Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 193 Shopping, The Changes Brought About By Zhiqi

Spring is cold and cold, and winter is gone.

The street is still very lively, although it is cold, but this is a magic city, the difference in economic development can be seen from the flow of people on the street.

In a boutique, Xu Xin took Ye Cheng to walk around, and suddenly saw a black scarf, her eyes lit up, she grabbed Ye Cheng, told him to stand up, then picked up the black scarf, and began to help Ye Cheng Cheng surrounded him.

Soon, Ye Cheng put a warm scarf on his navy blue coat, which looked quite matching.

"Just buy this!"

Xu Xin didn't talk nonsense, so he wanted to help Ye Cheng buy this thing.

Seeing her rushing to pay the bill, Ye Cheng smiled slightly. This woman does not have such a strong pursuit of luxury goods. It seems that she will be a very thrifty wife in the future.

At this time, he turned his head and looked around, and suddenly found a bunch of dolls specially used for warming hands. There was no need to put a hot water bag, and the heat was simply accumulated by the body's own heat, so as to achieve the effect of warming hands.

It just so happens that Xu Xin's hands tend to get cold, so let's buy this for her.

So he picked a doll that looked like Pikachu, and came to the front desk to pay for it.

Seeing that Ye Cheng bought a doll for herself, Xu Xin felt even happier.

After the two went out, a new scarf was wrapped around one's neck, and a doll was hugged by the other.

Afterwards, they continued to stroll around happily.

As for whether they will be recognized, there is no need to worry. Both of them still wear masks on their faces, so the probability of being recognized is quite low.

Just like that, while walking, suddenly there was a commotion in the distance, and everyone looked at a certain place ahead at the same time, as if there was a star.

It wasn't until they got closer that Ye Cheng and Xu Xin realized that it was a disabled person.

It is not right to say that he is disabled, because he can move all four limbs flexibly.

In fact, one of his arms is made entirely of metal, that is, an exoskeleton-like prosthetic. Its surface is not covered with clothing. It seems that the sleeves of the clothes are specially cut off to show this arm.

And it was precisely this that made him attract the attention of many people around him.

People compared their arms, the clothes inside were wrapped in several layers, and sometimes they still felt cold, while the manipulators of others did not need clothes directly, and then saw the flexible and free performance of the manipulator arm, just like a normal arm The appearance made people feel envious, and they all thought in their hearts that if they were not disabled, they would definitely have to change such an arm.

And that person seemed to relish the feeling of being envied.

In the past, as a disabled person, he didn't dare to go out for fear of attracting strange eyes, but now, he dared to step out.

At the same time, he also held a selfie stick in his hand, as if he was doing a live broadcast, showing the mechanical arm from time to time, and sometimes clenched his fist and punched the electric pole next to him.

If it were an ordinary person, such a punch would definitely hurt.

In the live broadcast room, netizens began to send rewards, and someone urged: "Do it again, work harder!"

Seeing the constant rewards, the man was happy, and immediately punched the side again.

It's just that this punch was relatively hard, and he suddenly felt a dull pain at the connection between the prosthetic limb and the bone.

But the more gifts in the live broadcast room made him forget the pain quickly.

So he continued to use his mechanical arm to meet the demands of the netizens in the live broadcast room, and gradually moved away.

On the side of the road, Ye Cheng frowned and watched the man's movements, and said, "I remember when the hospital implanted prosthetics, they should remind them not to use them like this?"

Xu Xin nodded, and said helplessly: "There is no way, some people will never listen to advice, and there have been five people whose bones were broken internally at the joints, all of which were caused by using artificial limbs beyond the tolerance limit. Yes, for this reason, two people even quarreled with the relevant hospital and our company, saying that the things we sell have serious quality problems."

Ye Cheng sighed.

Everything has two sides, any good thing can also cause bad things to happen.

In addition to this situation, Xiaobai has actually searched for various other situations. For example, some people have modified their robotic arms, such as increasing the torque of the micro motor inside, so as to improve the mechanical arm. strength or something.

There are even some disabled people who have not been able to make an appointment for surgery. They contact those who have undergone prosthetic transplants in private, hoping to find prosthetics that meet the conditions of their disabled parts, and then spend money to buy their prosthetics and transfer them to their own. Now there are people who have already put on prosthetics and have agreed.

In this case, can you tell whose fault it is?

In fact, everyone has problems. The output of Zhiqi has not kept up, and the strict appointment procedures make it difficult for those people to make an appointment; at the same time, those who have undergone prosthetic transplants do not love themselves, do not cherish their bodies, and covet Cheap, which made it happen; and those who paid for it.

Everyone has problems, so it means that no one has problems.

And this kind of thing has already involved sociology, and it is not easy to find a solution through discussion and discussion. Everything is rooted in the complexity of human nature.

Of course, on Zhiqi's side, Ye Cheng still doesn't want this kind of thing to happen too much, otherwise, it will only have a negative impact on Zhiqi.

"Intensify the warning. Responsibilities must be clearly defined. We are wise and can serve the country and the people, but we can't be too kind and be bullied."

"Yeah." Xu Xin nodded, approached Ye Cheng again, and said softly: "Okay, forget about these things, let's continue to play, there is a shopping mall nearby, go shopping there."

Ye Cheng came back to his senses, turned his head to look at her, and smiled slightly, "Okay."

The two continued to walk, and along the way, they could also see various changes brought about by Zhiqi to the society.

There are more electric cars, and most of them seem to be new cars. In particular, Biatihan has become a regular on the road, and mobile phones equipped with new lithium-air batteries are gradually replacing the mobile phones of the past.

Zhiqi began to appear everywhere and integrated into people's lives.

Just like Warwick's signal base station, Ali's payment, Goose Factory's communication software, etc.

Of course, the latter two can basically only be integrated into the lives of people in China, while high-tech companies such as Zhiqi and Huawei can be integrated into the lives of people all over the world.

In addition, Ye Cheng can also see the charging piles invested by Zhiqi, etc., which can provide super fast charging for electric vehicles equipped with lithium-air batteries, which is more than ten times that of ordinary charging piles.

After the birth of nuclear fusion in the future, these things will become more common.

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