Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 177 The Smelly Foreigner Came To China To Beg For Food

Time passed quickly.

The relationship between Huami and Huami has eased, and the impact has become greater and greater.

For example, Huaguo has also negotiated with other countries, such as Yingguo, Gaul, Hans, etc. Huaguo has obtained many new technologies from these countries that were not previously sold to Huaguo by virtue of lithium-air batteries.

The role of lithium-air batteries in Huaguo can be seen.

The parts of the EUV lithography machine have also been opened for sale to Huaguo. As long as Huaguo can assemble these parts, a lithography machine can be built.

Of course, although Hua Guo is allowed to buy parts, Mi Guo will not forget to keep such a hand.

For example, how to debug the parameters of these components, as well as some technical software patents, these are in the hands of Asmer, such as temperature control, optical path correction system and other software, these things, they are absolutely impossible to hand over to Chinese.

After all, the United States only agreed to sell parts, but did not agree to authorize these patents to Huaguo.

Therefore, this part needs to be done by Huaguo itself.

Otherwise, the United States allows Huaguo to buy parts instead of directly allowing them to buy EUV lithography machines. Isn't this just teaching people how to fish?

However, now that the fishing rod has been bought, the fishing line, hook, float, and bait have been completed, can the remaining fishing skills still be stumped?



Shanghai Union Medical College Hospital.

Today's surgical department of Xiehe Hospital has poured in countless people to fail the department.

And if you take a closer look, you can find that all these patients are physically disabled.

"What's the matter? Why are there so many disabled people here? Are all the people from Shangjing here?"

Some people ask their friends.

"Hen." The friend shook his head, also looking confused.

A nurse next to him said: "Today, our hospital officially opened appointments for exoskeleton prosthesis implantation surgery, and they all came to make appointments."

Hearing what the nurse said, everyone around was shocked.

Exoskeleton prosthetic implant technology?

"That's... that Zhiqi's exoskeleton prosthesis?"

"Yes!" The nurse nodded and said with a smile, "Come and make an appointment. We will measure the height and weight first, and then determine the specifications of the prosthetics suitable for the disabled, and then send them to Zhiqi Company, and Zhiqi Company will start to build them." .”

"After the building is completed, they will send the prosthesis to our hospital, and then operate on the patient."

"So powerful? Then this should cost a lot of money?"

The nurse nodded: "It's quite expensive. The most basic exoskeleton prosthesis costs about 20,000 yuan. If you want to add other functions to the prosthesis, or change the overall material, you will need more money. The cost of surgery is not low."

"It's really expensive." The others couldn't help but say.

"Hehe, it's expensive, but it's worth it. Moreover, the state has now included this surgery in the scope of medical insurance. If it is done, the state will pay 70% of the cost in advance for insured patients who purchase basic prostheses. .”

"So good? Doesn't that mean it only costs 6,000 yuan?"

"You have to count the operation fee." The nurse explained with a smile.

"That's also very cheap, less than ten thousand."

"Damn, I don't even have medical insurance. Is there still time to do it?" said the person before.

The friend said speechlessly: "I said, you don't think you're going to break your hand right away, do you?"


The nurse smiled and said, "You don't need to replace a broken hand, and you don't need to amputate a broken limb."

"It costs more than 10,000 yuan to break a bone, and it costs less than 10,000 yuan to replace an arm." The man began to calculate: "If you do the math, I might as well just scrap it and replace it with an exoskeleton prosthesis. Also handsome."

The nurse couldn't laugh or cry: "You think too much, the account is not calculated in this way, the overall cost of exoskeleton prosthetics must be higher than the overall cost of recovery after a fracture. First of all, the cost of amputation is required, and this part will also cost thousands or even hundreds of dollars. Ten thousand. After the amputation operation, we can continue to do exoskeleton prosthetic implantation surgery for you. Moreover, the medical insurance reimbursement is limited to the basic prosthetics. The basic prosthetics are definitely not as good as your own arms except for basic functions. .”

This is actually what the national medical insurance department thought of when formulating the medical insurance plan.

If it costs less to replace an arm than a recoverable fracture, it is hard to guarantee that someone will not self-mutilate after a fracture and have an irreversible fracture, which must be amputated.

So, it has to be made more expensive to replace an arm than to recover from a broken bone.

So the country directly asked Zhiqi to sell things more expensive, and then cooperate with medical insurance to help.

"In that case, even if I have medical insurance, wouldn't it cost another 10,000 to 20,000? What if I have no money and no medical insurance?"

The nurse smiled and said: "If the conditions at home are not good, you can file a record with our hospital. We will contact the Zhiqi Charity Foundation, and the Zhiqi Charity Foundation will verify your family situation. If you meet the conditions, It will help you advance more than 90% of the cost."

"Zhiqi Charity Fund?"

Everyone else was taken aback.

"Yes, if you want me to say, Zhiqi Company is completely the only one in Huaguo, and all companies should learn from them." The nurse said with emotion.

Everyone else couldn't help but nodded.

Although everyone didn't believe in charity funds, but when they heard that it was Zhiqi's charity fund, they suddenly felt that it was a charity fund that could do good things.

While everyone was chatting, a dispute suddenly broke out among the people who had lined up to make an appointment for the exoskeleton prosthetic implant surgery.

"Doctor! This gringo wants to jump in line!"

"Get him out of here!"

"We have to line up to the back to line up!"

"Stinky foreigner, he came to China to beg for food!"

The nurse hurried over and began to mediate: "Everyone, don't argue, let's talk about things."

Then she looked at the foreigner with only one arm, apparently also coming for surgery.

Since exoskeleton prostheses equipped with lithium-air batteries can now be taken out of the country, some foreigners have come to China for surgery.

Said in fluent English: "Do you speak Chinese?"

Being a nurse in Xiehe Hospital does not have any skills, but it is not that simple.

The foreigner shook his head, indicating that he would not do so, then stretched out his remaining hand, pointed to those who lined up behind and said, "What were they talking about just now? Do they treat me badly?"

"Sorry, you jumped the queue. If you are here to make an appointment for surgery, please go to the back and queue, thank you."

Dissatisfaction immediately appeared on the foreigner's face, and he said, "I took a flight from the United States for more than ten hours yesterday, and then rushed here today, and there is such a long queue? I'm in a hurry!"

The nurse shook her head and said, "Sorry, you still have to queue."


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