.

It was Cook who called.

"Of course, Mr. Cook, you just need to send us the battery specifications now, we will evaluate it, and then give you a price. After you pay us, we will produce it for you as soon as possible."

"Of course, I believe you should also know that due to limited production capacity, we have requirements for customers who place orders, that is, in terms of deposits, they must pay 50% of the total price. Thank you for your cooperation."

Chu Ke was not in the mood to get entangled in these aspects, and immediately agreed: "We accept your offer."

"Hehe, then it's a happy cooperation. We are waiting for people from your company to come and sign a contract with us." Xu Xin said with a smile.

At this time, Chu Ke suddenly said again: "By the way, Miss Xu, I have a proposal. I don't know if you are willing to accept it."

"Oh? All ears."

"The shareholders of our fruit company decided to exchange 5% of the shares for Zhiqi's 5%."

Xu Xin's smile remained unchanged: "Sorry, we will not accept this condition."

Chu Ke said: "We can talk more about this matter."

"Hehe, in the past, companies such as Microsoft, Sansang, and Volkswagen all offered us the same conditions as you, and some of them had better conditions than yours. We all rejected them, and the company belongs to Mr. Ye. , You also need to tell our President Ye about this matter, but he will definitely refuse."

"Then... okay." Chu Ke could only give up.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin leaned back on the boss chair.

When Ye Cheng is not in the company, she will stay and work in Ye Cheng's office. Such a large office cannot be wasted.

Thinking of those people who called her today, she couldn't help but feel, 'We are so smart'.

Those Fortune 500 companies, everyone wants to squeeze into their companies, but they can completely say no to these companies.

Let’s just say that Guoguo just wanted to take out 5% of the shares for replacement. As long as you get 5% of the shares in the fruit company, you will become the fourth largest shareholder of the fruit company.

The third largest shareholder of fruit is Berkshire Hathaway, which is Buffett's company.

As for Guoguo's intention to exchange 5% of Zhiqi's shares with 5% of the shares, it can only be said that Guoguo's shareholders are wishful thinking.

What they want to change is 5% of the entire Zhiqi. Now Zhiqi has several companies, including batteries, semiconductors, and exoskeleton machinery. Especially now that Xu Xin knows that they will solve the problem of high-end CNC machine tools.

It is estimated that she and Ye Cheng can know how much the entire company is worth.

A 5% stake in Guoguo might not be as valuable as Zhiqi Future's 5% value.

However, the only pity is that it is impossible for Zhiqi to directly threaten these large companies with lithium-air batteries to obediently offer shares, at most it will sell the batteries more expensive.

The tricks used to deal with small and medium-sized companies will not work.

After dealing with these trivial matters, Xu Xin didn't know which major foreign companies would call later, maybe Exxon Mobil, maybe BMW, maybe Daimler, which owns Mercedes-Benz.

Anyway, those companies that need to use lithium-air batteries should not escape.

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