Great Power Technology: Domination Of The World Starts With Chips

Chapter 196 Normal Temperature Superconductor

"Finally, I earned 1.8 million."

"It's been a tough journey."

Feeling that points are hard to earn, he entered the system mall and found a room temperature superconductor.

"Buy room temperature superconductors."

"The purchase was successful. This time I spent 1.8 million points. Would you like to claim it now?"

The sound of the system sounds.

Ye Cheng let out a sigh of relief, and in an instant, all the points he had accumulated for so long were all spent.

Not enough, it's worth it, not to mention the speed at which he earns points now has become about 500,000 per month.

Then, he said: "Get a room temperature superconductor."

An ordinary USB flash drive appeared in his hand.

But Ye Cheng is very clear that this thing is something he only got in exchange after earning nearly 100 billion in banknotes.

Very light, but has a heavy feeling.

Holding it firmly in his hand, Ye Cheng said: "Xiaobai, go to Guge's laboratory."

"Okay!" Xiaobai replied, and then, the car started automatically, left the exclusive garage, and drove onto the road.

Based on the lesson of being scolded by parents last time, Ye Cheng put a black film on all the glass, so that no one can see what's going on inside.

As for whether the traffic police will stop you, just look at the military plate on it.

With this license, the country is basically unimpeded.

Xiaobai was driving the car, Ye Cheng pressed a button on the console, and then a small table protruded from below.

Then he took out a laptop from the side, opened it, and inserted the USB drive into it.

The face of the room temperature superconductor was also revealed in front of him.

Different from the superconductor used in the EAST device, the room temperature superconductor given by the system is actually pure copper.

This surprised Ye Cheng a little.

The material for making superconductors is actually this kind of copper that has long been used as a conductor in the streets?

In the past, most of the simple metals have been determined, and their superconducting critical temperature is about minus 273 degrees Celsius, which is almost equal to absolute zero, and copper is one of them.

But now, the system actually told him that this thing can become a superconductor at room temperature, which made him feel a little incredible.

But after the accident, he quickly returned to normal.

This shows one thing.

The method of making room-temperature superconductors cannot be judged by common sense at all. The direction of exploring room-temperature superconductors in the past was completely wrong.

With the mood of exploring the mysteries of this world, he looked at the following information.

Superconductors have no resistance, or in other words, not without resistance, but this resistance is so small that it is almost difficult to measure.

In the era when superconductors were first discovered, because the technology was not yet developed and the instruments were not advanced, resistance could not be measured, so superconductors were regarded as having no resistance.

However, with the advancement of measuring instruments, people have finally discovered that the resistance of superconductors does exist, but the unit is as small as five decimal places, and such resistance is almost negligible.

But at this time, another key point appeared.

What is the nature of resistance?

Anyone who has studied physics knows that electric current is generated by the directional movement of free charges in a conductor.

As the carrier of negative charges, electrons can also be regarded as the directional movement of free electrons in some respects, thereby generating electric current.

So, there is the answer.

Since the free movement of electrons generates electric current, is it possible to reduce the current by hindering the free movement of electrons?

Therefore, there is resistance, which hinders the free movement of electrons, which is equivalent to limiting the magnitude of the current. In atoms, there is a natural force that hinders the movement of electrons, that is, the binding force of the nucleus to electrons. Electrons must break through this binding force , to form a current, and because electrons exist probabilistically in the microscopic field, although the nucleus has a binding force on electrons, it does not mean that when electrons move freely, they must be stronger than this binding force to escape, but the binding The greater the force, the smaller the probability of electrons escaping. When the resistance is infinitely large, the probability is also infinitely small, but it will never reach 0%.

The resistivity can be regarded as the probability that extranuclear electrons cannot escape the nucleus under different atomic nuclei. Of course, the units of the two are different, which is just an analogy.

The reason why the resistance of a superconductor is small is because its electrons can easily break through the binding force of the atomic nucleus to move freely in the conductor, and then when the voltage is applied, it can move in a direction, and the voltage is quite To apply a force to these electrons and make them move in the direction of the force.

Well, the reason why superconductors have no resistance is basically found, so the method of realizing superconductors is also very clear, so that electrons can move freely in the conductor uncontrolled, and superconductors will be formed.

In the room temperature superconductor materials given by the system, superconductors are realized based on this principle.

This method is called "Nuclei Treatment".

First prepare the conductor, the conductor needs to be small enough to ensure a larger cross-section, then lower the temperature around it to the critical temperature at which it can become a superconductor, and then continuously provide high-voltage alternating current to it, during the process, A specially treated liquid helium-hydrogen compound is required to spray the conductor at high pressure at low temperature.

High-pressure injection takes a long time.

After that, there are a series of processes, many of which require extreme environments.

All these methods are used to cause a permanent inhibitory effect on the nucleus, thereby affecting its binding force on electrons.

Therefore, it is called "nucleus treatment method", and according to the explanation in the data, it has already involved some new principles in the quantum field, and the extreme environment has some influence on the microscopic composition of these materials.

After reading these materials, Ye Cheng couldn't help feeling that room-temperature superconductors really cannot be measured by common sense.

Similarly, these extreme conditions also increase the production cost. Of course, according to the different production processes and production processes, the cost will also vary. The cost of a high-quality copper superconductor, including the insulating layer covering the surface, is about 7,000-10,000 yuan, which is hundreds of times higher than the production cost of ordinary copper wires. Copper wires can be sold by the pound.

Moreover, this is for pure copper. According to the principle given in it, it can be used on other conductors. Relatively speaking, it can also reduce the cost to a certain extent.

In addition, if we can continue to optimize the process, and the production scale will increase in the future, the production cost will only be cheaper.

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