"Mr. Ye?" Seeing that Ye Cheng had been silent for a long time, Xiang Guoquan asked again.

When Ye Cheng came back to his senses, it was indeed like what Xiang Guoquan said, if he didn't let Zhong Xin get the award and passed it on to the outside, what would others say?

The boss of Zhiqi Company is authoritarian and dictatorial, and even prevents the company's people from accepting the award.

This will obviously cause great damage to Zhiqi's reputation, and even the people around him will not understand him.

After all, others don't know that Zhong Xin is not a real person, but a 'dummy' who is completely loyal to him.

Therefore, he must seriously consider the consequences of not letting Zhong Xin go.

This is a disgusting choice.

Go, get a very high award and come back with honors.

If you don't go, you will be criticized, which will not only affect Zhiqi's reputation, but also affect Zhiqi's continued recruitment of other talents in the future. The company may have lost confidence in him as the boss.

In the end, he was relieved.

Afraid of a der.

On the bright side, it is impossible for the U.S. government to take action against them. The lithium-air battery in Zhiqi's hands is enough to make them be afraid of rats, not to mention that they are going to receive the award. No one dared to go to the territory of the United States to accept the award. Besides, the government of the United States obviously knew now that he still had a lot of experimental evidence on living people that had not been released, so they obviously did not dare to act rashly.

And if it comes from the dark, such as letting other people do something, this matter has to be guarded against.

However, for this kind of thing, as long as they are kept in the public, there is no need to worry. At that time, he will buy a few Type I guards of the system and make some other preparations, so there is no need to worry.

After analyzing this in his heart, a smile appeared on Ye Cheng's face.

Since people have given the prize to their faces, wouldn't it be a waste if they don't take it?

If the American people really have bad intentions, let them experience the feeling of losing their wives and losing their soldiers.

Even if there is a risk in this encounter, you have to take a trip.

Afterwards, he said: "Okay, I agree, I will let Zhong Xin accept the award."

"Then thank you Mr. Ye for your support." Xiang Guoquan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then said the point that Ye Cheng had to consider: "Mr. Ye, restricting your subordinates from winning prizes is easy to lose." A thing of the heart."

"I know." Ye Cheng smiled and said, "Maybe the Americans will do something wrong?"

Xiang Guoquan laughed and said, "That's because you think too much. If you give the Americans a hundred courage, they won't take the initiative to win the Turing Award, unless they are crazy."

Ye Cheng smiled and said: "I was thinking too much, so let's go here first, and I will let Zhong Xin respond later."

"Okay, let's congratulate in advance, Zhiqi Company will have a computer expert who won the Turing Award."

Xiang Guoquan half-jokingly said: "If possible, let Mr. Zhong Xin pass on his knowledge at that time, and it can also bring some of our students in Huaguo or other researchers in the industry... um, Stand taller, just like Academician Yao, the Yao class at Shuimu University is doing very well."

"I will also consider it." Ye Cheng said.

"Haha... that's all for now, don't bother Mr. Ye."

Hang up the phone quickly.

Ye Cheng said to Xiaobai: "Let Zhong Xin confirm that he will go to receive the award on time."

Xiaobai quickly responded.

So it didn't take long for Zhong Xin to tell the outside world that he would go to the United States to receive the award.

The method of message transmission is very simple. The media concerned about this matter are more active than the locusts. There have been a lot of phone calls to him.

So when he heard the news from Xiaobai, he could pick up the ringing phone next to him by raising his hand.

At that time, the caller was from a family of third-rate media, and he didn't know where he found the phone number. However, although Zhong Xin's phone number is private, it is not surprising that others know it in today's society.

So this third-rate media was able to release the news first, and the news spread quickly.

Of course, from everyone's point of view, Zhong Xin would accept this award as a matter of course.

Who would refuse such a thing of honoring the ancestors?

Not to mention that this is the Turing Award, known as the Nobel Bell Award in the computer industry.

How dare others risk the world's disgrace to prevent Zhong Xin from winning the award? A single mouthful of saliva can drown this person.

Afterwards, Zhong Xin quickly got invitations from many universities, hoping that he could find time to give a lecture or something, and various well-known and unknown companies, large and small, also began to invite him to some parties and the like.

However, Zhong Xin naturally refused all of them.

If it wasn't for him being loyal to Ye Cheng and obeying Ye Cheng's orders, otherwise, with the character set for him by the system, he probably wouldn't bother to take this award.

He is currently working on assembling the lithography machine, and the information on the atomic-scale carbon resistance cover given by Ye Cheng. The former is okay to say, he would have been able to, and the latter involves new knowledge, which will take him a while to digest.

In this way, time passed quickly.

The Turing Award will be presented on March 27th in Houston, Texas, USA.

Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States with a developed economy and is located on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

It's normal to present awards here.

Zhong Xin, as well as the group of relatives and friends, arrived on the 24th.

Zhong Xin, Ye Cheng, and many people from Zhiqi Company naturally came over.

Zhong Xin naturally has no relatives of his own, so apart from Ye Cheng, these friends who came over are all labor forces summoned by Ye Cheng, and there are Type I guards.

As for whether he has met any real friends, you can know about Zhong Xin's character. No one can accept his character with almost no emotions, except for labor force and Ye Cheng, even Xu Xin, as the company's leader The executive director, in addition to saying that he is very polite to Zhong Xin when he is a corporal, he also complains to Ye Cheng that his personality is too weird.

Of course, most people still interpret this situation as: geniuses are always different from normal people.

After arriving in Houston, the group of them received a grand welcome from the US government and the American Association for Computing Machinery, and there were also some large American companies who came with them.

"Welcome! Distinguished friends from China, Texas welcomes you."

Greg, the governor of Texas, walked in front of them, but looked at Ye Cheng.

The translator next to him also conveyed his words to Ye Cheng and the others without any mistakes.

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