Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 190 The Significance Of Nuclear Fusion, The Irradiation Experiment Begins

After the meeting, Ye Cheng immediately arranged for someone to bring the materials to the laboratory in Sichuan Province. Of course, it was brought by the system labor force.

But after returning to the living room, Xu Xin dragged him out to play.

As the couple who have confirmed their relationship under the witness of both parents, they must find some free time to stay together and play.

Still strolling along the reservoir near Science Island, the day of the Spring Festival makes the world look cool.

The two walked side by side, and Xu Xin would ask Ye Cheng to take a photo of herself from time to time, or take a photo together.

However, what made Xu Xin helpless was that this guy didn't even know how to take the initiative to do anything other than listen to what she said.

It seems to have become a pure accompanying robot.

He didn't even do anything to her, such as hugging her, or holding hands or something.

Even if it is more intimate, such as kissing... or something, she is not unacceptable.

But considering the behavior of Ye Cheng's straight men before, this kind of appearance does not seem to be surprising.

However, she thought about Ye Cheng's conversation with her father this morning, and asked curiously: "By the way, what did you and my father say this morning? Nuclear fusion?"

Ye Cheng said a week ago that she would talk to her father about nuclear fusion and make an investment, but she didn't know how much to invest.

Sure enough, Ye Cheng became interested and said, "Of course it's how to achieve nuclear fusion."

"Can it be achieved?"

"Of course it can be achieved. Everything is just a technical problem."

Ye Cheng waved his hand.

For anything in the science fiction world, as long as it has an undeniable theoretical support, it must have the opportunity to experiment.

"It has been realized, and it should bring a lot of changes to our society."

"Don't you major in liberal arts? You should be very clear." Ye Cheng spread his hands: "You don't need me to talk about this kind of economics?"

"I want to hear you say it!" Xu Xin refused, hugged Ye Cheng's arm and shook it: "Why do you always let me talk?"

Seeing her getting so close to him and her coquettish movements, Ye Cheng felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Touching his nose, he felt a little emotional in his heart, no matter what, he was still not used to it, and he had a girlfriend now.

And according to the discussion of the elders, the wedding date is also set on this year's Qixi Festival, which is August 22.

In fact, it was originally planned to be on the rise of the dragon, that is, one month later, to get married early and settle down early.

It's just that this matter was rejected by both Ye Cheng and Xu Xin. After all, after the Spring Festival, the company will be even busier. If the principals of the two companies get married, who will take care of the company?

A honeymoon is always a must when getting married, even if it is a honeymoon, it still takes a week, and the company probably has to leave a lot of things behind.

So this time is scheduled for Qixi Festival, and the seven months in between are enough for them to arrange various things.

And these seven months can be regarded as a transitional period for the couple who have just changed their relationship to get to know each other better.

'Seven months. ’ Ye Cheng sighed in his heart that he was about to formally have a family.

You should really take care of this relationship.

Afterwards, a gentle smile appeared on his face, he took Xu Xin's hand, and said: "The realization of controllable nuclear fusion has many benefits. It can make the country rich, improve its international status, and improve people's lives." Life. Energy seems to have little connection with the general public, but in fact, it has penetrated everywhere, otherwise, why would the United States control the hegemony of the dollar when it controls oil?"

Feeling her hand being held by Ye Cheng, that big hand was very warm, which made her cold hand feel comfortable immediately.

She froze, this was the first time Ye Cheng held her hand.

But soon, the corner of her mouth curled up slightly, and then she listened to Ye Cheng's story.

Ye Cheng's story was very inspiring, and her heart became warmer.

"...Nuclear fusion will bring about a significant reduction in electricity bills, even less than a dime per kilowatt-hour."

"With lower electricity bills, production costs will also be greatly reduced. For example, when a car is assembled, does it need electricity? The electricity bill for this part of the electricity accounts for about 10% of the cost, and nuclear fusion is used. A sharp drop of ten or even twenty times, so the production cost of the car cost will be reduced by about 0.90% from the electricity cost."

"As for the various parts of the car, electricity must also be used during production. This part of the electricity bill is less, so when the car is assembled, the cost of these parts is reduced, and the parts of these parts are also produced. It also consumes electricity, right? So this part of the cost can be saved.”

"As a result, the overall production cost will drop significantly, corporate profits will be greatly improved, and commodities on the market will become cheaper, which in turn will bring about an improvement in people's living standards."

"In addition, there are seawater desalination projects and nuclear fusion power generation, which need to boil water, so we can burn a lot of seawater, and turning the desert into an oasis is just a matter of building a pipeline."

"and also……"

Listening to Ye Cheng's narration, Xu Xin and him also got closer and closer, almost sticking together.

She likes the man's passionate appearance when he talks about those advanced technologies, which is very attractive.

"Then, what is the biggest difficulty in our nuclear fusion?"

"The biggest difficulty, of course, is the material."

"Then we solved it?"

"Solved...uh, but not quite."

"What's the meaning?"

" hasn't been known to the world yet." Ye Cheng's eyes traveled far away, and finally stopped at the Institute of Plasma Physics in the distance, the EAST device, lying quietly inside, waiting for the next time The burning temperature is 20,000 times higher than that of the surface of the sun.


a week later.

Mian City, Sichuan Province, Huaguo Institute of Engineering Physics, Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry.

Irradiation laboratory.

"Your material is going to be used by EAST?"


"Very sure?"

"I'll know when the experiment is over."

"Then I am looking forward to it, and I hope you will succeed."

"Then let Director Liu give me a good word."

The researcher who came over to watch the experiment from the Institute of Plasma Physics responded with a smile.

Director Liu of the laboratory said to the laboratory at this time: "Okay, the neutron irradiation experiment is ready to proceed, and all personnel are evacuated to ensure safety."


Everyone in the laboratory was evacuated immediately.

In the operating room, a researcher also pressed the start button after the order to start the experiment was given.

"The spallation neutron source has reacted, and the experiment begins."

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