In the irradiation laboratory, a partial alloy plate stood quietly on top of the experimental equipment.

This alloy plate is a subrigid body-grade carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy.

Because its hardness is too high, it is impossible to damage it by ordinary cutting methods, and its super high temperature resistance also makes it difficult to perform high temperature cutting, so it is usually processed with a special compound. It is precisely these reasons that cause its unit cost to become very high.

Next to it, there is an ordinary tungsten plate, which is used as the experimental control group.

At this time, in the environment that has been evacuated, neutrons invisible to the naked eye are moving randomly in space.

The neutrons are not controlled by the magnetic field, so there is no way to restrain the neutrons. We can only rely on luck to let the neutrons hit the alloy plate. Otherwise, DT fusion may have been solved long ago, and the material is not a problem at all.

This can also be regarded as simulating the neutron movement in the DT nuclear fusion reaction.

The only disadvantage is that the energy carried by these neutrons is not the same as that carried by fusion neutrons, and there is a gap after all.

Of course, there is another kind of fusion, that is, helium-3 fusion. This kind of fusion will not generate neutrons. It will be the safest generation of nuclear fusion, also known as the third generation of nuclear fusion.

However, except for the large amount of helium 3 in the lunar soil, there is almost no helium 3 on the earth. As for the preparation, the cost is extremely high, so there is no need to think about it. The most critical difficulty is that the fusion of helium 3 requires a reactor Burning to 1.5 billion degrees is also an extremely difficult condition to achieve.

Therefore, honestly carrying out the first generation of nuclear fusion, DT fusion, is the most likely to be realized.

As time passed, more and more neutrons began to appear in the experimental apparatus, and finally quite a few of them collided with two alloy plates.

In the microscopic world, neutrons with a radius of only 3.4x10^-16m, carrying powerful energy, bombarded the tungsten plate, and the tungsten atoms on the surface of the tungsten plate were connected by chemical bonds. The tungsten atoms were directly smashed apart, and these tungsten atoms left the surface of the tungsten plate and scattered in the space.

Next to it, the surface of the subrigid carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy plate was also bombarded by neutrons. However, the atoms inside were squeezed together with the impact, and the received energy was quickly transferred to the surroundings. On each chemical bond, these chemical bonds share this part of the impact energy, and then, under the strong interaction force, provide a joint resistance to the neutron trying to break their embrace.

In the end, the energy of the neutrons is exhausted, and the energy is transferred to the carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy plate. Because of their special ordering method, the energy conduction speed between them is very fast, so the energy is quickly transferred Get out and feed back into the space again.

On a macroscopic level, the temperature of the carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy plate quickly rises and then is quickly transmitted to the space.

There is no temperature at the microscopic level. Temperature at the microscopic level is the speed of movement of particles, which is equivalent to the energy they carry.

Particles with high energy have fast speed, and particles with low energy have slow speed. When a high-energy particle collides with a low-energy particle, it is equivalent to transferring the speed to the low-energy particle, so the second law of thermodynamics is born in this way. That is, the temperature can only be transferred from high to low.

And this is also an important performance for nuclear fusion, which means that this material can transfer half of the energy it obtains to the outside for boiling water to generate electricity, and half to the nuclear fusion reaction. The temperature at which nuclear fusion is maintained.

Therefore, when nuclear fusion lasts for a period of time, there is no need to continue to input a large amount of external energy to maintain the temperature required for fusion. The energy generated by nuclear fusion itself will be sufficient to maintain the temperature required for the reaction.

As for how to stop the reaction, you just need to stop the input of reactants.

Therefore, this is also a superior performance of the carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy as the first wall material, and its good thermal conductivity can make the energy generated by fusion more fully utilized.

Time passed slowly, and at this time, when we looked at the surfaces of the two metal plates, we could find that the tungsten plates had been bombarded by neutrons, and a large area of ​​loss had occurred, and even serious holes had appeared in some places.

However, the carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy has no problem at all. Although there has been a certain loss at the microscopic level, as far as the human eye can judge, there is no problem. As for the inner layer, the harder it is to be destroyed, which makes it more difficult to be directly penetrated.

In this way, the reaction lasted for about ten minutes, and stopped due to too much power consumption.

Of course, ten minutes is enough to see the performance of this thing. The highest EAST burnt is only 101 seconds, ten minutes, that is six times.

What's more, if you can't even persist in this kind of ordinary irradiation experiment, how can you talk about facing fusion neutrons?

The cooling of the reaction began, and when it was completely confirmed that it was safe to enter, people outside quickly entered the laboratory.

Seeing the two obviously different metal plates, the professor from the Institute of Plasma Physics opened his eyes wide, full of disbelief.

And then, his hands almost trembled, and finally he laughed out loud.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Then he patted Director Liu of the laboratory next to him, and said excitedly, "I'll go out and make a phone call!"

Then he ran out of the laboratory directly, but after running out for a while, he ran back again, took a photo of the two metal plates with his mobile phone, and then ran out again.

Everyone felt amused seeing him like this, but when they finally looked at the almost undamaged carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy plate, they felt a sense of awe in their hearts.

This thing is very, very strong.

Like, God created.


The news spread quickly to the Institute of Plasma Physics.

At this time, although it was still in the Chinese New Year period, many researchers had already returned from the institute.

Today is the start date of the experiment, so they are all in the conference room, waiting for the news, whether it is really possible to realize the dream scene, or it is still a big dream.

Xu Kaiyang's phone rang.

He saw that it was the call from the researcher who went to the scene, fixed his eyes, and immediately connected the call in hands-free mode.

Everyone in the conference room fell silent and listened quietly.

A heavenly voice came from the speaker of the mobile phone: "Successful! No damage can be seen!"

Everyone in the conference room stood up almost together, their faces couldn't help but get excited.


"it is good!"

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