They were a little puzzled, why the people above didn't drive away quickly and stayed where they were.

But no matter what, they were not in the mood to think too much, and it was better for them not to drive away.

Soon, they ran to the off-road vehicle and were about to open the door, but the door was locked and could not be opened.

"Get out of the car!" a white man shouted, while pointing the AK47 in his hand to the car window.

The same is true for others, either aiming their AK47 or TEC-9 at the off-road vehicle, or kicking at the door, but they found that the door was very hard, and they didn’t know what material it was made of. Instead of making a dent, it hurt my foot.

After cursing a few words, they gave up kicking the door, pointed their guns directly at the window, and continued to threaten.

In their view, under such circumstances, the people in the car are waiting to die.

Even if it is bulletproof glass, it is generally impossible to block the bursts of AK47 at close range.

Even if they couldn't kill Ye Cheng, they only needed to break the glass to force Ye Cheng to get out of the car.

However, unlike the noisy outside, the interior of the car seemed relatively quiet because of the excellent sound insulation. The two I-type guards sat quietly in the back row, expressionless, without any worries.

As for the front driver's seat, the leather on the seat is gone, revealing a huge metal box.

Ye Cheng lay quietly inside the box. Inside the box, various mechanical axes were turning, and pieces of metal protruded from the side, and finally covered his body.

His feet had already stepped into the metal boots, and the leggings automatically covered his legs.

The three parts of the calf, thigh, and knee pads are connected with a more complicated shaft, so that the knee joint is more flexible.

The crotch has also been covered, and more comfortable materials are used inside, as well as a structure that is more in line with the human body, such as avoiding eggs.

The assembly of the lower limbs was completed, and at the same time, the upper limbs were covered with thick armor.

Until the end, the parts of the head, except the visor, were also put on.

Next to it, from the console of the car, a table-like thing protruded out automatically, and what was placed on it was the visor.

Seeing the visor, Ye Cheng stretched out his hand to pick it up, and then sat up from the box.

He turned his head and glanced at the metal box.

He couldn't help complaining in his heart: "It feels more and more like a coffin..."

Suddenly, bursts of gunshots rang out outside, and the car windows clearly showed signs of cracking.

Apparently, the gangsters fired.

His car windows were built to the specifications that could block anti-materiel sniper bullets, but it was still difficult to resist the close-range fire of that weapon for too long.

However, at this moment, he has already put on the battle armor on his body, so there is no need to wait any longer.

"Next, it's time for me to perform."

With a slight smile at the corner of his mouth, he put on the visor, and all the scenes in front of him were displayed on the VR glasses-like display.

"After I go out to draw the firepower, you get out of the car and cover me to prevent them from taking out heavy firepower weapons."

"Yes, boss."

After giving instructions to the two bodyguards again, Ye Cheng looked at the car door, and then kicked it out suddenly.

This kick has a huge force of 2 tons.

What made Ye Cheng stunned was that after the kick, apart from denting the door a little, it was not kicked open as he imagined.

"Fuck, I forgot the quality of this car door is too good."

A little embarrassed, he originally wanted to break through the door and kick the guy outside the door directly.

"Xiaobai, open the door, I want to kick it out."

"Okay." Xiaobai replied, and then controlled the circuit to unlock the car door.

Outside, the five gangsters surrounding the car were startled when they heard a loud noise coming from inside the car.

What's inside?

Could it be some heavy weapon?

Two gangsters looked at the protruding car door, and couldn't help but jump in their hearts.

They knew how strong the car door was, how much effort did it take to directly smash such marks?

They realized that something was wrong, and quickly shouted: "Hurry up and shoot!"

But the next moment, they heard the sound of the door lock unlocking, and then the front right door was suddenly kicked open. The huge impact from the door directly knocked the person standing outside out.

Then, to their horror, they saw a man covered in metal sitting inside.

In this era when Marvel movies are popular in the world, drug dealers like them have certainly seen them.

Seeing this guy, a drug dealer couldn't help shouting, "Iron Man?"

Iron Man, who was still sitting in the car, jumped out of the car.


The metal feet fell to the ground, making a heavy sound, representing its real weight.

Then, he stood up straight.

The metal shell treated with sub-rigid body-grade carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy reflected a blackish color under the March sun, with sharp edges and corners, so it didn't have a glowing Ark reactor on its chest like Iron Man.

His mask is a little different from Iron Man in the movie, with a weird-looking pattern painted on it, like an evil mask.

There is also the full height of two meters, and the huge body shape.

The compelling sense of oppression prevailed over the gangster who was closest to him.

Ye Cheng turned his head, glanced at the gunmen who had been dumbfounded, and said jokingly: "I heard that you want to find me?"

The sound has been modified by the circuit, and it is transmitted from the speaker in the mouth, full of the feeling of electric sound.

But the gangsters didn't have the idea of ​​"full battery", they just felt that the modified voice made them more afraid.

"Shoot! Shoot!"

They forgot the order not to kill Ye Cheng, and started shooting at him frantically.

However, it is a carbon-tungsten-molybdenum alloy that can resist high-speed bombardment of neutrons at a high temperature of 100 million degrees. How could it be possible for their simple 7.62mm bullets to penetrate it?

Ye Cheng was showered under the rain of bullets, watching the bullets spark on the surface and then ejected, a smile appeared on his face under the visor.

This is what powerful technology feels like.

At the same time, the passers-by who were hiding around were already stunned.

what is that?


Or... is there really Iron Man?

Many people took out their mobile phones and began to take pictures, and some bold people ran up, wanting to take close-up shots.

In addition, there was another person with a gun on his body, who took out the gun directly, aimed at the gunmen, and secretly fired the gun.


As soon as a shot rang out, Ye Cheng saw a gangster fall to the ground.

He froze for a moment, looked towards the place where the gunfire sounded, and saw a sturdy Texas red neck, picked up the single-shot carbine in his hand, pulled the bolt, and shouted at him at the same time: "Iron Man! them!

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