
"Zhong Xin actually won the Turing Award?"

When Ye Cheng heard the news, he couldn't help feeling puzzled.

What is this operation?

What is wrong with Americans?

They actually presented this award to them Chinese people.

The Turing Award is issued by the American Association for Computing Machinery, so it is also dominated by Americans.

Of course, it is not that Chinese people have never won awards. In 2000, the Turing Award was awarded to a Chinese person.

It's just that, in 2000, this Chinese was still an American, and he gave up his American citizenship later.

If the Chinese winner was originally a Chinese, would it still be possible to win the award?

No one can know.

Maybe it was one of the means used by the Americans to attract talents from China during the period when the Hua country was full of foreign ideas.

Therefore, Ye Cheng was very puzzled by the American manipulative manipulation.

"Didn't you know before?" Xu Xin's voice came from the phone, "It's been all over the Internet, and it's been trending."

"I didn't see it." Ye Cheng stood up from his seat, stretched himself well, and there was a ringing at his waist.

"What have you been up to the past few days?" Xu Xin couldn't help asking, "I don't see you anymore."

Ye Cheng lowered his head and glanced at the messy draft paper on the desktop, as well as the papers displayed on the computer.

For so many days, he basically spent all his writing papers, and he didn't pay attention to the outside world at all.

He touched his nose and said, "Um, I'm writing a thesis."

"Writing a paper?" Xu Xin was taken aback: "Why are you still writing a paper?"

"I have a Ph.D. in physics, so I can't write a thesis after graduation."

"...That's fine, as long as you're happy, what do you think about this matter? I asked Zhong Xin, and he said it's up to you whether he wants to accept the award or not."

"This matter depends on what the Americans think. If something goes wrong, there must be a demon." Ye Cheng said.

Xu Xin smiled and said, "Maybe it's the United States who wants to curry favor with us?"

"It's not impossible, but who knows what they think in their hearts."

Ye Cheng felt that Xiaobai had to investigate.

"Let me think about it again, let people check what the Americans think, and don't respond first."

"it is good."

Although Xu Xin thinks this is a good thing for Zhiqi, working in Zhiqi can win a world-class award, and speaking out can attract more talents to join the company, but since Ye Cheng plans to think about it again, of course she will not refuse .

After hanging up the phone, Ye Cheng called out Xiaobai.

"Xiaobai, go and find out why the American Computing Association gave Zhong Xin this award."

Xiao Bai responded, "Okay, I'll check right away!"

Soon, Xiaobai's voice sounded again: "The judges of the American Computing Association are also a little puzzled, but this award is controlled by the American government, and their judges also awarded it to Zhong Xin according to the requirements of the American government."

"A request from the U.S. government?" Ye Cheng frowned: "Then why did the U.S. government do this?"

Xiaobai said: "The attitude of the US government is not clear. According to the information I obtained through monitoring, the US government really intends to show goodwill to Huaguo, not just to Zhiqi Company."


Ye Cheng couldn't believe it.

Are you really subdued?

However, he quickly asked again: "Why did you say 'unclear attitude'?"

Xiaobai: "In the process of monitoring the United States, I found that they sometimes simply use paper documents to transmit messages, and they are purely handwritten, and do not even need to be printed. Although I can break through various physical isolation methods to enter their I checked the news on the intranet, but faced with this purely handwritten document, I really have no choice, since the last time their aircraft carrier monitor was exposed, they have become more and more vigilant."

Ye Cheng frowned and thought about it.

Is there something, worth their handwriting to communicate?

At this time, Xiaobai said again: "By the way, I also discovered something a while ago. Many battery manufacturers have contacted them."

"Battery manufacturer?"

Ye Cheng frowned.

They were so smart that they offended battery manufacturers all over the world. What did this group of people come to talk to the US government about?

He asked Xiaobai this question.

Xiaobai replied: "They had a discussion in a place without a microphone, so I can't understand what they talked about."

without MIC?

The American is really getting more and more vigilant.

Ye Cheng couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Presenting an award to Zhong Xin, what exactly is he going to do?

Do you want to frame Zhong Xin when he wins the award?

While he was thinking, his cell phone rang suddenly.

After a glance, it's from Shangjing.

After the call was connected, the other party's voice rang.

"Hi, Mr. Ye, I'm Xiang Guoquan, Vice Minister of Science and Technology. We've met each other before. I wonder if Mr. Ye still remembers?"

Ye Cheng quickly remembered that when he held a meeting with domestic semiconductor companies to discuss the establishment of a national semiconductor industry chain, Vice Minister Xiang Guoquan was present.

He smiled and said, "Of course I still remember. I don't know Minister Xiang. Is there something wrong this time?"

"That's right, Mr. Ye should also know that Mr. Zhong Xin of your company has been confirmed as the winner of this year's Turing Award, but we have not received a response from Mr. Zhong Xin himself, nor from Zhiqi Company, so we I contacted you just now, but I learned that Mr. Zhong Xin will receive this award only with your approval, Mr. Ye, so I want to know what you think about it, Mr. Ye."

Ye Cheng was puzzled and asked, "Is this important?"

"Uh, as you know, we have just repaired our relationship with the US side. This time, the US side took the initiative to award the Turing Award to us Chinese people for the first time...Of course I am not saying that Academician Yao is not a Chinese person...In short, this It is a matter of political considerations. It is believed that this is the goodwill released by the United States towards China, which is in line with the multilateralism that China is pursuing internationally. It can also be regarded as another ice-breaking performance of Huami relations. Therefore, comprehensively There are many meanings, and considering the honor of the winners themselves, we think this award is worth winning.”

Xiang Guoquan said with a smile: "We can't stop our citizens from taking the glory that can be engraved in the long river of human history like the former Maozi."

Ye Cheng couldn't help pondering.

If political issues are considered, it is very likely that the United States is indeed expressing goodwill to them, as Xiaobai found out, and the US government does mean this.

So is the United States trying to play tricks?

Ye Cheng finally shook his head.

The place where the awards are presented is in the United States. If the Huami winners run to the United States and encounter life-threatening conditions, this will only affect the reputation of the United States itself, and it will only bring Huami's relationship to a freezing point again.

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