Ye Cheng, obviously the most important of the group, was more important than the protagonist at the Turing Award ceremony a few days later.

Ye Cheng smiled and said with a smile: "Governor Greg, hello, nice to meet you."

This governor is very individual, and what he said was not "Welcome to the United States", but "Welcome to Texas".

It has not been a day or two since Texas became independent. Although it is basically just talk, there are historical reasons for it. Look at the flags hanging on the street. Most of them are state flags, but the American flag is rare.

Of course, these are just small problems. The people from the big companies around them also looked at Ye Cheng at this time, and walked up to greet him.

"Hi Mr. Ye, I'm XX from the fruit company."

"Hi Mr. Ye, I'm Microsoft XX."


The big boss of Zhiqi Company is here, and it is the first time he has come to the United States. These companies have to say hello to him in every way, and there is even a company that is very insightful and shows that they are willing to bear the burden of this trip for Zhiqi. All costs of rice.

"Okay, this matter is a matter of our Computer Association, so don't worry about it."

At this time, a person next to him came over and interrupted these courteous companies.

He is the secretary-general of the American Computing Machinery Association, Mike.

His eyes swept across these oriental faces, and drifted over Ye Cheng and those big companies, and he thought contemptuously: "A group of dirty capital silverfish."

Today, I came to welcome their Turing Award winners. Are you here to listen to the nagging of you capitalists?

Then, he turned his attention to Zhong Xin, and looked at him, he looked like a technical person.

So he greeted him with a smile: "Mr. Zhong, it's a great honor to meet you. I'm the secretary general of the American Computing Association, Mike."

Zhong Xin nodded, and said blankly: "Hello."

The attitude is still flat, as if there is no feeling of excitement.

Mike couldn't help being taken aback. When he went to pick up these Turing Award winners in the past, which one didn't show his excitement on his face?

Maybe the Chinese people are different?

Then he said: "Hehe, next, please let me introduce to you the process of our Turing Award."

"Okay." Zhong Xin cherishes words like gold.

Seeing Zhong Xin like this, Mike suddenly felt that this big guy who can win the Turing Award doesn't seem to be so easy to communicate with?

So just like that, surrounded by these people all the way, they left the airport and arrived at the hotel where they were staying.

Because they are all system characters, they don't need to rest, they just need to replenish their energy, so there is no such thing as jet lag, and Zhong Xin starts to study his work again.

As for Ye Cheng, he didn't rest either, he had already slept on the plane anyway, and he had another important thing to do.

He directly left the hotel with three Type I guards purchased from the system.

There are three bodyguards with an average height of more than 1.95 meters, and their muscles are almost out of the scale. No matter where Ye Cheng goes, the people around him will rush away and cast all kinds of eyes on him.

It made Ye Cheng feel amused, but for him, looking at the three guards was quite oppressive.

He couldn't help but sigh with emotion. When he went abroad by himself, all the people he brought with him were not real people. If this was replaced by a horror novel, it would be fun.

Until now, he still couldn't figure out what kind of existence these people given by the system were, flesh and blood.

Soon, Ye Cheng came to the port of Houston.

To become the fourth largest city in Mimi, it is naturally by the sea.

There are also many ports here.

After Ye Cheng came to one of the ports, he came to a cruise ship that had just arrived in the port of Houston.

His luxury modified car was parked on it.

Yes, he had gone to great lengths to get his own car over.

Even, except for the 18 rounds of QN202 missiles, other conventional weapons were not removed, because he asked the US government to let them come to receive the award, but they must be armed to a certain extent. Power, they are worried about the social security of the United States.

Maybe an 'Allahu Akbar' ran out on the road?

The U.S. government has no reason to refuse, so it naturally agreed.

In addition, there is Shrine No. 2. Of course, he has also declared this thing, but the declared item is a heavy armor type body armor that can cover the whole body.

With this car, Ye Cheng is completely at ease.

As we all know, free millikin, shootouts every day.

Therefore, it is best to drive his enhanced bulletproof car.

Soon, I went through the relevant procedures with the staff of the cruise ship. As for the customs clearance, the people on the cruise ship also helped.

Afterwards, Ye Cheng drove his own car in the cities of the United States.

Thinking about it, the original model of his car was a Hua Guo military car, which seemed to bring a different feeling.

While driving, he suddenly thought of something and made a phone call.

"When will the jewelry I bought arrive in Houston?"

The other end of the phone responded immediately: "Dear Mr. Ye, please rest assured that we are already preparing to pack your jewelry, and it is estimated that it will be delivered to you in four days."

"Four days?"

Ye Cheng frowned. The Turing Award ceremony will be held in three days. If he can get it after four days, he will have to delay his return to China by one day.

"Yes, your batch of jewelry is very precious. We will send people to protect it all the way, and then hand it over to you. In addition, we will also help you with customs declaration, including Huaguo Customs, so it will take a certain amount of time. Time, so please forgive me."

"That's fine."

Hearing people say this, Ye Cheng didn't say any more, thinking about the express delivery speed in the United States, it took four days, which is actually not too slow, and it was still sent from New York to Houston.

"Then thank you, Mr. Ye, for your understanding. Please wait patiently. In addition, I also wish you a pleasant trip in the United States."


After Ye Cheng finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The other party was a world-renowned jewelry design company. He ordered a set of jewelry with a total value of more than 100 million yuan from them, and planned to get it when he came to the United States this time.

This set of jewelry was originally exhibited at the Paris Fashion Festival and received great acclaim. It was designed by the chief designer of this design company, including necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc., a set of 500 Ten thousand U.S. dollars, converted into soft sister coins, it is more than 30 million, and you must buy a set together, otherwise you will not sell it.

Therefore, this price made many people daunted, and finally transferred from Fali to the United States for the exhibition. After Ye Cheng heard the news, he checked the size of the ring and bracelet, and Xu Xin could wear them on condition. , so he bought it directly.

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