"Dean, I will fully support your research. In the future, you can also publish papers. However, your research needs to start with the cloning of animal organs."

"Start from the cloning of animal organs, and then 'research' step by step to the cloning of human organs. I wonder if you can do it?"

Dean said, "Of course."

Ye Cheng nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, that's it, you take it step by step, and then slowly shock the world."

By continuously producing research results in this way, Dean can continue to consolidate his position in the world, until finally he starts to clone human organs, and successfully clones a complete human organ. At that time, it will be easier for people to If they accept this achievement, no one will doubt that Zhiqi is conducting experiments on human bodies.

Most importantly, Dean can also gradually become a world-renowned biomedical scientist.

At that time, Ye Cheng intends to let him enter a domestic university and start teaching knowledge.

For Zhiqi, now that he has earned enough money, it is time to continue to improve his connections.

As for why he made such a decision, it was because of another person.

That is the same Sun Tai'an from Xiehe Hospital back then.

Sun Taian has joined their company and started to conduct more in-depth research on nerves. Of course, he will also be invited by some hospitals from time to time to do a flying knife. After all, as a neurologist, he often does not perform surgery. It will only make his technique rusty.

Zhiqi didn't restrict him either, and let him arrange his own time, anyway, as long as he belongs to Zhiqi.

Therefore, Zhiqi's management method also made Sun Tai'an very satisfied. He not only had his own free time, but also learned some cutting-edge knowledge from Zhiqi, such as how Zhiqi realized the neural control of the exoskeleton.

In this way, consciously or unconsciously, he publicized Zhiqi, which attracted his friends in the medical field to want to join Zhiqi, even for a name.

Obviously, this is great news for Zhiqi.

Being able to include so many big names in the academic world will only make Zhiqi's power bigger and bigger, and it will be more difficult to be provoked, just like those big factories that will specially raise some retired senior employees.

This is the 'revolving door' phenomenon, but Zhiqi recruits a group of professors and scholars with high reputation in the academic world.

For a company specializing in high-tech research, this is obviously beneficial and harmless.

Therefore, getting inspiration from Sun Tai'an, Ye Cheng plans to let Dean become famous, and also go to domestic universities to take up positions. In the world, everyone will be regarded as a highly respected scholar and professor. At that time, relying on Dean's influence, Zhiqi will be able to continue to receive a steady stream of talents.

Although, for Ye Cheng, as long as he can obtain various technologies from the system, these scientific talents are not needed at all, but such a large reserve of scientific and technological talents will become the reason why Zhiqi can create so many advanced technologies 'In addition, these talents can also fill Zhiqi's current technological framework more perfectly, and even build a building based on the framework.

Besides Dean, he also plans to get other people to teach in the university. At that time, he can not only help Zhiqi attract talents, but also pass on some deeper knowledge to the next generation. As the system owner, the benefits he brings to this world.

Of course, it is limited to theoretical knowledge. As for what is useful to Zhiqi, he certainly does not have that kind of selfless spirit.

Soon, the whereabouts of the three of them were arranged, and this matter came to an end for the time being.

Then, he continued on the room temperature superconductor and started the next step.

Since he wants to bring room-temperature superconductors to the world, and he also intends to put this title on his own head, the method generally recognized by the world is to publish papers.

Of course, it is not to write out the method of how to make a room temperature superconductor, but to give a theory, explaining that this theory is the basis for realizing a room temperature superconductor.

In the materials of room temperature superconductors, this part of the theory has been fully explained in detail, and what Ye Cheng has to do is to blur this part of the data and write it in a relatively simple way, so that people want to realize it, but it is like that Difficulties.

It's like an atomic bomb.

Everyone knows that an atomic bomb releases neutrons to bombard enriched uranium-235 or plutonium-239, causing its fission reaction, and then during the fission process, uranium-235 or plutonium-239 spontaneously releases neutrons to bombard other Atoms that have not fissioned will eventually form a chain reaction, causing it to explode.

But how to enrich uranium 235, and how to release neutrons to bombard it, this is a big problem.

Otherwise, why did the country of Hua spend so long in the beginning, and even received a lot of help from Maozi in the early stage, and it took several years to get it done. There is also a country in the Middle East that has been working on the atomic bomb for so long and wants to resist the United States. From the 1950s to the present, it has not yet been produced.

This is what Ye Cheng wants to achieve.

Sitting in front of the computer, he opened the document, pondered for a long time, and finally started typing.

"Mathematical Model Construction of Nuclear Structure Changes in Excited States"

"Ye Cheng"


Time passed quickly.

mid March.

A thing that surprised the Chinese people happened.

This year's Turing Award was awarded, and the winner of the award turned out to be a Chinese.

This Chinese is called Zhong Xin.

Chief researcher of Zhiqi Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., founder of Taibai Architecture.

The reason for his award is that he successfully integrated the simplified instruction set and the complex instruction set, brought an ultra-reduced instruction set, and added a new processing structure to the chip architecture, that is, the ultra-reduced instruction set. Compiler for the Reduced Instruction Set.

His achievements have laid the foundation for the unification of PC and mobile terminals, bringing an extremely important advancement to the semiconductor industry.

This achievement seems to be very important, and most people really feel the power of the Taibai architecture. The person who created the simplified instruction set also won the Turing Award.

However, for people in the industry, it is puzzling.

Zhong Xin's Taibai architecture is powerful, but it's not particularly powerful.

The original ARM architecture and X86 are not unusable.

The Taibai architecture can be regarded as the icing on the cake. What really makes everyone amazing is the compiler integrated into the circuit. This is the highlight, and it provides an idea for the future development of chips.

But no matter what, it is not a shocking achievement!

Don't you need to line up?

Those grand prize winners, who didn't line up?

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