Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 178 One Size Fits All, New Achievements

The foreigner became even more dissatisfied, and said aggressively: "Is this how you Hua people treat us Americans? Isn't it just to join the team? It's just a favor."

The nurse's face showed indignation: "How can you be so shameless! It is immoral to jump in line!"

In the queue, there were also people who knew English, and they were upset at this moment, and immediately cursed in English: "Son of Bichi, leave Huaguo! You are not welcome in Huaguo!"

"Foreigners, get out of China!"

"Hua Guo won't perform surgery on you!"


The noise became louder and louder, and the nurse hurried to call the hospital leader over.

In the end, the foreigner was also driven out of the hospital by the security guards.

This is just a dispute caused by foreigners, and there are many foreigners who come to China for surgery, so similar things have happened in other places.

Because, no foreign hospital has reached a cooperation with Zhiqi, so although Zhiqi has opened up the sale of exoskeleton prostheses, if you want to perform surgery, only Huaguo Hospital can do it.

Moreover, because this new surgery has not been launched for a long time, basically only the provincial capitals or municipalities directly under the central government have only the top three hospitals that have opened surgery appointments. There is at least one hospital in a province, and no more than three hospitals at most.

As a result, there are few hospitals and many people who want to have surgery, naturally there are all kinds of conflicts in order to make an appointment for surgery.

And even if you make an appointment for surgery, you have to wait for one month at the earliest to perform the surgery, and the number of people who make an appointment every day is also limited, because of the production limit of Zhiqi can produce exoskeleton prostheses.

Most of those foreigners wanted to jump in the queue because they were in a hurry. Coupled with their identities, this caused all kinds of dissatisfaction.

All of a sudden, conflicts in hospitals around the world due to exoskeleton implantation operations have become a hot spot of social concern.


"Then prohibit foreigners from performing surgery in China."

Ye Cheng took the phone and gave Xu Xin a solution.

There is nothing that cannot be solved by one size fits all. If it cannot be solved, then make another cut.

If foreigners want to have their arms replaced, they can do so in foreign countries, but anyway, they have to wait for a few months.

After all, medical supplies have to go through various approvals if they want to be marketed abroad.

If you give some benefits to the people in the approval department, the speed will of course be faster. However, Zhiqi has a very arrogant attitude, and you can do it as long as you like.

Anyway, our domestic production has not kept up, so why do you have so many foreign countries?

Of course, Zhiqi is also constantly expanding its production capacity. The only thing that limits the production capacity is that this thing must be customized according to the actual situation of the patient. As for the manufacture, it is not difficult.

So, now Ye Cheng has asked Xiaobai to help design drawings according to the conditions of those orderers.

And with Xiaobai's help, this matter has become more convenient. Moreover, as Xiaobai designs more and more, it means that he learns more and more, and the design speed will also become faster and faster. quick.

Xu Xin got Ye Cheng's decision, so she didn't ask any more questions.

This is obviously a good solution, which can satisfy the domestic people, and can also make people abroad more urgent, so as to contact them as soon as possible.

She continued: "In addition, it has been a week since the exoskeleton prosthesis was launched, and the orders for prosthetics received in China alone have exceeded 10,000. Fifty hospitals each have 200 disabled people on average. Make an appointment with us and our production should expand as soon as possible."

"So, I have a plan here, find some other factories, we will give the design drawings, and then provide the key parts inside, let them help in the production, and ease our pressure."

Ye Cheng said: "Of course, but the artificial nerve must be in our hands. It must be one-on-one with the disabled and cannot pass through the hands of other people."

If this thing is released, it will bring many hidden dangers.

Cracking is of course impossible to crack. The main problem is that others may use artificial nerves to do some bad experiments.

After all, this thing involves nerves.

"Well, I know."

Xu Xin responded.

Of course she is also aware of this problem.

"Well, that's fine, if there's nothing else, just hang up."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng returned his attention to what was in front of him.

A set of new battle armor that is just a structure.

He now named this set of armor series the shrine. The shrine No. 1 stood next to it, and the shrine No. 2 was the armor he and Gu Ge jointly built.

A shrine in the traditional sense, which is used to place immortals.

This meaning should be pretty good, Ye Cheng felt that he had finally come up with a good name.

And this No. 2 armor is still functionally the same as the first generation. However, in order to make it easier to wear, Ye Cheng decided to modify it.

The current idea is to build a box, divide each part of the battle armor into two parts, the front and the back, and put it in. After people lie down, they can easily align the buckles and jacks, and then wear it successfully.

It can be realized, but it also means that all internal circuits must be redesigned, and the design direction of internal weapons must be redesigned.

There is no need to worry about weapons. Now that Ye Cheng has passed the approval, the government has given him the status of a relevant department personnel. Through this status, he can legally possess weapons. The types of weapons include but are not limited to pistols, rifles, machine guns, and explosives. Cannonballs and more.

Therefore, a military vehicle often appeared at the door of this villa recently, which was specially used to transport equipment for him.

As for why the government agreed so readily, it is mainly related to Zhiqi's ability to research advanced weapons, such as the current drones.

In addition, the military has already bought a set of each type of bionic armor for individual soldiers. It has been testing its capabilities recently. If the results are good, it is estimated that it will be formally ordered. However, due to the price of each set They are quite expensive, so the military may only set up a special team of about a few hundred people at most.

Therefore, due to Zhiqi's development capabilities in this area, the government allowed Ye Cheng, or Zhiqi to purchase weapons and equipment, so as to support their continuous development of advanced weapons.

Now, how to fit the planned high-precision rifle, rocket-propelled grenade, and several other weapons into this wearable armor has become a major problem.

In addition, Ye Cheng is also planning to add a more sophisticated radar laser to this mecha. In the future, this mecha will be able to cooperate with drones and become the command core of drones.

Suddenly, at this time, the long-lost system sound rang.

"Congratulations to the host for achieving the achievement [100 partners!], and get the achievement reward: material gift pack.

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