Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 189 The Shock Of The Researchers, Preparing For The Neutron Irradiation Experiment

Seeing these old researchers digging holes in front of him, Xu Kaiyang couldn't bear it. He blew his beard and stared, and scolded: "Fuck, your surname is Yu, your granddaughter is only in elementary school this year, are you embarrassed? There are two of you, Liu and Chen, get out! This is my son-in-law!"

"Who stipulates that you can become your son-in-law before you get married, Ye Cheng, my daughter is so beautiful."

Xu Kaiyang said directly: "Boy, Ye Cheng slept at my house last night! My daughter is also at home! Don't even think about it."

Hearing the tough words of the future husband-in-law, Ye Cheng was a little bit dumbfounded, so what?

Feelings like this, you respectable scientists in your fifties and sixties, don’t you?

In this way, a group of old professors quarreled and quarreled, and it stopped after ten minutes.

"Okay, I'm too lazy to argue with you old bastards. Ye Cheng and my daughter have been together for more than a year. Maybe they have done everything that should be done, so don't think about it."

Xu Kaiyang took a big sip of water, and then said directly.

When the other professors were about to continue to refute, Xu Kaiyang immediately said: "Okay, now the meeting officially starts, I hope all participants will abide by the order of the meeting, and don't talk about things that have nothing to do with the meeting, otherwise, As the director, I have the right to punish."

Seeing the complacent look of this old guy, the people in the meeting really wanted to report him for abusing his power.

After a few more curses, the meeting went on as normal.

Xu Kaiyang regained his seriousness, and said, "Because Ye Cheng, on behalf of Zhiqi, is going to invest in us, and Zhiqi will also send members to conduct research cooperation with us, so Ye Cheng will also participate in this meeting."

"In addition, the meeting I held today is mainly related to Zhiqi Company."

"Let's take a look, this information."

Xu Kaiyang shared his computer screen into the video conference, and then opened the file.

"Look at the various data of this material, there are several pages, take a screenshot and see for yourself."

After Xu Kaiyang turned over each page, he asked the old professors to take screenshots for themselves, and then slowly waited.

Through the video, it can be seen that these old professors were serious from the beginning, gradually turned into shock, and finally couldn't believe it.

The first person to read it immediately shouted: "Academician Xu, are you sure this information is true?"

The others were also confused and talked about it in a hurry.

"This thing is much superior to any first wall material we are using now! If this structure can be realized, our nuclear fusion may really have a chance to achieve net power generation!"

"Is there really such a thing? Why do I feel that I don't believe it?"

"It's unrealistic!"

"Old Xu, please explain."

Xu Kaiyang smiled, then pointed to Ye Cheng beside him, and said, "Okay, this matter needs Ye Cheng to explain it to you. This material is produced by Zhiqi Company."

"Zhiqi made it?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. When did Zhiqi start to study nuclear fusion? Is there even such a result?

However, this is not the main question. They looked at Ye Cheng one after another and started to ask questions one by one.

"May I ask how this material is produced?"

"Does Zhiqi have any research on nuclear fusion?"

"Is the performance of this material really so strong?"


Everyone kept asking, so that Ye Cheng couldn't understand what they were asking at all, and finally pressed his hands and said, "Okay, professors, let's stop for a while."

After being noisy for a while, the meeting finally came to a halt.

Ye Cheng said dumbfoundedly: "So many of you are talking together, I can't hear you clearly, so I will say it here in unison. First of all, this material must be true. These data are not faked. We can do it once. Neutron irradiation experiment to verify whether it is true."

"In addition, this material also belongs to our Zhiqi, so the specific production method, I must not disclose it for the time being. We need to wait until we formally sign a cooperation agreement before we can provide it."

"Moreover, the cost of this thing is very expensive, more than 11 million yuan, and only one cubic meter can be produced. Of course, after mass production, this cost can also be reduced, but as far as it is concerned, the price is still the same, so, If you want to replace the entire tokamak device with this material, it may cost tens of billions of yuan, but what I can guarantee now is that this thing will definitely be able to play the role of the first wall material.”

Everyone in the video conference was silent for a moment, thinking about what Ye Cheng said.

Xu Kaiyang said: "I think it's worth a try. I'm going to contact the neutron irradiation laboratory. I remember it's in Sichuan Province, right? Let's simulate DT fusion neutron irradiation and see how the material is damaged." , as long as it is possible, I can apply for funding from the State Council, try to ensure that it is more than one billion, and then let's replace the first wall covering material with this carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy, and then burn it again. As long as it is possible, I will continue to apply Funds, replace all the materials in it with this carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy!"

"Everyone should also know what the main problem of nuclear fusion is. As long as the materials pass the test, the most difficult part will be completed."

"At that time, our Hua country may become the first country in the world to build a nuclear fusion demonstration reactor!"

Listening to Xu Kaiyang's words, everyone felt a little excited for a moment.

Nuclear Fusion Demonstration Reactor!

It is the words that these scientists have fought for all their lives.

When the demonstration reactor is successful, it will not be far from the commercial reactor.

And the energy problem will be completely solved, and the world pattern will also be broken from their country of Hua.

After a while, a professor immediately said, "Then let's prepare now?"

"Do you have ready-made materials there?"

Everyone looked at Ye Cheng, Ye Cheng nodded: "Yes, it's almost one cubic meter."

"That's good!"

These old researchers couldn't help but look forward to it at this time.

As long as it succeeds, Huaguo's nuclear fusion will enter a new chapter.

Xu Kaiyang looked at the people in the video, and then said seriously: "However, you must keep this news to me, and don't let anyone else know, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Everyone nodded. Being able to participate in such a key meeting, there is no need to doubt their loyalty to the country.

Of course, the same sentence, once Ye Cheng notices, no one will have any secrets at all, Xiaobai will automatically check all the information of these people, as long as there are any clues left on the Internet, it will be Impossible to dodge.

Among the researchers who participated in the meeting, there were obviously no foreign undercover agents or spies.

In fact, Xiaobai has already checked all the key positions in Huaguo. If there are undercover agents, they have already been found out. Places like the Plasma Research Institute naturally have to be screened.

"Okay, contact the neutron irradiation laboratory in Sichuan Province immediately, and we will verify it as soon as possible!" Xu Kaiyang gave the order, and everyone immediately nodded in agreement.

"I will arrange for people from our Zhiqi Company to go to Sichuan Province with the materials." Ye Cheng also said at this time.


A major event has been decided in this way.

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