Once ITER has any breakthrough achievements, it will usually be directly copied by other countries.

And if countries come up with technologies that are much ahead of them, they will definitely hide them and never show them directly.

After all, it's not good to make a fortune in silence, isn't it?

Unless the technology produced is not particularly advanced, maybe others will have it, and ITER members will share it.

Therefore, regarding the carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy, it is absolutely impossible for Hua Guo to reveal half of it to the outside world.

Even Ye Cheng himself intends to hand over all the production of carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloys to the labor force purchased by the system, without recruiting anyone else, so as to absolutely avoid information leakage.

As for when to tell the world, let's wait for their Huaguo's commercially available nuclear fusion reactor to be successfully realized.

Time passed quickly, and the matter of nuclear fusion was temporarily put aside due to the construction of a carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy production plant.

February has quietly come to an end.


"How's the response to The Beginning 2?"

In the office, Ye Cheng asked Xu Xin.

Xu Xin smiled slightly: "There are all kinds of unbelievable things on the Internet. Basically, there is no need to worry about sales. Those mobile phone manufacturers have begun to order from us in large quantities. Up to now, there have been nearly 100 million orders. Let's There is a lithography machine that will work all year round."

"What about Taichu 1? There should be basically no orders now."

Xu Xin spread her hands: "Of course, there must be no new orders."

Because the Taichu 2 chip uses a 4nm process and its smaller area, its production cost has dropped significantly, and the price of a single chip has also dropped. As a result, basically no mobile phone manufacturer continues to buy Taichu. 1 up.

These are the options that are clearly displayed in front of you, and you will know what to choose even if you choose blindfolded.

This seems to be a big loss for Zhiqi, otherwise, Zhiqi can actually make more money by relying on Taichu 1.

But it is not.

Taichu 2 is the Taibai architecture. The more superior the performance of Taichu 2, the more powerful the Taibai architecture will be. This will help the Taibai architecture to rule the mobile market, and then let the ARM architecture completely go down the altar, and disappeared from the market.

At that time, Zhiqi's money won't be comparable to that of a Taichu 1.

What's more, the money that Primordial 1 is earning now is already full of money, far exceeding the cost of research and development.

For chips, it generally needs to sell more than 10 million pieces in order to recover all costs and achieve profitability.

In the early days, more than 100 million pieces were sold, so there is no need to worry.

The launch of Primordial 2 is also at the right time.

Today, Taichu 2 has successfully inherited the glory of Taichu 1, and the Taibai structure has also made the entire industry call it impossible.

How can a 4nm chip be more powerful than a 3nm chip?

This unscientific!

But the facts are in front of everyone, and colleagues have to believe it even if they don't believe it. The Taibai structure is so outrageous.

It is said that a netizen who once bet on the Internet that the performance of Taichu 2 will never exceed 10% of the performance of Taichu 1 fulfilled his promise and washed his hair with soy sauce, which can be described as very hardcore.

Of course, for various chip design companies, this news directly drove them crazy. The manufacturing process was reverted to one generation, but it still brought such a terrifying performance improvement, which they would have never dared to think about before.

So smart companies have begun to increase investment in the research of Taibai architecture, just like Huawei and Sansang, so this makes Zhiqi earn more licensing fees.

Companies including Fruit, which has always been proud, had to bow to the Taibai architecture, purchased the authorization of the Taibai architecture, and began to adapt the IOS system.

At the same time, even Microsoft has become more and more motivated, and has begun to contact Zhiqi, wanting to adapt the Taibai architecture to their WIN system.

Microsoft is too lazy to care about the WINTEL alliance anymore, and now adapting to the Taibai architecture can bring them benefits, and they have no reason to refuse.

After AMD heard the news, it also contacted Zhiqi immediately and obtained the authorization of Taibai architecture.

Using the Taibai architecture, for AMD, is an opportunity to overtake on a corner. It may be able to seize Intel's market in the future by developing a desktop processor based on the Taibai architecture one step ahead of Intel.

Of course, Zhiqi is happy to see these manufacturers vying for competition. By then, ARM and X86 will be completely eliminated. Taibai architecture will become a super giant in the chip industry without any surprise. Zhiqi can also successfully realize control from upstream to downstream. , will also be completely inseparable from Zhiqi.

This is from the semiconductor company. In addition, there is also the exoskeleton. Foreign countries are still expressing their dissatisfaction with Zhiqi, and Huaguo is still in the queue on a large scale.

There are many people who have been queuing up for a month without making an appointment, so many people on the Internet have begun to express their complaints.

As a last resort, Zhiqi opened an online appointment channel, but still couldn't stand the situation that there were too many people making appointments.

There are also lithium-air batteries, not to mention the profitability of this thing, which makes companies all over the world feel envious and jealous.

"I am now planning to combine all the companies and form a group enterprise."

Ye Cheng told Xu Xin his thoughts.

Xu Xin thought about it for a while, then nodded: "It can indeed be considered."

After the establishment of a group enterprise, it will be more convenient to manage. In addition, it can expand the company's upward channels again and motivate the company's employees. procedures that affect efficiency.

"Well, let's leave this matter to you."

"Okay!" Of course Xu Xin did not refuse.

At this moment, Ye Cheng's heart suddenly moved, and he said to Xu Xin: "Okay, I'll go first, Guge has something to do with me."


Xu Xin nodded, helped Ye Cheng pick up his coat from the side, and then helped him put on his clothes.

"Let's have dinner together tonight."

"Yeah." Ye Cheng nodded, and suddenly saw Xu Xin standing on tiptoe and kissing the corner of his mouth lightly.

Ye Cheng was taken aback, touched the corner of his mouth, and looked at Xu Xin whose pretty face was flushed.

"What are you looking at? Let's go!" Xu Xin pushed him, feeling a little shy.

Ye Cheng laughed, stretched out his hand and gently squeezed Xu Xin's shoulder, "Don't tire yourself out, then I'm leaving, I'll contact you at night."

"it is good!"

Afterwards, Ye Cheng said no more, turned and left.

Sitting in his car, recalling the kiss just now, the smile on his face grew stronger.

Then, he turned his attention to the system.

Look at your points.


1.8 million.

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