"Oh? Has the neutron irradiation experiment been completed?"

In the office of Zhiqi Company, Ye Cheng also got the news soon.

Knowing the results of the experiment that the carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy did not show any obvious damage, a smile appeared on his face.

It is worthy of being produced by the system, and it is really awesome.

In this way, the problem is not so big.

The next step is to install this metal plate inside the EAST device, and then conduct the first irradiation test.

Let's see if it can withstand the high temperature of nuclear fusion at 100 million degrees!

At this time, his phone also rang, and after a glance, it was the call from the future father-in-law.

Presumably Xu Kaiyang has already received the news.

Ye Cheng smiled slightly and connected the phone.

Sure enough, Xu Kaiyang's excited voice came over.

"Ye Cheng! Your material is a success!"

"I see, I just got the news." Ye Cheng said with a smile.

"Well! I will apply to the National Council for funding approval immediately, and then I will officially place an order with your Zhiqi company. When will you be able to start mass production?"

Ye Cheng said with a smile: "I started preparations more than a month ago. However, it may take until late March to build it. The main reason is that an ultra-high pressure environment is required during the construction process, which is relatively high for safety conditions. In addition, this thing can only be cut with special compounds, so it is necessary to build a matching chemical plant, which is relatively slow."

"That's okay, it doesn't matter if it's faster or slower, I've been waiting for so long, and I don't care about the time." Xu Kaiyang said with a smile: "I just went to the National Academy of Sciences to run some funds during this time."

Ye Cheng: "Then Uncle Xu has worked hard. In addition, we Zhiqi will quickly transfer the investment funds into the account to help the research institute conduct experiments."

Zhiqi has already reached a cooperation agreement with the Institute of Plasma Physics. Naturally, this matter has been notified to the State Council. Naturally, the State Council did not say anything. There can be such a 100% Huaguo enterprise investing , It is also what the country is willing to see.

"Okay." Xu Kaiyang responded, "That's it for now, wait for your news."

"Okay." Ye Cheng replied.

"Besides, you and Xu Xin don't always focus on your work, you have more time to play together." Xu Kaiyang said earnestly: "Young people, don't stay together while you are young, and you will run out of time in the future." , it’s too late for you to regret it.”

Ye Cheng touched his nose and said helplessly: "I see, you can rest assured, I will definitely stay with Xu Xin more."

"Well, then hang up."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng leaned back on the back of the chair, turned his head and looked at the sofa next to him, there was a person lying there, it wasn't Xu Xin.

Xu Xin is resting, because the holidays these days have accumulated a lot of affairs, especially foreign affairs.

After all, there are no holidays abroad.

So she can only stay up late to process documents.

After staying up for several days and nights, she finally couldn't hold on any longer, so she called Ye Cheng over to help her with the documents.

"Really, how can a part-time worker call the boss over to help with work?" Ye Cheng complained, and looked at the stack of documents in front of him. Fortunately, with Xiaobai's help, he finished it quickly .

Standing up and stretching, he walked to the edge of the sofa and sat beside Xu Xin.

"Have you rested yet?"

Xu Xin didn't respond.

"Xu Xin?"

He pushed Xu Xin's body again.

Xu Xin shook her body, "Hmm~~ Let me rest for a while!"

"How can there be a reason for the boss's assistant to take a break?"

"It's called a boyfriend helping a girlfriend solve a problem, okay?" Xu Xin pouted and said softly.

Ye Cheng was helpless.

This woman, after visiting her house for a year, is like a different person, like a little woman. The previous strong woman attitude is gone forever.

He thought for a while, then pushed Xu Xin's shoulder, and said, "Then, do you want to go out for a stroll?"

Xu Xin's eyes lit up, and she immediately sat up: "Go! Let's go shopping!"

"Aren't you going to rest?" Ye Cheng stared at her with wide eyes, who seemed to be revived from the spot, just like the puppies in those videos, who immediately got up from the ground as soon as they said to go out to play look.

"Going for a walk will help you regain your strength." Xu Xin stood up with a smile on her face, and then pulled Ye Cheng up, "Let's go! It's still the Chinese New Year, and it's quite lively outside."

Ye Cheng didn't bother to complain about her pretending to be tired just now, anyway, he planned to go out with her to have fun.

So they left the office, and they walked downstairs.

On the way out of the company, I also met many employees who were still working overtime during the Chinese New Year.

Zhiqi is currently one of the well-known large companies in China. The treatment of employees is no less than that of those big factories, and the overtime salary is not low at all, far exceeding the normal level. Therefore, there are quite a lot of employees who are willing to stay during the Chinese New Year.

People don't criticize 996, what they criticize is that the salary of 996 is still so low.

And when these employees saw the two big leaders of the company walking by, they naturally greeted each other, and some of them were female employees who winked at Ye Cheng.

Although it is generally believed in the company that the relationship between the chairman and the executive director must be unusual, after all, they have never seen any intimate behavior between the two before, maybe they guessed wrong?

But the next moment, Xu Xin's actions surprised them.

I saw Xu Xin took Ye Cheng's hand very naturally, and while nodding to these staff members, he glanced at the female staff members who had mischievous intentions just now.

Hmph, the chairman will be her man from now on, and all the other coquettish sluts will be put aside.

Feeling Xu Xin's actions, Ye Cheng didn't think much about it, and he didn't mind letting people in the company know about their relationship.

After walking a few steps, he felt a sense of restraint being held by his hand, so he took his fingers out of Xu Xin's hand and held her hand behind his back.

Feeling that her hands were a little cold, he whispered to her, "Why are your hands so cold?"

When Xu Xin was feeling a little happy because of his actions, when he heard his question, the corner of his mouth slightly curled up, and he said in a low voice: "I don't know, I have been cold since I was a child, and my hands are easy to get cold in winter. "

"This is a weak body, and it needs to be replenished." Ye Cheng said, "Otherwise, it will affect the future birth of children."

Xu Xin's face turned red immediately, and she spat out, "What are you thinking! Why are you talking about having a baby!"

"We're going to get married because we want to have a baby. Didn't Uncle Xu say he wanted to have a grandson?" Ye Cheng asked strangely, "Why are you so shy?"

Xu Xin: "..."

Why is she not shy?

"You are such an idiot!" She scolded, then quickened her pace and left here.

Ye Cheng scratched his head and followed quickly.

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