Ye Cheng's eyes widened because of this news: "There is still such a part?"

He had never heard of it before, and there was such a hidden part of the cerebral cortex.

Laudianbo said with a smile: "This is because the electric current that stimulates that part of the cortex needs to be effective within a very small range, and at the same time, it needs to accept electromagnetic waves at a specific frequency and a specific amplitude."

"Humans want to discover this part, so many chance encounters with extremely small probability are needed to discover this part, so it is normal that human beings have not discovered it. At the same time, I call this part: the Laodianbo belt."

Ye Cheng almost wanted to laugh, god damn Lao Dianbo belt, how does it sound like it reminds him of the Kuiper belt?

However, no matter what, if the matter that Lao Dianbo said is made public, it may cause shock to the world.

There is such a part of the brain that can receive external electromagnetic waves!

This is simply the antenna that comes with the human body! It's incredible.

"In the past, if we wanted to achieve stable signal transmission from the outside world to the brain, it was very difficult and many things needed to be considered, but now, if we have room-temperature superconductors, it means that we can easily follow our ideas. The amount of current we want to stimulate that particular part of the brain and control our electromagnetic waves at the frequency and amplitude we want."

"This way, we can deliver messages to the brain completely losslessly."

Ye Cheng asked again: "Does that mean that it is completely different from nerve electrical signals?"

"Of course it's completely different." Lauber said: "After all, nerves can only travel within the body, while electromagnetic waves can travel everywhere inside and outside the body."

Ye Cheng nodded slightly.

For this kind of thing that involves the mysteries of the human body, no matter what, it is still a bit difficult to accept. The brain can still accept electromagnetic waves?

And it must be a special frequency and amplitude?

It is really hard to imagine.

It seems that everything is set up, waiting for human beings to explore the mystery.

And he seemed to have opened the reference answer and saw the explanation of all this.

Finally, he shook his head, he could not think about it any more, and if he continued to think about it, he might explore theology like Newton, Einstein, and Qian Xuesen did.

But on second thought, this is actually quite acceptable.

With such a complex structure, the brain, since it can transmit electromagnetic waves to the outside world, can't it accept electromagnetic waves from the outside world?

It is normal to have an 'antenna'.

Next, Ye Cheng looked at Dean, whose name came from DNA.

And what kind of knowledge does this genetic expert have?

"how about you?"

Dean: "The genetic knowledge I have is about cloning."

Ye Cheng was taken aback: "Clone? Clone animals?"

Dean said: "I have mastered all aspects of knowledge and technology of cloning."

Ye Cheng pondered for a moment, then suddenly shocked, then looked at Dean and asked, "Organ cloning?"

Dean nodded.

"This is also within the knowledge I have."

Ye Cheng suddenly stood up.

"Are you sure it's organ cloning? Have you mastered all the knowledge and technology in this area? Can you make cells differentiate into any organ?"


Ye Cheng was stunned for a moment.

Good guy, each of these three people is more outrageous than the other.

1.8 million points, not to mention the replacement of a room-temperature superconductor, and then three king bombs came.

Forget about the engine, he was quite shocked by the 'Lao Dianbo belt', and this organ clone was just twenty cards and ten king bombs.

Organ cloning, what does that mean?

It means that organ diseases will come to an end.

As long as the operation can keep up, if there is a problem with any organ, it will be replaced.

There is a problem with the heart, clone a heart and replace it, there is a problem with the kidney, clone a kidney and replace it...

That is to say, there are some organs that cannot be replaced due to the limitations of current surgical techniques.

But in any case, for those incurable diseases such as kidney, heart, liver, etc., such as kidney cancer, liver cancer, etc., these problems can be solved by changing one organ, and there are also diseases such as uremia. Terminal illness caused by irreversible renal failure, etc.

Any terminal illness in a single organ will not be a terminal illness.

Why do you say that?

It is because of the principle of organ cloning technology.

Cloning is to use the gene of the cloned object as the base to clone an organism that is exactly the same as the gene.

Everything about the clone will be identical to the cloned.

As for the cloned organ, since it is the same as the recipient gene, it means that when the cloned organ is transplanted into the patient's body, the natural immune rejection of the human body will no longer occur.

Therefore, cloning organs to replace organs that can no longer maintain normal functions will continue to extend human life, and will not continue to take anti-rejection drugs due to immune rejection, and the life span of organs will not be the same as that of transplanted organs , cannot last for many years.

The cloned organs will bring new life to the patients who were almost critically ill.

Therefore, this has to surprise Ye Cheng. If this technology is taken out, it will shock the world.

But soon, he thought of some difficulties in organ cloning.

"Then, how can you make the cells grow three-dimensionally, and finally grow into the shape we want?"

"Cell scaffold." Dean said: "The structure of the human organ itself is a kind of scaffold. We can differentiate this structural scaffold in advance, and then control the complete organ to complete the differentiation."

"Can this also be controlled?"


Ye Cheng nodded slightly.

In fact, there are still many questions, but the question he asked is the most difficult among them.

A cell, if it is not restricted when it divides and divides, it will randomly differentiate due to the gravity it receives, and it is not impossible to finally differentiate into a Pai Daxing. SpongeBob is also reluctant, so it must To guide cells to differentiate into the shape people want, cell scaffolds are one method. In other aspects, there are issues such as the environment for cell differentiation, how to induce cell-directed differentiation, and induce gene-directed expression.

Presumably Dean had a solution, too.

From these three new characters, knowing the technology they possess, Ye Cheng couldn't help but feel emotional.

Organ cloning, and the so-called "Raudianbelt belt", these two discoveries are enough to win the Nobel Prize.

He pondered in his heart for a while, and finally said: "Hua Dongji, you can start your research now. As for Dean and Lao Dianbo, you can also start your research now, but your technology needs to wait until the time is right. Announce it."

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